Turkish English Tafsir Lesson 112-115

Turkish English Tafsir Lesson 112-115

Al-Quran Al-Kareem – Tafsir (Exegesis) Lesson 112


I seek shelter in Allah from the rejected Satan. In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most Merciful.

Dearest friends!

We are nearing the end of Surah Ali ‘Imran, and we will continue to convey to you certain notes with regards to the discovery of the verses and their exegesis, and these are notes of the life-giving light.


As Al-Quran Al-Karim gives life through every word of its, we endeavour to give you certain hints following their core meanings, and these are based on authentic sources.

Abu Bakr (r.a.) had visited the schoolroom of the Jews. Fenhas, being a high Jewish scholar, was present, along with other Jewish scholars. They were saying that they do not need Allah.


Never, never in ever!


We see this when we give ear to the statement in the 181st verse.


Hearing this, Abu Bakr (r.a.) harshly slapped Fenhas across the face, and said that he would have beheaded him if there was not a covenant between them. This is Abu Bakr As-Siddiq. Then, Fenhas reported Abu Bakr to Prophet Muhammad (asw). Our Prophet (asw) asked Abu Bakr: “Abu Bakr, what made you do this?” And he explained what happened, but Fenhas denied.


Upon this occurrence, Allah (c.c.) wa Ta’ala wa Taqaddas sent down the verses that confirm Abu Bakr, which is the 181st verse of Surah Ali ‘Imran. See, Janâb-i Haqq is always on the side of the truth. And As-Siddiq – truthful people are the most upright servants (qul) of Allah.


Now, let us divert our attention to the compass of deeds. See, everyone has a compass of deeds. Now, let me explain, whatever deed you have done belongs to you, and you will go in the direction of that deed. So, you will go in the direction of your belief.


If your belief is wrong, and your deeds are terrible, then woe to you! On the other hand, if your belief is perfect, and your deeds are good, and they are deeds done with ihlas – sincerity that coincide with the measures of the Islamic sharia (law), then they are means for you to go in the direction of the right path without losing your bearings.


See, this has apparent (zahiri) manifestations as well. For example, we can use telephones and radios to transmit sound. These signals sprawl through space, and not only that but also, they are readable. They ascend towards the ninth heaven (arsh) as electrical signals, and they can be read.


Nothing in the heavens and in the earth becomes null and void. That is why there is a great wa’īd in the nature of the Jews, and there is also a threat. Now, as you know wa’īd means threat.



Time Stamp: 4:50



It is kufr to kill a Prophet. Such a pity that the Jews, or rather the Zion Jews had killed Prophets in history. The Zion Jews who stood against Musa and the Torah had killed Prophets. It is kufr to kill a Prophet. It was due to their obstinacy, conceit, tyranny, enmity, immorality and sedition (fitna) and fiery riots that Janâb-i Haqq said: “Al-harīqa,” which means that they were punished with the burning punishment. “Harīq,” is the Fire of Jahannam, which is a burning punishment.

Passover sacrifice was also a lie and a slander. This was abrogated (naskh) by Isa (Jesus). Isa (a.s.) had abrogated (naskh) some commandments of Torah because Isa is a Prophet who came after Musa, the succeeding Prophets renew the shariah (laws) of the previous Prophet, by Allah’s command.

As Prophet Muhammad came as the last Prophet, Janâb-i Haqq renewed all the past shariah (laws) prior to him, and brought forth a brand-new Islamic minhāj/path.

Now, in the 184th verse, the word “al-bayyinah” is mentioned, and it means clear sign/miracle. Also, Zabūr is mentioned as illuminating scriptures. Kitābi l-munīr, meaning illuminating books. The “atf-ul hass alelâm” is to cite a word used in a specific case to the general, meaning generalisation of a specific word. The kitāb here is that which contains the sharia (law), and the provisions (hukm).

That said, these are the meanings according to Al-Quran Al-Karim. Waʿad is promise/good news, and wa’īd means threat.

[2:185] “Every soul will taste death.”

Meaning, every soul will die a bodily death. As for the rūhāniyya (spiritual being), it will either enjoy itself as a reward of its belief (iman), or it will be punished for its sins and disbelief (kufr).

In the 26th verse of Surah al-Rahman [55] Janâb-i Haqq says:

The hodja is reciting the 26th verse of Surah al-Rahman [55].

Meaning: “Every living on earth will perish.” The angels said the following for this verse: “Everyone on earth has perished.” So, when this verse was revealed they said all that is on earth will perish.

The hodja is reciting an excerpt of the 185th verse of Surah Ali ‘Imran [3].

When this verse (3:185) was revealed, the angels said, “We have died, and we will die.”

On the other hand, the 68th verse of Surah az-Zumar says:

The hodja is reciting an excerpt of the 68th verse of Surah az-Zumar.

Interpretation: “Except whoever Allah wishes.”

See, every soul will taste death, but those whom Allah wills will not be killed. This is up to the will of Allah.

The earnings of the martyrs and all their goodness (fazilat) are actually given in the afterlife (ākhira). Now, the earnings of the martyrs, and the rewards of all their goodness (fazilat) will be given in the afterlife (ākhira), and what is given in the world are worldly things but, in the afterlife, (ākhira) what will be given as reward will be otherworldly things.

That said, the verse (3:185) makes mention of matāʿu l-ghurūr. This enjoyment of delusion is similar to that when the customers are deceived. See, those who are deceived by this world, and those who neglect the commandments of their Rabb and neglect the afterlife all have enjoyment of delusion.

This is very similar to a salesperson deceiving his customers, feeling enjoyment but it is actually a delusion for those who deceive themselves, deceive others, think they will abide in the world forever, squander away their lives; who do not accept iman, halal, and haram. They are all in enjoyment of delusion. They all have been deceived, and have deceived others; but in the end it has always been them who are deceived.


Time Stamp: 10:50


The worldly life is like a mirage, it shines. It passes like the wind, do not forget this! The worldly life is like a mirage, it shines and shines but passes like the wind. So, what is a mirage? In the desert, sometimes you’ll think you saw water ahead, and when you go there and look, you’ll see nothing but sand, and sand dunes.


See, those who see this world as a mirage will know they have been mistaken tomorrow. They will realize that worldly life passes like the wind, and a life-time can pass before you know it, when Azrail comes and descends upon them, saying “Give me your life!”. They will see that Azrail will pull the life from some, and take their lives by force, but also some people’s lives will be taken very gently. See, everyone will see the returns of their earnings even in death, whatever they have earned.


The word iptila is cumbersome and troublesome trial, meaning a complete trial. So, do not forget that the world is nothing but an iptila, a test!


Abd-Allah ibn Ubayy, to our Master (asw): “Don’t read the Quran, you are disturbing us.” He is the leader of the hypocrites. The hypocrites are very disturbed by Al-Quran Al-Karim. They are disturbed by right/haqq knowledge. They always roam about in wrongs. They are always seeing mirages, and they think there is water where there is actually sand.


Allah wants us to see the situation of the Jews and the Christians, to whom the Book was given. Janâb-i Haqq took a covenant from the lettered ones. That is, the lettered ones among those who were given Torah and who were given Bible. Almighty Allah took a covenant from all of them via the Messengers.

See, what did Allah say when taking their covenant? Allah said, “Announce whatever is in the Book, do not conceal it.” See the 186th verse and other verses. It is such a pity what they did. They concealed the truths in their Books, seeking wealth in return.


That said, covenants were taken from those who were given Al-Quran Al-Karim as well; this came in view through signification.

Those who know Al-Quran Al-Karim, those who know it well, cannot ever hide the Quran. Whoever conceals the ayat of Allah will fall into the same situation that Jews and Christians fell; and the people who use the Quran, hide behind it, gain a profit through it, and those who do not explain the Quran correctly are of a single mindset. Janâb-i Haqq both curses them, and clearly informs them and reminds them that there is a painful punishment.



Time Stamp: 15:15


The pronoun لَتُبَيِّنُنَّهُ in 3:187 is considered in relation with Prophet Muhammad and the Book, and in both of them, meaning both in Bible and Torah those who knew had to inform people of Prophet Muhammad. That is, those who knew the Bible and Torah. That said, the pronoun لَتُبَيِّنُنَّهُ there is considered to be in relation with Prophet Muhammad and the Book, and in both of them, or rather both in Bible and Torah, they had to inform people of Prophet Muhammad, but they concealed him and used their knowledge for evil, and they procured wealth through it, and wretched is that which they purchased.


They sold Allah’s Book, the signs/verses, and bought Jahannam (Hell). The same goes for those who do not explain Al-Quran Al-Karim correctly. Today, some people are under the influence of others. So, if you do not narrate Al-Quran Al-Karim correctly, being under the influence of others, and if you procure wealth through it, then you are doing the same treason, which they did to Torah and Bible, to Al-Quran Al-Karim.


You cannot narrate Al-Quran Al-Karim for the sake of this or that person. Al-Quran Al-Karim is narrated by taking the side of Allah, the Quran itself, iman/faith, and the right and reality of Islam. The Quran is explained as it is, without addition. You have to deduce the secondary (farʿ) from the primary (asl). It is not okay to recite some of it and hide the rest. You cannot partially disregard Islam or the Quran. Do you know what you become when you believe in it partially and deny the rest? In Al-Quran Al-Karim, Janâb-i Haqq says that they are truly disbelievers (kāfirs).


See the 151th verse of Surah al-Nisa [4]. They are truly disbelievers (kāfirs), for you cannot partially believe in Islam and deny the rest. Islam necessitates faith in all commands of Allah, and it is holy. That is why no matter which verse or divine commandment you deny, you will have disbelief (kufr).


If you refute the Quran, then you have disbelief (kufr), and there is also disbelief (kufr) in polytheism (shirk). That is why the religion (din) of Islam is a whole. If you deny it partially, then you will deny the whole. That said, both denying it partially and denying it as a whole are kufr.


We have been humbly endeavouring to narrate the Quran thoroughly. Right now, we are at the last verses of Surah Ali ‘Imran, and we are in the service of Allah, and we have been finding life in these verses.


Let us receive life from Al-Quran Al-Karim altogether, let us find life, and let us live the real life; this is why we are on duty, and in the service of Al-Quran Al-Karim. See, this service is actually Allah’s command, and it is a service for the entire humanity. People may believe or not, everyone has to make their own minds.


That is why dearest friends, all this time, the Muslims have been making this mistake as well. That is similar to the Jews who did not do their duty to the Torah, and similar to the Christians who did not do their duty to the Bible. They have done such wrongs, and fallen into such misguidance (dalalah). However, those who live far from Al-Quran Al-Karim, who do not understand it, who do not explain it correctly, and those who conceal it have fallen into the same situation. That is, the Muslims who made the mistakes in question.


There is also this difference: As Al-Quran Al-Karim is the last Book, it is impossible for it to be distorted until the Qiyamah. See, people may become corrupt. Some of the Muslims may become corrupt. However, there is no chance for Islam and the Quran to be distorted.


The superstition is in people’s own minds, and this goes for the bid’ah things as well. There is no bid’ah and no superstition in Islam. They cannot draw near Al-Quran Al-Karim. The same goes for the sunnah as well. The hadith-i sharifs have come to this day being preserved by sanads (backings).

That is why fabricated hadiths are obvious, and they are not recognized. As for the authentic (sahih) hadiths, they are obvious too, their origins, deeds, and sanads (backings) are present. They have been preserved up to this day, and they will always be preserved until Qiyamah.

We can see major efforts and great services of Ahlus-Sunnah wa’l-Jama’ah, and the four main schools (madhabs) both fundamentally and essentially, and the other mujtahids who were close to them.


They have mobilized to protect the source (asl), they have given their lives, they have shed tears.

Islam was conveyed to us without being distorted, settled in the hearts, written into documents, books, and sources. It will continue to be preserved until Qiyamah.


See, what happened to the Bible will not happen to Al-Quran Al-Karim, but what happened to the Jews will most certainly happen to the Muslims. Why? What happened to the Christians will also happen to the Muslims. Why? What did they do to their Books? They did not pay due attention to their Books and therefore they could not preserve their Books, which are Bible and Torah.




Time Stamp: 22:38


Some of the Muslims will fall into the same mistake the Jews have fallen, and that the Christians have fallen, but a steadfast people of intellect will continue to walk the way of Ahlus-Sunnah wa’l-Jama’ah. This is the way of Ahlus-Sunnah wa’l-Jama’ah. The way our Prophet understood, conveyed, and implemented. This is the way of the sahabah (companions). See, the mujtahids of the 4 right schools (haqq madhabs) have been preserving the way of the Prophet.


That said, the way of Ahlus-Sunnah will continue until Qiyamah. See, one side may deviate all they want, they may become like the Christians or the Jews or others. Regardless of how many mistakes a group of Muslims may make, there are no wrongs in Islam. That is why what happened to others will not happen to the Quran, the Sunnah, and Islam. What happened to the Bible will not ever happen to the Quran. What happened to Torah will not ever happen to the Quran. It has not been changed, and it will not be changed. There is no distortion in Islam, but people may become corrupt, and that is up to themselves.


Now, there is a danger with people who try to get the answers to please their own hearts; there is such a danger in Muslims. There are some immoral and ignorant Muslims who threaten or manipulate to get the answers that will please their hearts. There are also ulama imposters who see knowledge (ilm) and religion (din) as a bait to deceive people. Please, beware of them! They are looking for answers to please their hearts. They do not say that they should do their duties according to Islam, and the commands of Allah without changing them. They insist on adapting the religion to themselves, and they are uttering threats to get an answer to please their hearts. These systems do it. The men of the system do it, and people do it too. The community also does it, but whoever does it is all the same, regardless of their identity.



Time Stamp: 25:20



It does not matter who is doing it. There are immoral and ignorant Muslims who use threats and manipulation to get an answer after their own hearts, but there are also people who see the religion (din) as a bait. This is important, because there are ulama imposters who see religion (din) and knowledge (ilm) as means to deceive people. Such people have emerged. They refuse what is in Al-Quran Al-Karim, although it is clear. They have been saying no to fourteen centuries old implementations of the whole community consensus (ijmā al-ummah). Then they start polishing the apple for someone to procure profit (rent). Their own brains have become corrupt, and they are trying to corrupt the nation as well. These are ulama impostors. They are now a thing. They aim to drive a wedge between the Muslims, and to tear the Islamic world apart, to confuse people’s brains, and to shake the belief of the nation; they are doing all they can.


Their efforts are in vain, for Islam is safe and sound. Besides, no one can deceive a Muslim who knows the Quran. As for the ones who do not know Islam but say they are Muslims should learn Islam, and they should not be deceived by these ulama impostors.


Those who completely ignore the four madhabs/schools, do they know how many mujtahids were raised in these four ecoles, and this much information they conveyed us? Do they know how many reports (rivayat) and dirayat we received in perfect condition? See, these original sources are with us now. As for the gates of human effort (ijtihad) and improvement (tarakki), they are open until Qiyamah.


Now, some people wish to make reforms in the religion (din) using their fabricated mindsets and the superstitions that got into their heads. The religion (din) of Islam does not make concessions to none of these. The religion (din) of Islam has already made its reform in all the worlds.


See, Islam has toppled down the wrongs (batil) and established the reign of the right (haqq), therefor Islam itself is the real (haqq) religion (din).


Islam has Al-Quran Al-Karim, a Book whose glory and honour is holy, which is a Book that is ahead of all ages. Then, what are you trying to adapt Islam to? Or will you adapt Islam to your corrupt brain? Come, bring your corrupt brain too, and adapt it to the Quran, so that it may be fixed.


See, Al-Quran Al-Karim is the embodiment of the right and real, for it contains the holy values that Allah Ta’ala brought forth, and it consists of Allah’s own utterances (kalam). Jalla Jalaluhu.


That is why, dearest friends! The ones who comprehend what is right as right are friends of humanity. Those who speak to truth are true friends of humanity. Those who wish to mix wrongs into rights and try to sell that blurry and batil-infested blend to humanity by saying it is nothing but truth have gone bankrupt, and they wish to do harm to humanity and make them go bankrupt too, so beware!


Why don’t you explain the Quran via the Quran? Why don’t you explain the verses of the Quran with verses of the Quran? That said, why don’t you explain the Quran via hadith-i sharifs? Why don’t you explain it with sharia sciences (ilm)? Why don’t you start with the narrations (rivayat) and then move to their dirayat?


Besides, you need to study Arabic language and literature in the Quran. See, you need to thoroughly learn the language of the Quran and its literature; and learn the fasahat and balagat (eloquence) of the Quran rather well. That said, all languages are helpless in the face of the fasahat and balagat (eloquence) of Al-Quran Al-Karim. That is, all languages in the world. See, in order to understand Islam, you have to know the fasahat and balagat (eloquence) of Al-Quran Al-Karim.


Time Stamp: 30:07



Listen to those who know; it’s never hard. You may continue to study until you learn, but move in concert with those who know, and give ear to them. That said, beware of the ulama impostors who always seek to procure income by bowing down to others, and bowing down to taghuti (i.e. false gods) powers, they are worse than beggars.


They make it look like they have done something, whereas they did not. They make it look like they know something, yet they do not, and they distort the truth. These are the ones who forget about Allah, and they use the Quran. They hide behind the Quran to seek profit and gain.


They are chickens that produce one egg a day but crackle thousands of times. They are very similar to chickens that produce a single egg, but they try to crackle thousands of times. See, you have heard hundreds of crackles but when you go and check the coop, you’ll not see two eggs but one, but it crackles thousands of times.


See, they are the ulama impostors who seek to destroy all values of the past, and they wish to give the right and reality to the corrupted ones of today. They think they are intellectuals, but they are oblivious to science. They could not comprehend the Quran, and failed to discover it. They could not even manage to imitate someone, rather they imitate the imitators. These impostors are like the previously mentioned chickens, they make so much noise but they only produce one egg.


Narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar (r.a.): Abdullah ibn Umar had asked our mother Aisha (radeyallahu anhā) about the most amazing thing about our Prophet. Hearing this, our mother Aisha started crying, and said: “Everything about the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad was amazing.”


That is, she said he was amazing. He was wondrous, he had a lot of ihlas/pure love, and a lot of mercy. He was in complete submission to Allah, she meant.


Aisha: “One day the Messenger of Allah came to me, we had slept. He asked me, ‘Aisha, will you let me worship my Rabb.’ I said, ‘I love your being close to me, I also love your wants, so I let you.’ He got up, and performed wudu, and stood up in namaz. He was reciting from the Quran, and sobbing. He raised his hands, he was crying. His tears were making the ground wet. Then the morning came, and Bilal ibn Rabah came and saw that the Messenger of Allah had cried until morning.


He had recited the 189th and 190th verses of Surah Ali ‘Imran until the morning and cried.


Bilal ibn Rabah asked: ‘O, Messenger of Allah, do you cry too? Do you cry even though you have been given positions and ranks that are not given to anyone, and you have no sins?’.”


“O, Messenger of Allah,” he was saying.



Time Stamp: 35:01


Our Prophet said: ‘Should I not be a thankful servant (qul)? How can I not cry?” He said: “Woe to the one who recites it tonight, but does not contemplate on it!” After saying this, he continued to cry. For he had known his Rabb, and knew the truth. See, Al-Quran Al-Karim was narrated to his heart, and settled there. He knew the Real (al-Haqq). He also knew that humanity, including his ummah, will fall into heedlessness. He was a humble servant (qul), and a Prophet who reached the centre of the Throne (ʿArsh), to Māqam-i Mahmud (the praised station). He has attained degrees and positions that no one could attain before.


The souls had a contest in the realm of the souls, and the soul of Prophet Muhammad had surpassed all others. Right now, all the souls, including the souls of the Prophets, are under the command of Prophet Muhammad. They are subject to his sharia (law). See, the sharia (law) of Prophet Muhammad is valid until Qiyamah. His rūhāniyya (spiritual being) is still on duty. Everyone is subject to his command.


See, what did Janâb-i Haqq say?


The hodja is reciting an excerpt of the 46th verse of Surah al-Anfal.


Interpretation: “Obey Allah and Allah’s Messenger.”


This is the command that says follow the commands of the sharia (law) word by word. Therefore, all people are obliged to believe in the Islamic order, and live by it.


If you could bring all the Prophets, they would all work at Prophet Muhammad’s service. Some people may not have understood. Some may not understand, and some may misunderstand, but there is no need for misunderstandings.


Janâb-i Haqq brought forth Islam and the Islamic sharia (law) as a minhāj/way in the person of Prophet Muhammad. Janâb-i Haqq settled the values that are to be believed and abided by until Qiyamah through Janâb-i Haqq’s own laws, and offered this to the entire humanity. That is why the appointed Prophet is Prophet Muhammad.


Moreover, Fakhr al-Din al-Razi said that those who enter the pious path need to augment the proofs, and that the proofs will be like a curtain when the hearts shine with the light (nūr). “And when the light (nūr) of knowledge enters the heart, it wants a short summary of it. Then, when the manifestation of the light (nūr) of Allah’s knowledge becomes complete, then darkness will disappear,” he said.


See, Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, being a grand Islamic scholar (âlim), had used this beautiful expression.


Time Stamp: 39:40

Al-Quran Al-Kareem – Tafsir (Exegesis) Lesson 113


I seek shelter in Allah from the rejected Satan. In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most Merciful.

Tawhid – monotheism, and aql – intellect, along with the provision (hukm) of the divine sultanate, and the mysteries of its manifestations; one should be able to gaze at the flow of the mystery and the goal, but first and foremost comes tawhid – monotheism.

The light of tawhid (monotheism) should shine in the heart. See, people of true intellect make dhikr (remembrance) of Allah. They do not ever feel surety in anything other than making dhikr (remembrance) of Allah, meaning they are not ensured.

That said, the hearts have to say Allah. People have to obey and worship. People need to fulfil the obligations (wajib) and the traditions (sunnah).



They have to know that they are in the presence of Allah at all times, and they have to endeavour to remember this at all times. They have to become servants (qul) who do not stop remembering (dhikr) Allah. Both by uttering, and from the heart.  Then the hearts are sure, and there is happiness, there is love, there is mercy.

Individuals, and for example husbands and wives, mothers, fathers, children, parents; the love between these people are born from this love of Allah. Then, all people start seeing one another through compassion and mercy. For faithful people who have love of Allah observe the principles of the divine values they got from Allah, and abide by those measures. Then, you’ll start seeing parents cherishing their children, and vice versa. You’ll start seeing men loving their women, and vice versa. You’ll start seeing manifestations of true and real love. This way, the hearts become blissful.

They are writing wrong prescriptions for people. See, think of a man having problems in his heart, and he went to see a doctor. He has problems with his soul, faith, morals, and deeds. If you do not treat these problems and give wrong prescriptions, then they may benefit their flesh, blood, bone, muscle, tissue, organs and systems, and your cells, with Allah’s leave, but actually the prescription for your heart and your soul is Al-Quran Al-Karim, which is written by Allah.

The life-giving prescription of the heart, which will make the soul happy, is written by Allah, and Prophet Muhammad implemented it, and good and distinguished companions (sahabah) personally witnessed.

Dearest friends!

Al-Quran Al-Karim is Allah’s prescription written for the hearts and the souls; a prescription for the immortal life; and the entire universe, and the cosmological signs make a universal pharmacy. Al-Quran Al-Karim is a complete prescription. It is both the prescription and the pharmacy, and the one who truly implemented it is Prophet Muhammad, and the real Muslims. The people who knew this best, set an example to humanity.

With that said, if you refuse to use the prescription of the Creator for your heart and your soul, and go to others and take wrong prescriptions your heart will become miserable. Especially if they give you a prescription on polytheism, or if it contains disbelief (kufr), nifaq, or ignorance. If you have implemented the one that has polytheism and disbelief (kufr), if you refused the real doctor, and if you refused the real pharmacy and the real medicine, then in the end your heart will become more miserable.


Time Stamp: 5:22


The world is a ball of stress, and everyone’s looking to blow off some steam, yet the places or people they go to are more stressful than before. The exceptions do not break the rule. So, understand the prescription that will give life to you forever; comprehend it well, implement it well, and apply it well.

So, observe the prescription, and listen to what the doctor says, the way patients truly listen to a good doctor. See, our Creator is Almighty Allah. So, truly obey Allah’s commands.  Truly apply the prescription that Allah has written.

No one may know the true nature of the heart and the soul, but the Creator does. That is why Allah found the life-giving order which is best for our innate nature (fitrah), and told us that there is eternal life in Islam, and the Quran; said Islam is the life-giver. Open the Quran and see.

Now, our talks on the verses that we have given the meanings of continue; we continue with our discovery notes. These are hints on a discovery and tafsir.

Their hearts are inundated with divine murāqabah (observation), for their hearts are abodes of iman/faith, and they are inundated with divine murāqabah (observation). Now, what does to be inundated with divine murāqabah (observation) mean? Allah always sees you and sustains you. Allah sees all that you do and that you do not do.

Now, think of a mother, she will naturally see how her child behaves, but what we are talking about is at a much greater scale. See, Allah’s qudrah (omnipotence) holds all the worlds.

Allah sees what you do, do not ever forget this, this is what we call murāqabah (observation). Know that you are under Allah’s command, and that you are in Allah’s presence.

When you believe, your faith/iman becomes surety and peace. A firm and real faith/iman is what reassures and you and gives you peace, and that is the faith/iman of Islam and the Quran. If other faiths were valid, then there would be two religions but that is not the case; Allah is One, and the religion is one.

Do not forget about murāqabah (observation). See, the hearts are inundated with divine murāqabah (observation). Those who know Allah is watching continue their service in Allah’s presence with utmost propriety. Dhikr is an absolute remembrance. Namāz is foremost among dhikrs. This is important!

Five times of obligatory (fard) namāz is the utmost dhikr. Then comes contemplation (tafakkur), just look at this universe and these signs (ayat). They almost openly summon you to contemplation (tafakkur). Muslims have to endeavour to become thinkers. In the heavens and in the earth, no matter where you look, see the divine omnipotence (qudrah).

Contemplation, or rather tafakkur is to look and see. It is to see the divine omnipotence (qudrah), for as you see that holy omnipotence (qudrah), you’ll augment your service and your love, you’ll contemplate every day and rise, rather than making no progress. This way new discoveries will be manifested.


Time Stamp: 10:00


We see here that contemplation, discovery, observation, and witnessing is to be able to read the unseen from what is seen. That is, to be able to read the unseen from what you witness, and to see the niceties of the divine art, and signs of the divine omnipotence (qudrah). For example, you may look at yourself in a mirror, or just look at the people before you, and see how beautifully they are created, and see how beautiful the Creator is. No matter where you look, you’ll see the Creator. You’ll see the manifestations of Allah’s omnipotence (qudrah), and attributes (sifāts), and Names. For example, the moment you hear a sound, understand you hear a manifestation of the names (asmāʾ). See the names (asmāʾ) and the meanings (musamma). See the attributes (sifāt) and the qualities (evsaf). See the attributes (sifāt) and the works. No matter where you look in the universe, you can see the divine omnipotence (qudrah). You can read the names (asmāʾ), and the qualities (evsaf); for the manifestations of the names (asmāʾ) and attributes (sifāt) can be clearly seen, you may look anywhere and see them.

Get to know your Rabb (Lord) through such contemplation (tafakkur), and read the meanings of the names (asmāʾ), read the qualities (evsaf), and see the works, dive into deep contemplation, think well, and understand Al-Quran Al-Karim well. If you do this work by believing in Rabb (Lord), and get to know Allah, then the muhabbat (love) in yourself will be augmented; and there will be a true muhabbat, and love.

Love is the essence of life, and the sight of the heart. So, love your Rabb (Lord) wholeheartedly, through that love! Then, you’ll reflect this love to all creatures when you look at them, and they will sense your affection. Love will reflect to all beings from your soul, and this way you will fulfil your duty; actually, you will have done your duty.

Love will reflect from your soul across, and you will have fulfilled your duty, and the measure of this, the measures of the sharia (law), and this love is love of Allah, with every fibre of your being. As for the others, you should love the ones that are to be loved, for Allah; and no one is like Allah. See, nobody is Allah.

It is our duty to love what Allah told us to love, for Allah. Do you know what happens when this sea of love settles in your heart? Then, love and goodness will reflect from you, beauty and good words, along with good deeds and good morals will reflect to others.


Time Stamp: 13:46


–          The End        –

Al-Quran Al-Kareem – Tafsir (Exegesis) Lesson 114


I seek shelter in Allah from the rejected Satan. In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most Merciful.

It is important to see the subtleties of the divine art, and the manifestations of the divine omnipotence (qudrah). It is also necessary to observe the shapes and form of the creatures, and to seek refuge. That is, to seek refuge in Almighty Allah, and to walk the way to attain divine approval (riza). We also need to observe the rabbani (godly) politics.

See, the politics of the Muslims are rabbani (godly). Therefore, it is necessary to observe the rabbani (godly) politics and to glance at the kevni, or rather cosmological studies and sciences (ilm). That is, we need to follow the kevni, cosmological and universal sciences, and to read the book of the universe.

We have two books, the first one is a book, which is Al-Quran Al-Karim, and the second one is the kevni ayat (cosmological signs). See, there are signs in the universe. We need to be able to read them. We need to stay away from banditry in the property of Allah, and we should not become servants of Shaitan.

We need to follow the angels, the Prophets, the Siddiq figures (devotees), the martyrs, and the ālims (Islamic scholars), for these people ascend to heavens and never fall. They ascend, and never fall. They keep ascending non-stop, and in complete confidence. They are those who have gone out to observe the kindness (lutf) of Almighty Allah. They always ascend, and walk towards the pleasure (riza), and they are under the protection of Allah.

As for the others, they only ascend to be perished. The others also ascend, but theirs is istidraj (gradual destruction), but why? Why are they allowed to ascend? See, that is for their destruction.

Our first creation is the beginning of our second creation, this is important! We were created from nothing, and this is the first proof of the rise from the grave.

It is Al-Quran Al-Karim and Prophet Muhammad that calls to faith (iman). They call to Allah.

O, people! O, the jinn! O, humanity, subordinate yourselves to the Creator, and come to faith (iman), and recognize Allah, and know the laws; this is why Al-Quran Al-Karim calls the humanity and the jinn to faith (iman), and to Islam. The Quran calls to accept the Prophethood of Muhammad, and to obey the sharia (law) that he brought.

It is not possible to go to Allah without being subject to Muhammad, for the principles Muhammad brought are actually principles brought forth by Almighty Allah.

That is why Janâb-i Haqq says:

The hodja is reciting the 31st verse of Surah Ali Imran [3].

See, Janâb-i Haqq calls us to follow Muhammad. That is what Janâb-i Haqq said in this verse. So, the prerequisite of loving Allah is following Muhammad, and accepting his Prophethood, along with the sharia (law) he brought, and to fully accept the rule of Islam.

That is why, dearest friends; Al-Quran Al-Karim and Prophet Muhammad both call to the faith (iman). This call continues to resonate in the consciences. See, this call has been resonating in the hearts! This is the call that calls to iman – faith. This is the call of Al-Quran Al-Karim and Muhammad that resonate in the hearts. This call that says come to iman and come to Islam has been calling the entire humanity.


Time Stamp: 5:12


This is a call to the everlasting and blissful life, to Allah’s mercy, and to the beginningless (azali) and everlasting (abadi) mercy. Contemplation is the last stop of faith in absolute wisdom (hikmat). To think is the last stop of faith in absolute wisdom (hikmat). This is because Janâb-i Haqq bestowed us tafakkur (comprehension), tazakkur (invocation), memory, aql (intellect), idraq (perception), and aql-e-saleem (sound understanding). People who have aql-e-saleem (pure intellect) hear this call, and answer it; they enter into the service, and take necessary action.

We’ve talked about people of aql-e-saleem (sound understanding). So, about people aql-e-maas (basic understanding): They submit their reason (aql) to their desires and worldly gain. They are the ones who use their reason (aql) to disacknowledge Islam; same as the reasoning (aql) of Abu Jahl.

He was using his intellect (aql) to kill Muhammad and to destroy Islam. Those who disacknowledge Allah Ta’ala’s (c.c.) qualities (sifāt), Allah’s Being (Dhāt), Allah’s doings (af’al), Allah’s unity, the laws Allah set forth, Allah’s religion Islam, Muhammad’s Prophethood, and the glorious Quran are the ones who enslave their intellect (aql) to others. See the 105th verse of Surah Yusuf: “There are many signs in the heavens and in the earth that they turn away and pass over.”

Do not turn away and pass, but look! See those proofs. They are the proof of the existence of Allah’s holy omnipotence (qudrah), and Allah’s unity. Do not turn a blind eye to the signs!

Allah says, “We will remove your imperfections if you avoid major sins,” in the 31st verse of Surah al-Nisa.

That said, the word “l-abrār” is used in the 193 and 198th verses. Abrār are the Muslims who implement the sharia (law). Janâb-i Haqq praises them, and one must be an abrār – righteous in order to enter Janna (Paradise). Another word mentioned in the 198th verse is “nuzul (نزلاً)” which is the banquet of Allah, meaning hospitality.

There is also the word “rābit” in the 200th verse, meaning, be constant – stand guard in turns. So, work for Allah’s sake, and preserve your homeland, your nation; your holy values such as your religion (din), your belief (iman), your honour (namus), and all of your holy values. But do all of it for Allah’s sake. Do not ever do these for others! Do these for Allah; and you will earn so many things in this guard duty that you truly fulfilled. You’ll earn so many things in your jihād (struggle). If you worship for someone who ordered you then that is not really worship. On the other hand, you may follow the command hierarchy, and the legitimate things that you do are okay as they are commands of Allah Ta’ala. When you do it for Allah’s sake there is no harm in Muslims having a command hierarchy, and it is fair to say it is actually helpful.

It is just that both the commander and those at his command should speak the truth, and obey the Real (al-Haqq). Besides, they all work for this, both the managers and the officers are obliged to observe the commands of Allah. So, being an officer under command does not change a thing here, and just like that, not everything you do becomes legitimate when you become a manager. Whether it be a manager or an officer, everyone has to work under Allah’s directions, and observe the divine measures.


Time Stamp: 10:00


We need to go to Allah’s presence by obeying Allah.

Now, let us talk about those who became Muslims among the Jews and the Christians. In the 9th year of the Hijra we see that an absentee funeral prayer was offered for An-Najashi. There are people among Jews who became Muslims. There are also people among Christians who became Muslims, for example An-Najashi became a Muslim, and he was the King of Abyssinia, and absentee funeral prayer was offered for An-Najashi. See, one by one these are matters that we should derive lessons from.

That said, another word that is present in the last verse of the third surah is sabr: “Sabr is to be perseverant in the face of musibat – disaster.”

There are disasters that come out of nowhere, and being fully persevering against them is important. One has to be perseverant and abstain from rebelling while obeying Allah. These are fundamental articles of sabr (perseverance). See, all Muslims need to have sabr (perseverance). Sabr takes its strength from iman, and iman takes its strength from Al-Quran Al-Karim, which is true knowledge.

See, truly brave people are very perseverant. This is important. To be more constant (rābit) than your enemy and to stand guard are important things, for the enemy also shows perseverance (sabr) when fighting you. Your perseverance (sabr) must be superior to that of the enemy. Your perseverance (sabr) should overcome the enemy. This is very important! You ought to have a brave heart, for you have iman, for you have Islam. That is why you ought to have a brave heart. That said, you will continue your life by standing guard, by being the custodian of life and the holy values; and by being of service in that way, as a custodian of that way. We have talked about the contents of the word “rābit”.

This encompasses those who fight in the battlefields, and the ones who stand guard on the border. See the watch held in order to glorify the right and truth (haqq haqiqa) and to ensure the safety of the people in the county is at a very high degree in the sight of Allah.

There is a hadith in Kutub al-Sittah about one day of guard duty in Allah’s way. Our Prophet says: “One day of guard duty in Allah’s way is better than the world and all that is in it. He who dies, dies doing a good deed. His sustenance (rizq) will be sent constantly. He will be raised free from fear and unrest.”

See, Janâb-i Haqq raises he who died in guard duty in complete peace.

“A namāz (prayer) observed in an outpost is equal to two million namāz (prayer). That is, it is equal to two million nafl namāz (supererogatory prayer).

Jihad is to fight and shed the blood of the enemy, but guard duty is for protecting the blood of the Muslims, the non-Muslims, and the Dhimmī people who live in the homeland. That is, to ensure their safety and peace. That is why there are numerous great benefits (fazilat) of guard duty, and while fighting in the battlefield is superior to it, guard duty has its own superior aspects.

Umm Salama (r.a.) had asked our Prophet why are women not mentioned in the Quran. Then, the following verses were revealed. Surah al-Nisa was revealed, and then Surah al-Talaq was revealed. That said, verses that are specifically for women were revealed.


Time Stamp: 15:06


Islam set forth women rights completely. Islam gave women their feminine values, from the soul to the body, and from body to soul and the heart. These are the values that make women. Islam said, “Paradise is under the feet of mothers.” Islam gave women this quality and the attributes, and the rights. Islam brought women these great and holy earnings, and gave them values that bring them a perfect personality. These are the values of Islam.

The one who gave women their rights, and declared the human rights fourteen centuries ago is Prophet Muhammad. Human rights were not declared 50 years ago, it was declared fourteen centuries ago by Prophet Muhammad.

The human rights that Allah set forth are primary rights, and they are inviolable rights, they are our rights and freedoms. As for today, people are still under severe impositions that are enforced under the label of human rights.

There are heavy impositions and tyranny under the name of contemporaneity. They are implementing backward applications, and they have been doing these under the name of human rights, and under the name of contemporaneity, and under the name of civilisation.

These outdated ways and barbarity have been standing before the essential rights of people as a tyrant. That is why all the rights and liberties and rights and benefits that are way ahead of all ages, that prepare the world for the Paradise, that turn the world into a Paradise are the rights and liberties that Islam brought forth; and there are inviolable rights.

People say they want to live the way Allah commanded in Al-Quran Al-Karim. Then others come and impose their system, saying they have to live by it, and they have placed their own laws, in complete disregard of the laws of Allah.

In Islam, every command is a law of Allah, and if you disregard these laws then will people listen to Allah or will they listen to you? Just think for a second! Will they obey Allah or will they obey you? See, if you segregate one side, and violate their inviolable rights and freedoms, then it is fair to say that you are inventing the terror. You are segregating people. You are dividing people. You are being discriminative. You are extorting people’s rights. This is the source of terror, right there! Let people live freely, as they believe! Besides, what people shall live and what they shall not live are all measured, for these are divine measures.



This does not happen according to everyone’s sweet wills, there is a measure of the reality, and there are proofs, there are documents, there is absolute knowledge, and there is a community of mujtahids, and there is a council of those who know this well. Why don’t you consult them? Why don’t you gather the mujtahids? This is because you want to impose. You want to impose. You want everyone to follow your command, and this is tyranny.

You may have the authority at this time, but what you do forces people to act like yourself when they become the authority. What will you do when they start imposing on you, the way you imposed on them? See, you are inventing terror, separatism, and reactionism. This nation as a whole are servants (qul) of Allah. Why don’t you implement social justice? You say you have the power today, and you impose. You say you have the power, the authority. But what will you do if they take possession of the authority tomorrow? You are using weapons today, but they also have weapons.


Time Stamp: 20:00


They will also point weapons to you, would it not be a pity for both sides? Why not give everyone their rights, and establish obedience towards Allah? See, the patriotism of those who have faithful hearts who respect Allah is much more superior to others, and they are the true patriots, they truly love their nation and humanity! They will not violate human rights either, but why? For they stand humbly in the presence of Allah. They know that violating human rights of people is murder.

When you impose people to renounce their faith, and their moral values, and force them to do as you say, then clearly your mind is making the world miserable. So, leave people alone, and let them worship Allah. Let them do what the Quran says, and what the Sunnah says, the way the Prophet implemented Islam. See, we have mujtahid âlims, or rather Islamic jurists in the methodology, such as Al-Imam Al-Azam, all the companions (sahabah). There is also Imam al-Malik, Imam al-Shafi’i, and Imam al-Hanbali, and we have many perfect Islamic scholars (âlims) who were raised in this ecole; they shall come together, and have a say in every affair in the name of Islam. See, only those who know Islam shall speak in the name of Islam.

Some don’t know Islam, and oppose it. They are judging the Quran via their own reasoning (aql), and the Muslims. See, they are the source of terror.

The hodja is reciting a hadith in Arabic.

Let us see what our Prophet (asw) said:

The hodja is reciting a hadith in Arabic.

Let us give ear to this hadith. He says, “Namāz (prayer) performed in combat outposts is equal to two million namāz (prayer). This is real patriotism, just look at the verse of Quran [3:200], and then look at the hadith-i sharif. Do you see what Allah said, and what the Prophet said? The Prophet announced the glad tidings and the virtue of this via the inspiration he took from Almighty Allah’s word.

That is why every work must be given to competent people who are able to do it, and if you choose unable people, meaning if you take their jobs from competent people and give them to unable people, then there will be havoc, and there will be chaos, and there will be disorder.

Then, the principles of divine justice will be distorted, just like love and respect between people. Then we’ll see good people fall behind, and evil people take the lead, which will put the entire nation and homeland into danger, along with all holy values, and then we’ll see nothing but civil strife.

This is the greatest evil that can be done to the homeland and the nation. Is there anything more evil than making people destroy each other? How can you play with people’s faith? How can you corrupt the moral values of the nation? You are causing the nation to rot from inside out.

What type of a nation do you wish to change this Muslim nation into? What model do you have in mind? Did you find another god besides Allah? There is no god but Allah, and you cannot divert Muslims to anyone or anywhere; you may deceive some, but that is it. How many people do you think you’ll deceive in this one and a half billion?

That said, people are looking out for Islam, and the world is converting to Islam rapidly. Come on then, force the world and impose your commands to the world, thinking you’ll block Islam’s advance. The world is converting to Islam, and one day, which not far from today, the entire world will find happiness through divine justice, and find life.


Time Stamp: 24:50


That is why a poet who has a burning love inside him, who loves Janâb-i Haqq, his Rabb, says the following:

Admit me into the garden of love.

Make me gather opened roses.

Have me reach the age of meeting (vuslat).

Make me drill from the spring of love.

Let me seek and find You.

Let me attain Your pleasure (riza).

You are abundant, You are al-Qadir.

Show me Your beloved, your Messenger.

And grant me Your jamal (beauty).

See, he is begging to Janâb-i Haqq. Those who love Allah, also love what Allah loves. Those who love Allah, vilify those whom Allah vilifies. They do not polish the apple for anyone either, nor are they unjust to anyone. But they follow the true measure. May Janâb-i haqq make us all among the servants (qul) who find life, who follow the true measure.


Time Stamp: 26:30


–          The End        –


Al-Quran Al-Kareem – Tafsir (Exegesis) Lesson 115


I seek shelter in Allah from the rejected Satan. In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most Merciful.

Friends, before moving on to our lecture on Surah al-Nisa, let us talk about Al-Imam Al-Azam. Rahmetullahi aleyh. He had visited our beloved Prophet. Let us hear the praise and dua he recited during his visit. We’ll try to present you his words, and let us derive life lessons from these words altogether.

He said the following to our beloved Prophet (asw) after reciting salat and salaam. “O, my Holy Rabb (Lord)! You told us to follow Your beloved. I have followed the sharia (law) Your beloved brought. I came to visit Your beloved.

My heart is filled with Your love; it is filled with love reserved for You and Your beloved. My Allah! You have said the following in praise of Your beloved, Your kibriyā, Prophet Muhammad Mustafa, o, my Holy Rabb (Lord)! You said: “If it were not for you O Muhammad, I would have not created the universe.”

You told Your beloved that if it were not for him, You would not have created the universe. You have created all the worlds from the jawhar of Prophet Muhammad. As for him, you have selected him, and made him Mustafa – chosen. My Allah! You have made him nūr (light), and the Sun and the Moon takes their light from him, my Allah!

The heavens were glorified with his presence in the miʿraj (the night journey), they were glorified with Your beloved. O, divine! You called him Your beloved, and you said “marhaba”. He wanted Your kindness upon his ummah, and you have given him and his ummah favours that were not given to anyone else, o my Allah! He came back from the miʿraj (the night journey) with favours that were not given to anyone.

Adam, Ibrahim (Abraham), and Ayyūb all prayed for him. They all praised for Muhammad’s ummah, and their prayers were accepted. Peace be upon them. Isa (Jesus) (a.s.) brought the new of Your beloved, Muhammad. As for Musa (Moses) he sought refuge in him.

On that day, all the Prophets, all the angels, and all people of the universe will look forward to gathering under his flag. All miracles, and virtue (fazilat) belongs to him, for You have given them to him, my Allah!

They placed before him poisoned lamb meat, and you made it talk, my Allah! They wanted to poison Muhammad. The lizard said it is ready for your command. The wolf and the gazelle sought refuge in him, and beasts were seeking refuge in him.

O, the Divine! You have given all these miracles to Your beloved. A camel complained to Your beloved about the persecution inflicted on it. He would call trees, and they came. His hands would bring fort fountains, and pebble stones would do tasbih in his hands. My Allah! You have given all these miracles to Your beloved.


Time Stamp: 5:00


The date-palm tree was crying, and clouds were becoming shadow for him; he had no tracks on sand, but on rocks he had footprints on rocks. The world found the remedy with him, and the world has found abundance with him. O, my Almighty Rabb (Lord)!

You sent him to all the worlds as a Prophet of Mercy. He would open the eyes of the blind, such as Qatada. He would find a cure for the sick, such as Ibn-i Husayn. The dead, the martyrs, and Habib bin Afra were resurrected. You gave these miracles to Prophet Muhammad.

Ali was sick in the Battle of Khaybar, and he found remedy with Your beloved. You have given life to dead Jabir through his dua. The dried-up sheep of Umm Mabed started giving milk by his hands. The famines turned into abundance through his dua, and mercy rained down. The believers ran towards Your call.

My Allah! You have destroyed disbelief (kufr) with Your beloved, Prophet Muhammad. Islam and iman has risen. O, Rabb (Lord) of all the worlds! Your enemies were thrown into the well in Badr. They became deprived of Your rahmat (mercy), and the angels came for battle.

The gates of matter and meaning have opened in the Conquest of Mecca, and Your help came in the Battle of the Trench. Prophet Hud and Prophet Yunus (Jonah) have prayed for Your beloved, Muhammad. Beauty reflected to Prophet Yusuf reflected to him from the nūr (light) of Your beloved, Muhammad.

O, my Allah! You made Your beloved attain the mystery of al-Isra (the night journey)! You have ascribed him with attributes Ya-Sin and Muddaththir. You sent the Bible to herald his coming, it gave the good news of his coming.

Al-Quran Al-Karim has praised him, and You’ve sent down the Quran, and settled it into his heart. The poets and writers became incapable of praising your Beloved. Even if the trees were pens, and the seas were ink, the humans and the jinn would fail narrating him, and they would become incapable.

O, my Rabb! You have given all these great miracles to Your beloved. You said: [108:1] “Indeed We have given you abundance,” o Almighty Allah!

My heart and my life flutters with Your love. O, divine! I love Your beloved for Your riza. The love of Your beloved flutters in my heart.

My speech and my silence are to praise You. O, Allah! I love Your beloved for your riza (pleasure), and because You love him.

O, my Rabb (Lord)! My ears seek Your call, and my eyes seek Your way. O, my Rabb (Lord)! My Allah! I am in need of You and Your beloved! Bestow upon me shafa’ah (intercession).


Time Stamp: 10:00


Bestow upon me Muhammad’s shafaa’ah (intercession). Your beloved was the most generous of men and jinn. My Allah! O have no one other than Your beloved. My Allah! I have no one other than You. I love You and what You love. I love Your beloved, Muhammad. I held fast to the unbreakable cord that You brought, and I seek shafa’ah (intercession).

O, divine! I seek Your beloved Muhammad’s shafaa’ah (intercession). Only good can be seen from You. My Allah! I seek Your beloved’s shafa’ah (intercession). Admit me under the banner of thankfulness (liwā’ay al hamd). O, my Rabb (Lord)! You have sent Your beloved as the leader of guidance, and as a mercy (rahmat), and a Prophet of shafa’ah (intercession).

I have come to visit Your beloved Muhammad, resting my face against his grave. May salaat and salaam, mercy (rahmat), and barakat (blessings), be upon Your beloved Muhammad, his house, and his companions, and those who follow him.

Dearest friends!

We have recited this supplication of Al-Imam Al-Azam during his visit to the Prophet’s grave. It is narrated that Ibn-i Abbas saw this in his dream and advised reciting it as dua. This narration is under record in Majmūʻat al-kubrá, and Sems-ul-Eimme al-Hulwani.

Those who look for the source may look at these sources. Let us talk about shafa’ah (intercession). Surely, shafa’ah (intercession) happens by Almighty Allah’s leave. It is possible when Allah gives permission to Muhammad. So, we ask for Muhammad’s shafaa’ah (intercession) from Janâb-i Haqq, and we want to follow Allah’s beloved with every fibre of our being.

May Janâb-i Haqq, admit us among the servants whom Allah admitted into the mercy (rahmat) and generosity (fazil) by the beauty of the gratification (lutf-u ihsan), and by the rafiq, by the guidance (hidayat), and tawfiq.

If a person conquers his nafs (self), and his shaitan, and if he established the reign of belief (iman) and Islam in his inner world, and his soul, then it will become a lot easier to conquer other places on earth.

“What a wonderful leader will he be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!”

See, Prophet Muhammad gave the good news of this for that reason!

He said: “Verily, Constantinople shall be conquered. What a wonderful leader will he be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!” he said.

This way he gave the good news of the conquest of Constantinople centuries ago, and it happened as our Prophet said.

That is why we should endeavour to conquer our own hearts and our own inner worlds, and after conquering our inner selves, we’ll see a cadre manifest itself that will work for the manifestation of divine justice for the entire world.

That said, the following narration is a hadith-i sharif from our Prophet (asw), and it was narrated on the authority of an Islamic Aqaid called Saʽid Hawwa, and this narration is present in his book.


Time Stamp: 15:00


“I swear to the One who has my life that the day will come when Maryam’s son will come down to rule with justice, to ban the cross, to ban swine, and to ban jizyah. At that time there will be so many goods that nobody will recognize it.”

This is a hadith-i sharif that has been narrated, and it means that whoever comes to the world, even if it is Isa (Jesus), will come to the world subject to Muhammad. He will rule with this brand-new Islamic sharia (law), which is far beyond all ages that Muhammad brought forth. This is everybody’s duty, so when Isa comes, this will be his duty.

That said, there is another narration from our beloved Prophet in the book al-Asas fi al-sunnah written by Islamic Aqaid Said Hawwa. The following hadith-i sharif comes from the same source, and it has been narrated by Ahmad ibn Hanbali, on the authority of al-Miqdad ibn al-Aswad. This hadith is said to be an authentic hadith.

“Whether it is made out of clay, whether it is made from haircloth, there will not be a house left on the earth – Allah will settle Islam in all of them.”

Meaning, Islam will rule every home in the world. Islam may enter a home and integrate its inhabitants into Islam, and bring in them izzat (greatness). For Islam is aziz (glorious), and wherever it enters; wherever it rules, it renders that place azīz (glorious), and brings in izzat (greatness).

“Or, it may enter that country through its power, and bring them under its power, and then they will bow down to the power of Islam.”

It is narrated that our Prophet said this.

The same source also states a hadith that goes: “Almighty Allah sends down a mujaddid (renewal) upon this ummah at the beginning of every century that shall renew their religion.” This shows us that Islam will never become outdated, and it will always be brand-new.

The religion (din) of Islam is always brand-new. This religion (din) of Islam encompasses all times with its newness. And there will always be a cadre that will understand and comprehend this Islam with its innovations. And there will be distinguished scholars and scientists among them, and that they will understand and comprehend the spirit of Islam that encompasses all times, and narrate this to entire humanity in the best possible way. We see that such cadres will be present in every century. We receive this glad tiding and sign from this hadith.

How happy is he who comprehends the truth as it is, and he who comprehends the wrong (batil) as it is, and abstains from it. May Allah make us among the servants (qul) who follow the truth.

With that said, ahlul bid’ah (evil innovators) and misguidance (dalalah) will always coexist with the right (haqq) understanding. It has been the situation so far, and it is the situation today; and there will be people of ahlul bid’ah (evil innovations) and misguidance (dalalah) also tomorrow.

If I need to give an example, in a narration narrated by Abū Yaʿlā, it is said that the Rafidhis, or rather the Shiites have fabricated three hundred thousand false hadiths about Ali ibn Abi Talib.

Time Stamp: 20:06


Now, actually the group of Abdullah ibn Saba‘ lies at the origin of these false hadiths. The Jewish ibn Saba‘ and his group lies at the origin of this. With that said, the hadiths regarding Muawiyah are also like this. They have fabricated many false hadiths about him.

Now the whole world has to know that false hadiths never got between our authentic (sahih) hadiths. Authentic hadiths, and our authentic sources have their backings (sanad) and their title deeds.

There will always be virtuous people living in the world. These are remarkable people, and they are in the minority but they virtuous people will always be present in the world. Those virtuous and superior (fazilat) people can be seen when we recite the 116th verse of Surah al-An’am.

[6:116] “If you obey most of those in the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allah. They do not follow anything other than their assumptions, and they only guess. See, people’s souls and hearts may be in need, and whatever they need, whether it is religious studies, or they may have problems with their deeds and morals – we need to work to address these problems one by one.

An example would be a person who is starving in the middle of a desert; he does not need gold or pearls, rather he needs a few pieces of bread, for he is struggling with hunger in the middle of a desert. In the middle of a desert neither gold nor pearl is of any use. That person is starving, and this starving person needs a few pieces of bread, so that his life may be saved.

That is why Muslims have to be vigilant with regards to ahlul bid’ah (evil innovations). The ummah must first fight their own ignorance, then fight ignorance around the world so that it can put knowledge (ilm) and wisdom (irfan) against ignorance.

Some deny the questioning in the grave too. For example, there are hadith about the questioning in the grave, but there are people who do not accept the hadith that are about the questioning in the grave. There is a rationalist ecole, who consider themselves rational, and they deny the hadith-i sharifs, and they do not see anything wrong with denying the hadith-i sharifs. Then again, there is Muʿtazila who deny shafa’ah (intercession), and they also deny seeing Allah.

Whereas Almighty Allah will show His (Allah’s) Beauty (Jamal) in the Paradise as He (Allah) wills. There is a verse of the Quran about this. There is also a hadith-i sharif. That is why we need to be vigilant at all times, and do not turn a deaf ear to the truths. That said, we should never turn a blind eye to the fabricated hadiths, and be very careful and avoid them.

Let me inform you of the advice and admonitions of Ibrahim ibn Adham, may Allah’s mercy be upon him, and may Allah make his secret very sacred: “Either do not eat the nimat of Allah, or do not rebel.” For he said they are eating the nimat of Allah, and they rebel.

Editor’s note: The word “nimat – نعمت” means sustenance, bounty, blessing of Allah.”

He also says: “Either go out of the kingdom (mulk) of Allah, or do not rebel.”

This is because this kingdom (mulk) belongs to Allah.


Time Stamp: 25:00


We all live in Allah’s kingdom (mulk).

He says: “Either do not eat the nimat of Allah, or do not rebel.” He says: “Go and find a place where Allah does not see you while you commit sin.” “You are committing sin while Allah sees you, and you know this. Since you’re committing sins, either go find a place that Allah does not see, or do not commit sin at all,” he says.

See, this is what our elders, who know Janâb-i Haqq closely say. He also said: “Ask permission from Azrail for repentance, or repent right now.” Can you ask Azrail for respite? Can you say, “Stop now, don’t take my life, and let me repent for a moment,” do you have that chance? No, you don’t. Then repent right now, and start worshipping right away, and give up all sins, he says.

See how beautiful his advice is, he also says: “Shoo away Munkar and Nakir in the grave.” Can you shoo away Munkar and Nakir from the grave? You cannot, then start preparing for the questioning in the grave as of this moment,” he says.

You will not be able to shoo them away. Munkar and Nakir will come to you in the grave, and they will ask you questions. So, he says that you should start preparing for the questioning as you will not be able to shoo them away.

He says: “When the sinners are ordered to march towards Jahannam, say you will not go, and if you cannot do that then start taking precautions as of this moment; and renounce from polytheism (shirk), disbelief (kufr), corruption (nifaq), and all the sins.

That is, he says do not rebel against Allah, but obey, and do not commit sin. Do you see how good his advice is? See, the wali and saintly servants of Janâb-i Haqq always speak eloquently. This is because they have taken good inspirations from Prophet Muhammad, and that they are devoted to his way, and that they have endeavoured to discover Al-Quran Al-Karim and Prophet Muhammad.

Now, let me say that one of the qualities (sifāt) of mature people is the following. He says that if a person is mature, then he will be glad if someone criticizes him, but worthless people feel joy when they are praised. Bear this in mind! The nafs, or rather self wants to be praised, but mature people and grand figures, enjoy criticism.

If someone criticizes themselves, they will derive a lesson from it, for they receive people’s words as the pens of the Real (al-Haqq). They say, do not see he who says it, do not see he who criticizes, rather see the One who makes them criticize.

“Musa (a.s.) said: ‘O, Rabb (Lord)! I am alone, sick, and a stranger.” “He who is friendless is alone. He who is doctorless is sick. He who is away from Me is stranger.” This is important! What do we see in the spirit of this supplication of Musa (a.s.)? We see the people who remain separate from Allah, and everything about them is wretched, and they are in desperate straits, helpless. As for those who earn the love of Allah, they have earned everything, do not forget this! This is what lies in the supplication of Musa, and his soul. Please, go read the 105th verse of Surah al-Maidah.

[5:105] “O, you who believe, take care of yourselves. As long as you are on the right path, those who have gone astray will not harm you. You will all return to Allah. Allah will inform you of what you used to do.”

Throughout history, the Muslims have always protected the Jews. They have always protected the Jews.


Time Stamp: 30:00


They have kept the dhimmīs under protection. They have protected the dhimmīs. The Muslims have always protected people of other nations just like they protect themselves, but the others have betrayed. They were planning to knock down Al-Masjid-ul-Aqsā, and built Suleiman’s Sculpture. Bear this in mind! They are still in the wrong. They are still in the wrong. They are planning to build Suleiman’s Sculpture. The Jews have been exerting themselves to start a religious war.

You should also remember that they are wrong with the Talmud in their hands; and they are reading the wrong Torah, and they are stuck with the wrongs, and they are shedding blood.

They are shedding blood while all people are servants (qul) of Allah. They are denying the Messengers of Allah. They are denying Al-Quran Al-Karim. They are terrorizing the world. They are practicing state terrorism, and they have been shedding blood.

Now, if you read Al-Quran Al-Karim you’ll see all the friendly people in the world, and also, you’ll start seeing the unfriendly people.

Islam and Muslims are friends of the humanity. Such a pity that in return of this friendship the Muslims see enmity, rather than friendship. See, the religion (din) of Islam takes precautions, but at the same time Islam wants to share the eternal and life-giving mercy with all people. Islam wants everyone to be happy.

See, Muslims believe in all Prophets, and all holy books. The creed (iman) of the Muslims is universal. Every truth is present in the fundamentals (amantu) of Islam. So, peace be upon Adam (a.s.), Idrīs (a.s.), Seth (a.s.), Nuh (a.s.), Hud (a.s.), Saleh (a.s.), Ibrahim (a.s.), Shuaib (a.s.), Lut (a.s.), Ishmael (a.s.), Isaac (a.s.), Ya’qub (a.s.), Yusuf (a.s.), Ayyūb (a.s.), as well as Yunus, Ilyas, Dhu al-Kifl, Musa, Hārūn, Dāwūd, Suleiman, again Dhu al-Kifl, and others such as Zechariah, Yahyā (John), Isa (Jesus), and at last Muhammad Mustafa (asw). Alayhimussalam – peace be upon them all.

These Prophets are the ones whose names are mentioned in Al-Quran Al-Karim. We believe them all, and there are others whose prophethoods are in dispute such as Uzair, Luqman, and Dhu al-Qarnayn, alaihimussalam – peace be upon them. Some say they are awliya, and some say they are Prophets. That said, we also believe in all the Prophets whose names are not mentioned in Al-Quran Al-Karim, because the fundamentals of Islam commands belief in them.

Muslims believe in the news that the Quran brought, all the news of Al-Quran Al-Karim. The creed (amantu) of the Muslims incorporate all news brought by Al-Quran Al-Karim whether it is about the past or about the future.

That is why Islam itself, and its creed (amantu) are universal. It is the only religion of mercy (rahmat) that embraces the entire mankind. It is the only religion that does not discriminate, and bid the truth to all humanity, and inculcate truth.


Time Stamp: 35:00


Islam only excludes the wrongs, excludes kufr, excludes polytheism, and excludes tyranny (zulm), and this is because the right (haqq), and wrong (batil) cannot coexist. This is inevitable because belief (iman) and disbelief (kufr) cannot coexist. Besides, this is a command of Almighty Allah. That is why the Janna (Paradise), and Jahannam (Hell) have been created separately.

The former is given in return of following the right and the truth (haqq and haqiqa), and the latter is given in return of the wrongs (batil), disbelief (kufr), polytheism (shirk), and cruelty (zulm). Jahannam (Hell) was created in return for these.

See, that is why Mehmet Akif (r.a.) says: “Do not look at the head, but look at what’s inside it.” See, the exterior look of a person can be whatever, but you should at first look at that person’s deeds and his words. He said what is important is inside the head; and do not look at the head, rather look at what is inside.

Then again, there is the following narration from Mawlānā. He said the following to his wife who said there is nothing left to eat in the house. His wife said that there was nothing left to eat in the house, and he replied: Then thanks be to Allah. See, Mawlānā’s wife says there is nothing left to eat in the house, and he thanks Allah. Do you know why he was thankful? He said, “Our house is now similar to the house of the Prophet, that is why I am thanking Allah,” he said. See, this is the sign of a person who loves the Prophet in a special manner, and this is a special and complete devotion to the Sunnah.

There is no awareness (irfan) like knowing your shortcomings, bear this in mind! There is no awareness (irfan) like knowing your shortcomings. People should always strive for this. People should always endeavour to make up for their shortcomings, and see their imperfections, and they should strive to make up for their own faults and shortcomings.

That said, Ibn al-Jawzi says: “The hadith that conflicts with reason (aql), contradicts sources (naqil), and is dissentient towards principles (usul) is fabricated.”

So, he gives tips and tricks to recognize fabricated hadith-i sharifs. Let us see what is meant here: He said, “Conflicts with reason (aql), contradicts with naqil”, so what does naqil mean? This naqil is the sources of Islam. These sources are narrations, the Book, Sunnah, community consensus (ijma al-ummah), and the analogical reasoning of the jurists (qiyās-i fuqahā). He also mentioned, “is dissentient towards usul is fabricated,” what does usul mean? Usul – principles are the essential principles, and valid laws and rules. Actually, each rule has its own measure, and the principles, and Ilm’ul Usul is the principle science.

That is why the hadiths that oppose the principles (usul), conflict reason (aql), and contradict sources (naqil) are fabricated hadiths, meaning they are fake.

I am conveying these notes to you because these are really important side notes, and I am sure these will be very helpful to draw our attention to certain truths.

Now, another narration says the following on the authority of Sams ad-Din Sivāsī: “On Friday night, recite Surah al-Baqarah and Surah ad-Dukhan; the heavens and the earth will be filled with nūr (light). Also, recite Surah al-Tārik in bed, and you’ll be given as much sawāb (reward) as the number of stars.”


Time Stamp: 40:00


The parables of Rashidun Caliphates. Again, Sams ad-Din Sivāsī. “Also make Duha and Tahajjud prayer (namāz); if you do not have qada namāz (missed prayers), then try to perform these prayers (namāz). But if you have qada namāz (missed prayers), then perform them.

One day, our Prophet said the following, according to a narration in Sahih Muslim: “The earth has folded and got rolled up. I have seen its easts and wests. This is the sovereignty of my ummah. My ummah will prevail on earth,” this message was given in the hadith.

O, ummah! Work hard, and work for your world, and work for your afterlife. You have to work harder than everyone else, for Islam is the saviour.

As for the people who are in service of Islam, the Muslims come first, and then comes the others.

“Islam will enter every house, and it will make Islam precious (azīz), and make disbelief (kufr) wretched (zalil).” This is a narration (rivayat) of Al-Haythami.

He said, “Prophethood, caliphate, tyrannical rulers and cruel despots will come in turns, and they will rule as long as Allah wills,” and he stopped talking.

This report is also present in the works of Nuʿmān ibn Bashīr and the hadith collection of Al-Haythami. That is, our Prophet says after Prophethood (nubuwwat), meaning after the Prophet, a caliphate will rule.

This is a narration from our Prophet. He also said that there will be tyrannical rulers after the caliphate. See, this is where the caliphate turns into a sultanate. He also said cruel despots will come and reign after them. Do you see the date of this news? He said, after that a caliphate will rule again, and in turns, they will rule as long as Allah wills.

There is another report from our beloved Prophet that both Constantinople and Rome will be conquered. See, whatever our Prophet said has happened, and those that did not happen yet will happen eventually, and no one should have any second thoughts about this for even a second!


Time Stamp: 43:30


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