Turkish English Tafsir Lesson 340-342

Turkish English Tafsir Lesson 340-342

Al-Quran Al-Kareem – Tafsir (Exegesis) Lesson 340

I seek shelter in Allah from the rejected Satan. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Hodja recites the 15th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

Al-Quran Al-Kareem – Tafsir (Exegesis) Lesson 341

On the 15th to 28th verses of Surah Yunus [10].

I seek shelter in Allah from the rejected Satan. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Most esteemed and revered listeners; Janâb-i Haqq calls us to the real life, the immortal and blissful life by the holy verses/ayat of the Holy Quran, which were sent to us from Janâb-i Haqq’s exalted presence.

Allah wants to give us the most blissful life, and surely calls us by mandating obedience/itaat and belief/iman to Almighty Allah. Allah calls us to give us the immortal life through obedience/itaat and belief/iman. Allah calls us to Dar es-Salaam. In order to go to Dar es-Salaam we need to earn Dar al-Islam first, which means that we need to earn the Islamic life. With that said, the 15th verse says, “When Our verses/ayat are recited to them as manifest signs, those who do not expect to encounter Us,” or “those who do not want to meet Us,” but meet whom? See, they do not want to encounter Almighty Allah. They do not want to come to the presence of Allah. “They said, ‘Bring us a Quran other than this, or change it.’.” Pay attention! People of disbelief/ahlul kufr have strived for 14 centuries in order to change Al-Quran Al-Karim, and they realized they cannot change it for eternity. They were occupied with that since that day. What were they saying? They were saying, “Bring us a Quran other than this, or change it.” They are still trying to do that today. There is no chance for Al-Quran Al-Karim to be corrupted, but people may corrupt their own inner worlds, thus they deviate. Whosoever deviates from the path of Al-Quran Al-Karim will have made himself a deviant, and whoever they deviate will become a deviant just like them. Nobody can, have, or will corrupt Al-Quran Al-Karim. However, some caused great harm to people. Those who misunderstood and mistold Al-Quran Al-Karim have corrupted themselves, and those whom they deviated. Corruption is in humanity, and there have never been a change in Islam or Al-Quran Al-Karim for eternity, and there will never be.

“Say, ‘I cannot change it on my own, it is not possible for me. I follow nothing but what is revealed/wahy to me. If I rebel against my Rabb, then I surely fear the torment of a great day.’.”

That is what Janâb-i Haqq told Hz. Muhammad to say to them. Allah sent down this verse/ayat of the Quran at that time to say, “Say this my beloved/khabib.”

Esteemed friends, Janâb-i Haqq explains us the light-shedding verses/ayat so that us servants/qul may become happy, enter the light/nūr, and be saved from darkness for eternity.

Hodja recites the 15th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

When Our verses/ayat are recited to them as manifest signs,” let us see what they said.

Hodja recites the related part of the 15th verse.

“Those who cannot accept or expect in no way that they are going to encounter Us,” what did they say? They said the following.

Hodja recites the related part of the 15th verse.

“They said, ‘Bring us a Quran other than this, or change it.’.”

Time Stamp: 5:25

The faithless of every era use their outdated mentality on the Quran, and they seek books other than the Quran by disgorging the poison in their faithless and dark brains because it does not serve their purpose, and that is what they said on that day. They said, “Either bring us another book or change this one.” The idolaters of those days who attack Islam, Al-Quran Al-Karim, and Muslims were like that. Today’s modern idolaters and polytheists/mushrik are also the same. The mentality of those who attack Allah, Islam, Quran, and the Prophet is the same mentality. They consider themselves contemporary, and they are contemporary, but how? They are contemporary deniers, contemporary idolaters. So, what is a person who disacknowledges Allah and Allah’s book which is the Holy Quran? What is a person who disacknowledges the prophet of mercy/rahmat whom Allah sent to the worlds? What is a person who disacknowledges the true faith/haqq din of Islam, which is the religion/din of peace? He is contemporary denier, a contemporary persecutor. They were telling him to stop with Al-Quran Al-Karim and submit to their whim, and change it, some of it if not all of it, change it in a way that they will like it. They are saying the same thing today. They were saying, “Change it so it suits our situation and our era,” and they were trying to see whether they could deceive him and make him change a few words of it so that they may use it as a proof against him. See, every word of Al-Quran Al-Karim is sacred, just like all its words are sacred, even a single word of it is so sacred because Al-Quran Al-Karim is an unequalled Holy Book. It has been sent down to us from Allah’s presence; and it is the last book.

Janâb-i Haqq says, “Say,” and tells the Beloved/Khabib to reply to them by saying the following.

Hodja recites the related part of the 15th verse.

“It is not possible for me to make changes in it on my own.”

Prophets do whatever Allah tells them to do, and the Prophet cannot even add a single letter to the Quran or take a single letter from it. The Prophet announces Al-Quran Al-Karim to humankind howsoever Allah announced it to him.

Hodja recites the related part of the 15th verse.

“I follow nothing…”

Hodja recites the related part of the 15th verse.

“…but what is revealed/wahy to me.”

Janâb-i Haqq says, “O glorious Prophet Muhammad, say, ‘I only follow what is revealed/wahy to me.” Do you know what is revealed/wahy?

Islam and Al-Quran Al-Karim have been revealed/wahy or sent down/inzal to Hz. Muhammad by Allah. Meaning, it came to Hz. Muhammad from Allah. Allah tells him to say, “This Quran came to me from Allah. I follow the divine revelation/wahy-i ilahi which Allah has sent me.”

Time Stamp: 10:00

Hodja recites the related part of the 15th verse.

“Say, ‘Surely, I fear the punishment of a great day if I rebel against my Rabb.’”

Hodja recites a part of the 3rd verse.

There is a day ahead on which there is no help except by Allah’s aid, there is the last day/ruz-i ceza and the greater court/mahkamah al-kubra, that great day of judgment, the day of qiyamah.

Hodja recites the 16th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

Say, o My beloved/khabib, Muhammad Mustafa (saw)!

Hodja recites the related part of the 16th verse.

Say, “If Allah had so willed, I would not have read it to you.”

Hodja recites the related part of the 16th verse.

Allah would not have given any information concerning it.”

Hodja recites the related part of the 16th verse.

“I have lived my whole life among you before this.”

That is, he says, “I have received Prophethood at 40 years of age, and I have been living among you for 40 years, you know well who I am. Am I not Muhammad Al-Amin/Muhammad the Trusted? You would always call me Muhammad al-Amin, an utterly trusted person.”

Hodja recites the related part of the 16th verse.

“Have you no reason?”

“Can’t you devise and think for once? Janâb-i Haqq bestowed upon me revelation/wahy and prophethood/nubuwwat.”

See, he did not go to any school, received no education or learning. Almighty Allah personally schooled Hz. Muhammad. Hz. Muhammad is a revered figure who studied in Allah’s school, taught directly by Allah. Salla Allahu Ta’ala ‚alayhi wa sallam.

Hodja recites a part of the 3rd verse.

There is a fact, there is no helper without there being Allah’s leave, won’t you contemplate this at all?

Hodja recites the 17th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

“Who is more unjust than he who fabricates a lie and slander Allah, or he who calls the verses/ayat of Allah lies?”

Hodja recites a part of the 17th verse.

That much is certain that the guilty/mujrimūn do not get better, they do not find felicity/falah, meaning they cannot be saved. Lie, crime/jurm, slander; especially fabricating lies and slanders against Allah is the most unjust/zalim act, and it is also injustice/zulm to call right wrong and wrong right.

Hodja recites the 18th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

“They leave Allah, and worship things that which neither causes them any harm, nor brings them any benefit.”

Time Stamp: 15:02

Things beside Allah are all creatures/makhluq, no matter who they are. They will answer to Allah, lords, generals, and everybody. Just look at the situation of those who leave the Creator/al-Khaliq and worship the creatures/makhluq, they worship simply because they are lords or generals. They worship because he is his leader or pioneer. Some worship because it is an angel, and some worship because it is the sun. Some worship thinking, he is his saviour or hero. These are all creatures/makhluq, and they will all give account to Allah. Those who obey the laws and rules of Allah in the Quran will be saved with their belief/iman and good deeds/amal-e-saleh. Whosoever disbelieves in Allah Ta’ala, no matter how many shaddāds, false deities/taghuts there are, they will all come to the great gathering/mahshar as bigger disbelievers/kāfir. They will be surrounded by those whom they deceived. They will fill hell/jahannam to the brim with their servants who obey their command, the servants of false deities/taghut who do not serve Allah, along with their false gods/taghut. That is why they say…

Hodja recites a part of the 18th verse.

“These are our intercessors with Allah.”

Yet, nobody has the chance to use even a single word on the last day/ruz-i ceza, on the day of judgment, in the greater court without there being Allah’s leave. It will happen if Allah gives permission. Do you think Allah will give such a change to idols and false deities/taghut? The abode of idols and idolaters is hell/jahannam. That is why we see that these realities are told in the 74th verse of Surah al-An’am [6]. There is a mentality that say there is a beautiful soul for every climate, and the people of this mentality would make idols and erect them, and worship them. They were worshipping stars, and they would make certain amulets for idols and worship to them in their name. They would also make idols of people whom they consider great and worship them.

The philosophy of idolatry is to seek benefit or consolation from lies and imagination. Now, please pay attention to this. The philosophy of idolatry is to expect benefit and consolation from lies and imagination. They worship creatures/makhluq, and they cannot be in touch with true faith/iman, they cannot draw near it. You are obliged to acknowledge Allah’s exalted justice, laws, and sovereignty in order to become a servant/qul of Allah. People of Ta’if used to worship an idol named Allāt. As for the People of Mecca, they used to worship idols called Uzza, Manat, Hubal, Isāf, and Nā’ila. As mythology poet and a philosopher from Ta’if, it is narrated that Nadr ibn al-Harith said the following, “Allāt will intercess/shafa’ah for me on the day of judgment.”

Allāt was a stone altar erected in Ta’if. See, half-philosophers are like that, and on that day Nadr ibn al-Harith was worshipping an idol called Allāt and sought intercession/shafa’ah from it. Esteemed friends, you are to explore the textual/kitābi verses/ayat in Al-Quran Al-Karim as well as the cosmological/kevni signs/verses at the command of the Real/al-Haqq in order to become a philosopher. It is not by denying Allah. You are to believe/iman in Allah and act according to Allah’s command; only then will you become a philosopher.

O true Prophet! Speak.

Hodja recites a part of the 18th verse.

“Say to them, ‘Are you informing Allah of something that Allah does not know in the heavens or in the earth?’”

Hodja recites a part of the 18th verse.

“Allah is exalted and is distant/munazzah from the partners/shirk they associate.”

Time Stamp: 21:45

Hodja recites a part of 19th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

“People were actually but a single community/ummah.” What did they do? They deviated later, transgressed, and fell into polytheism/shirk. Actually, all people were a single community/ummah.

Hodja recites a part of the 38th verse of Surah al-An’am [6].

There is no animal on land, nor a bird that flies with its two wings, but they are a community/ummah like yourselves.”

The 38th verse of Surah al-An’am [6] says that people were a single community like animals and birds of all kinds are a community/ummah bound to a law of creation special for themselves. Then again, we can see these realities in the 213th verse of Surah al-Baqarah [2]. Then, until the matter of Cain and Abel which is narrated in the 27th and 31st verses of Surah al-Maidah [5], what had happened therein? In the parable of Cain and Abel, Cain deviated from what is right/haqq. There was a sharia/law of Islam consisted of 10 pages that was sent to his father Adam, and he did not follow those divine laws, he did not obey the divine command. Look, Cain deviated from that single community/ummah, and polytheism/shirk, disbelief/kufr, and rebellion had begun. There are narrations/riwayat that say people were a single community/ummah in the periods of Ibrahim (a.s.) and Nūh (a.s.). For example, disbelievers were all destroyed in the Great Flood, and only the believers were left in the Ark, and they were a single community/ummah. Also, when Nimrod was destroyed in the face of Ibrahim (a.s.), we can see a single community/ummah there as well. Humanity continuously deviate from the truth/haqq and fall into polytheism/shirk. In the end, the great diversity of languages or matter of tebellul-u elsine; in this regard this is a phenomenon like the relation between peoples. That is, diversity of languages.

Hodja recites a part of the 10th verse.

So, what did people do? They objected later, fell into dispute, and some of them switched to polytheism/shirk and deviations started. When people start deviating from Allah’s cause, the order of single community/ummah broke down later, and this single community/ummah was torn to pieces. Right now, in the world there are various belief groups along with various philosophies, and philosophies do not corroborate each other. Mentalities that consider disbelief/kufr as an affluence next to belief/iman have emerged. Yes, scientific studies in the way of belief/iman are affluence, but disbelief/kufr and what it encompasses is the bane of people’s lives.

Time Stamp: 26:40

That is why those who got stuck in polytheism/shirk, who objected and deviated from what is right/haqq, and those who do not accept rights/haqq and law/huquq overstepped the bounds of what is right. That situation goes on like that today.

Hodja recites a part of the 129th verse of Surah Ta Ha.

“Were it not for a decree given by your Rabb…”

Hodja recites a part of the 12th verse of Surah al-An’am [6].

“Your Rabb has prescribed mercy/rahmat for Oneself. Allah will surely gather you on the day which will certainly come.”

That is the 12th verse of Surah al-An’am [6].

Hodja recites the 34th verse of Surah Ali Imran [3].

“There is a specified term/ajal for every people/ummah. When their time/ajal comes, they shall not defer it by a single moment, nor shall they advance it.”

Thus, Janâb-i Haqq tied everything to a decree with preordainment/taqdeer. If Allah did not have such a preordainment/taqdeer or decree, and punished people for every crime they commit immediately, then there would not be any human or a living thing remaining on earth.

Hodja recites a part of the 11th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

That is the 11th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

“If Allah were to hasten in sending evil to people, as they hasten in seeking good, their time/ajal would have surely come immediately. However, We leave those who do not expect to meet Us alone,” meaning, “We leave those who do not want to come to the presence of Allah, and they wander blindly until their time/ajal.””

Their time/ajal is upon them, and Azrail (a.s.) is waiting to take their lives. Lives are taken when that hour has come, and people are brought to the presence of Allah, some as criminals, some as polytheists/mushrik, some as disbelievers/kāfir, some as hypocrites/munafiq, some as unjust/zalim, some as righteous scholars/âlims, some as faithful, believing, just, virtuous/saleh, and truthful/siddiq. Everyone will be brough to the presence of Allah the way they are. That is why esteemed friends.

Hodja recites a part of the 19th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

“Judgment would have been decreed between them regarding whatever they differ over.”

Janâb-i Haqq does not hasten in sending evil to people as they hasten in seeking it. That is because it is Allah Ta’ala who gives goodness and mercy/rahmat and has already given them by mercifully creating the worlds/alamin. With that said, Allah does not immediately give the punishment of crimes, but why not? That is because Allah gives them a respite, a term to test them, a term for them to repent/tawbah.

A respite is granted to those who do not expect to encounter Allah so that they may renounce disbelief/kufr, polytheism/shirk, hypocrisy/nifaq. A chance is given to them so that they may come to faith/iman. So, what happens to those who do not renounce disbelief/kufr, polytheism/shirk, injustice/zulm, and transgression? They are carried upside down directly to hell/jahannam because a respite, a test period were given to them. A whole life was given to you to adopt faith/iman, a lifetime was given to you, which is the period of test.

Time Stamp: 32:00

A respite is given to come to repent and to believe/iman and do good deeds/amal-e-saleh but some people used this respite for disbelief/kufr, for polytheism/shirk, for injustice/zulm and for transgression, and what happened in the end? They were hastily carried to hell/jahannam upside down. That said, the grave and the realm of barzakh are also a dungeon among the dungeons of hell/jahannam for some, and it begins there and continues until the greater court in the gathering/mahshar. The barzakh faces them as a layer from hell/jahannam for criminal, and Almighty Allah knows best its quality and quantity.

Hodja recites the 45th verse of Surah Fatir [35].

“If Allah were to punish people immediately for the evil they have done by their own hands, Allah would not have left a single living thing on earth. However, Allah has delayed them until an appointed term.”

This is what our Exalted Rabb, the Rabb of all the worlds/alamin have stated in the 45th verse of Surah Fatir [35].

There is a manifest sign/ayat and proof that shows the rulership of a divine omnipotence/qudrah that manages various contrarieties, and it is as plain as day. Allah sustains them by Allah’s mercy/rahmat and justice. As for the brainless culprits who have no hope of meeting Allah, they couldn’t understand that the life of Hz. Muhammad is a living miracle. They even denied the verses/ayat of Al-Quran Al-Karim. They are the ones who could never accept they are going to come to the presence of Allah, who could never accept they are going to give account to Allah. Everyone is going to give account to Allah, and they will be asked of every decree/hukm of the Quran, and the only book is Al-Quran Al-Karim.

Time Stamp: 35:20

Hodja recites the 20th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

“And they say, ‘Why has not some sign/ayat been sent down to him from his Rabb.’ Say to them,”

Hodja recites a part of the 20th verse.

“Say to them, ‘The Unseen belongs only to Allah.’.”

Prophet is at Allah’s command, and Allah is not at anyone’s command. Allah the All-Knowing knows what to reveal and what to send in the best possible manner.

Hodja recites a part of the 20th verse.

“So, wait.”

Hodja recites a part of the 20th verse.

“Surely, I will be waiting with you.”

Tell them that. But what is everybody waiting? They are waiting for what they have earned. The ones with belief/iman and good deeds/amal-e-saleh are waiting for the blessings/lutf of Allah. Polytheist/mushrik, denier/munkir, and wrongdoer/zalim are waiting for the calamity that will come from Allah. Everybody is waiting for something whether they are aware of it or not. That said, Azrail (a.s.) is already waiting for your hour of ajal, and there are also calamities of this world along with calamities of the grave and the gathering/mahshar, and there is also hell/jahannam.

Hodja recites the 21st verse of Surah Yunus [10].

Janâb-i Haqq says, “And when We let people,” brainless and vulgar ones, “taste a mercy/rahmat,”

Hodja recites a part of the 21st verse.

“after a famine or poverty having afflicted them,”

Hodja recites a part of the 21st verse.

“they at once start devising plans against Our verses.”

That is, they neglect the divine ayat such as textual/taqween-i and cosmological/tanzil-i signs/verses. They neither get the textual verses/ayat right, nor can they correctly understand the cosmological signs/ayat, or they do not want to understand. As for the circumstances of revelation regarding these verses, Janâb-i Haqq had afflicted the polytheists/mushrik in Mecca with famine and drought for 7 years.

Pioneering figures such as Abu Sufyan had visited Hz. Muhammad (a.s.). They requested that he supplicated/dua for them and said they will come to the belief/iman if they find abundant mercy/rahmat and benevolence/ihsan, and if this famine and drought disappears. Then, Janâb-i Haqq accepted the supplication/dua of our Prophet and the famine was over. Allah bestowed/ihsan abundant mercy/rahmat. However, such a shame that they did not come to the belief/iman, and attributed it to the idols, meaning they said, “Our idols are your gods.” They have gods made from idols, and they claimed these deities removed famine from them. Those who claimed that usually were the pioneering filthy rich, and abundance was spoiling them, and those spoilt figures were objecting to divine commands. Allah started to give their punishment, and Allah’s sword descended upon them in Badr. The pioneering leader of disbelief/kufr and ignorance started to be devoured Allah’s sword thereafter, and this shall continue until the day of judgment/qiyamah and concluded in the hell/jahannam after the greater court in the day of judgment/qiyamah.

Time Stamp: 40:40

Those who believe/iman and obey/itaat Allah will be recipients of the endless and boundless mercy/rahmat of Allah, and the matter will be concluded with paradise/janna and beauty/jamal of Allah.

“Say, ‘Allah is swifter at devising.”

Hodja recites a part of the 54th verse of Surah Ali Imran [3].

“Allah is the best of devisers.”

Trouble comes swifter if Allah has ordained/taqdeer that a trouble is to be given, and if the preordained hour comes, then the trouble befalls the person who deserves it at a tremendous speed, it will come amazingly fast and befall that person, thus they get what they deserved. They will be afflicted by wrath and pain, those who are not yet afflicted will be afflicted. They consider these blessings/nimat whereas these are istidraj. Every istidraj is a bane of one’s world in the end.

Editor’s note: The word istidraj means gradual destruction, which refers to good things given to evil people not as blessings but to raise them high to drop them harder.

A man become rich, but that richness is not a blessing/nimat for him, it is an istidraj if it is not in the way of Allah. That wealth will destroy him, and this goes for position and chair as well as everything that is not in the way of Allah.

Hodja recites a part of the 21st verse.

“Our messengers record whatsoever you plot.”

Janâb-i Haqq says the following.

Hodja recites a part of the 21st verse.

They write all of it, not a single word of anyone goes to waste. It is written whether it is a sawāb or a sin.

Hodja recites the 7th and 8th verses of Surah al-Zalzalah [99].

Do not ever forget this!

If you do an atom’s weight of good you will see it, and if you do an atom’s weight of evil you will see it. You will find it in the scale of mizan. That is why you should do good/sawāb, and do not you ever spend your life in vain or for sin.

It is said whatever trouble or calamity has been ordained for you befalls you because whatever shall befall someone is written beforehand, and whatever has been written for you befalls you at that very hour. It will be over then, so what should one do before it is over? Come to Islam. Come to faith/iman with repentance/tawbah and seeking forgiveness/istighfar. Become a Muslim. That is the remedy, a true iman. Islam, which is beginningless/azali and eternal/abadi is the belief/iman of all Prophets, through which a national belief/iman and a national spirit/ruh occurs which is at the same time a national truth/haqiqa, and the leader of this is Hz. Muhammad. The mysteries of guidance/hidayat and source of guidance/hidayat are in Al-Quran Al-Karim, and the whole of it is called Islam.

Time Stamp: 45:00

Peace, universal peace, national spirit, and the conscience of the nation are all in Islam. Others are only imitations, and no human being can establish peace on earth without implementing the faith/iman and justice of Islam. That way nobody can establish peace in his person, his inner world, and his inner/anfusi and outer/afaqi world either. See, he cannot even establish it in his inner world, how can he establish it in the world? For one thing, you are to submit to Allah’s command and trust Allah in order to establish peace, and then the faithful are to put their trust in each other. Iman or faith means a complete environment of trust. That is possible by trusting Allah Ta’ala, submitting to Allah’s command, affirming/tasdiq all of Allah’s commands, confessing/iqrar them, and implementing them in your life.

Hodja recites the 22nd verse of Surah Yunus [10].

That is, Allah. Glorious is Allah. Allah is truly Exalted.

Hodja recites a part of the 22nd verse.

It is Allah who carries you across land and sea, and makes you fly in the sky. Heavens stand by Allah’s omnipotence/qudrah. Seas, the land and their contents along with all the worlds/alamin are under Allah’s command, and they are sustained by Allah’s omnipotence/qudrah. Allah manages them. Allah creates. Allah commands. Control belongs to Allah. That is why no matter in which transport you are in, whether it is on the land, on the seas, or up in the sky, then know that it is Allah who enables you to travel, and it is Allah who gives life and its power.

Hodja recites a part of the 22nd verse.

“When you are on ships.”

Hodja recites a part of the 22nd verse.

“And those ships sail with those on board with a pleasant wind”

Hodja recites a part of the 22nd verse.

“Under this pleasant wind.”

Hodja recites a part of the 22nd verse.

“There comes upon those ships a storm.”

That happens sometimes, which is a necessity of Allah’s wisdom/hikmat.

Hodja recites a part of the 22nd verse.

“And waves assail them from every side.”

Hodja recites a part of the 22nd verse.

“And they think that they are besieged by these waves.”

That is, they will say things like, “Ship can sink at any moment,” or “The plane is about to crash,” and it is the same on land. Nobody can stand against it when Allah sends a calamity. That is why you should be wary of Allah’s wisdom/hikmat, be wary of Allah’s justice, nobody can prosper through injustice/zulm. The unjust/zalim do not get away with their injustice/zulm. This property/mulk belongs to Allah. Allah will not let you rebel non-stop in Allah’s own property/mulk, will not let you do injustice/zulm. Allah will either send upon you the armies of death or send you a calamity or a trouble. Allah will either shake you through the land or send a calamity down the sky, or you cannot know which bomb will Allah explode in your brain. Just look at the effects of microbes and viruses, and you will see.

Time Stamp: 50:00

Hodja recites a part of the 4th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

“To Allah is your return.”

Because everyone will return to Allah Ta’ala’s presence, and they will be brought altogether.

Hodja recites a part of the 22nd verse of Surah al-Ankabut [29].

“They devote religion to Allah with complete sincerity/ihlas, and pray/dua to Allah by saying…”

Hodja recites a part of the 22nd verse of Surah al-Ankabut [29].

“We swear,” they say and add, “Our Rabb! If you save us from this danger, then we will truly be among those who give thanks/shukr.” There are also the faithless who do not beg Allah at all, and there are those who do not accept Allah at all, just as there are those who beg like that.

Hodja recites a part of the 20th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

Hodja recites a part of the 23rd verse.

Let’s see what is said next.

“Then when Allah saves them from that hardship.”

Hodja recites a part of the 23rd verse.

Those insolent people start insolence on earth immediately, by forgetting their previous supplication. They forget about Allah as well. Janâb-i Haqq says the following.

Hodja recites a part of the 23rd verse.

O you vulgar and insolent people who act like that.

Hodja recites a part of the 23rd verse.

“Your outrageous behaviour is only against yourselves,” said Janâb-i Haqq.

Hodja recites a part of the 60th verse of Surah al-Qasas [28].

You gain in the life of this temporary world, yet in the end the world is no more than a game or a toy.

Hodja recites a part of the 23rd verse of Surah Yunus [10].

“Then, to Us you are to return,” says Allah. Says to whom? Everybody will come to Allah’s presence.

Hodja recites a part of the 23rd verse.

“Then We will inform you of what you have been doing.”

Hodja recites a part of the 14th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

“Let’s see how you will act.”

That is the 14th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

Valuable friends, we are now at the 24th verse of Surah Yunus, and our lectures continue in order.

Hodja recites the 24th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

Janâb-i Haqq says that the example of the worldly life is this, and Allah describes the world to us, and says, “The vegetation that people and animals eat got mixed through the water that We sent down from the sky. But when the earth has taken on its finest appearance, and adorns itself, and its people think they had control over it, Our command came to it at night or by day. We turn it into a mown field all of a sudden, it will be as if did not flourish the day before.” The world that you see all in greens may become a bone-dry world, and a person who lived the day before may lie dead before you.

Time Stamp: 55:40

That is the world, be prepared to witness a yellow and dead nature when you see the world, the nature, and its green. Do not forget what you see, it will befall you as well. The world is just like that for you as well. Almighty Allah (c.c.) says, “This is how we explain our verses/ayat for a people who think.”

O humankind! Listen to Allah who created you, understand Allah, and reply to Allah by saying, “labbayk”. In the contents of this, “labbayk,” you should have a complete faith/iman, a complete Islam, and complete good deeds/amal-e-saleh and you should be a real Muslim. And then say, “labbayk. If these are not included when you say, “labbayk”, then you are not speaking the truth, for one cannot say “labbayk” in vain.

Hodja recites the 25th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

Almighty Allah is calling you to the abode of peace/dar es-salaam. So, what is the abode of peace/dar es-salaam? Allah is calling you to paradise/janna, to the immortal life, to eternal bliss, to the abode of peace, a house of salaam which has no sorrow or disaster. That is Islam itself. That is a journey to paradise/janna via Islam.

These are the lessons of the immortal life-giving light/nūr, which prepare you to the abode of peace/dar es-salaam, which is indeed real. These are the life-lessons of the Quran that came from Allah’s presence/Arsh-i Ala and from the sacred tablet/al-lawh al-mahfuz, which prepare you to the immortal life. These are the lessons of the life-giving light/nūr.

If you have paid attention to us so far, we have been going by giving the verses/ayat of Al-Quran Al-Karim sequentially, and by conveying the Quran as it is, and by pointing to the sunnah as well. That is, a verse is explained by a verse, a verse is explained by a sunnah, meaning by Hz. Muhammad. We have been humbly conducting the lessons of the life-giving light/nūr with a complete riwayat and dirayat, by relying on accurate sources, by only siding with the Quran and the sunnah, without siding with anybody else, by only siding with Allah, the Messenger, and the Quran. That way we have been humbly conducting the lessons of the life-giving light/nūr for you.  That said, Almighty Allah said the following.

Hodja recites a part of the 24th verse.

Allah calls all servants/qul to paradise/janna, calls them to the abode of peace/dar es-salaam. The pathway to paradise/janna goes through Islam and the Quran, and the leader of that is Hz. Muhammad, who travelled to paradise/janna and hell/jahannam, who went beyond the seven layers of the heavens, who went there and came back, who know that pathway. As for Al-Quran Al-Karim, it is the book of guidance/hidayat and includes the mysteries of guidance/hidayat, and Islam is the whole of it. Become a real Muslim under the leadership of Muhammad and enter the pathway of Allah with the Quran in your hand and faith/iman in your heart. The straight path/sirat al-mustaqim is Islam and the Quran. Those who follow the way of Muhammad are the wayfarers of Ahlus-Sunnah wa’l-Jama’ah. They follow the way of Muhammad. So, do not deviate to the ways of ahlul bid’ah.

Janâb-i Haqq says the following.

Time Stamp: 1:00:15

Hodja recites a part of the 25th verse.

Allah is calling to the abode of peace/dar es-salaam, and guides/hidayat whomsoever Allah wishes to the right path. That is, whomsoever Allah wishes. Allah has given us powers such as reason, intellect, and will. Allah has given us spiritual and physical abilities along with intellect and will, and a soul. Our abilities are given to us so that we may use them for Allah’s cause. They were not given to us so that we may rebel against Allah, not so that we may fall into polytheism/shirk, disbelief/kufr, and reject the Quran. Rather, intellect or aql has been given to us so that we may understand Al-Quran Al-Karim with that sound intellect/aql-e-saleem, and a lifetime has been given, which is a period of test. The world is like a hall test, and such a chance has been granted to us. We are being tested on earth so that we may win this eternal abode of peace/dar es-salaam along with endless bounties/nimat and beauty/jamal of Allah.

Hodja recites the 26th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

“For those who do good there is a reward with better and more of it. Neither gloom shall cover their faces, nor disgrace. Those are the companions of paradise/janna, they will abide therein eternally.”

Hodja recites the 27th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

“As for those who have earned evil, the recompense of an evil deed is its equivalent. And a humiliation and disgrace shall cover them. For them, there is no saviour besides Allah.”

You may cry out for your leader all you want; he won’t be your saviour. You may cry out for your pioneer all you want or cry out for your false deities/taghuts or idols, they won’t be your saviour either. You will not have an intercessor/shafa’ah without having faith/iman and good deeds/amal-e-saleh either. Nobody can intercess/shafa’ah for you if you don’t have at least a real faith/iman.

“Their faces seem to be covered with layers of a dark night. They are the companions of hell/jahannam, they will abide therein forever.

Hodja recites a part of the 26th verse.

Look at those who do good and those who commit evil. Look at those who do good.

Hodja recites a part of the 112th verse of Surah al-Baqarah [2].

No! Whoever does good in deeds and submits his self to Allah, then his reward is with his Rabb.”

Time Stamp: 1:05:00

Now, what is goodness or doing good/ihsan here? Our Prophet said this about ihsan.

Hodja recites the original text of hadith-i sharif.

What is being said? Our glorious Prophet (asw) said that ihsan is for you to worship/ibadat Allah as though you see Allah. Even though you cannot see Allah at all, Allah surely sees you. Allah is seeing you. Allah is always checking us, and we are to submit all our time, all our self, and all our thoughts to earn the pleasure/riza of Allah. That is why we are to obey the standards of the sharia/law, this does not go random.

Allah says there is much better and much more in the 26th verse.

Which starts from 10-fold to 700-fold and goes increasingly towards more. There is no end of the blessings/lutf of Allah. There are narrations/riwayat that say what is referred by extra/ziyadah, forgiveness/maghfirat, satisfaction/ridwān, best/husnā is to be meeter/mulaqi of Allah. So, what is a meeter/mulaqi? Being a meeter/mulaqi of Allah is to be a recipient of the beauty/jamal of Allah by earning the pleasure/riza of Allah. That is the goal, and you should work for it. If you are not working for it then you have flaws even if you earn paradise/janna because the beauty/jamal of Allah should be wanted. He who earned the pleasure/riza of Allah has earned everything, and he who lost it has lost everything.

Hodja recites a part of the 26th verse.

Those are the companions of paradise/janna, they will abide therein eternally.

May Janâb-i Mawla make us among the servants/qul who stay therein for eternity with the beauty/jamal of Allah. Insha’ Allah the lessons of the life-giving light/nūr will continue. May Allah grant us all the beauty/jamal and the pleasure/riza of Allah, and to attain certainty/yaqeen because one should be able to see the reality/haqiqa through the light/nūr of faith/iman, earn Allah’s pleasure/riza, and find peace. Peace is the continuation of certainty/yaqeen, which is the foundation of the heart. It is necessary to be guided/irshad through the lessons of the life-giving light/nūr to obtain these. We supplicate that may Allah make us among the servants/qul to whom Allah gives guidance/hidayat through Allah’s successful guidance/tawfiq-i hidayat and overwhelm us all in mercy/rahmat and forgiveness/maghfirat.

Time Stamp: 1:09:25

Al-Quran Al-Kareem – Tafsir (Exegesis) Lesson 342

On the 28th to 36th verses of Surah Yunus [10].

I seek shelter in Allah from the rejected Satan. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Hodja recites the 28th, 29th, and 30th verses of Surah Yunus [10].

“On the day We will gather them all together in mahshar.”

The book of the exalted above exalted, the light-shedding book Al-Quran Al-Karim; the beginningless/azali and eternal/abadi realities/haqiqa are being presented to the servants/qul by Janâb-i Haqq through the book and its verses/ayat. Allah’s light/nūr, and the reality of that light/nūr are becoming manifest. Janâb-i Haqq says that on that day, by which Janâb-i Haqq refers to is the great day of the greater court/mahkamah al-kubra, the last day/ruz-i ceza, the day of gathering/mahshar, “We will gather them all together in mahshar.” Everyone who is a human or a jinn and all creatures/makhluqat that which Janâb-i Haqq wills, foremost humankind, Janâb-i Haqq says, “We will gather them all together in mahshar.” Allah says, “We will gather them all together,” not some of them or one-fifth of them.

“We shall then say to those who associated partners/shirk, “To your place! You and what you associated! We shall then cause a split between them, and what they associated shall say, “You were not worshipping us.”

“Allah is sufficient as a witness between us and you. We had no idea that you were worshipping us.”

A man worships rocks or trees, but how can the rocks and trees know about that? A man worships a cow, but how can that cow know he is worshipping it? That said, those who make others worship himself like pharaohs, they are already the leaders of culprits, they are pioneers in crime and polytheism/shirk. However, there are also valuable figures in this regard. For example, Isa (a.s.) did not tell people to worship him. Not a single Prophet told people to worship him. Not an Awliya told people to worship them because they are servants/qul of Allah. That is why the polytheists/mushrik and those who worshipped idols are all in the fire along with those who made them worship, who are the leaders of fire. However, those who idolize good servants/qul and worship them are guilty themselves. Isa (a.s.) has never said anything like, “Worship me,” and that can never happen. That is why those who idolize Isa are guilty. Isa (a.s.) is not guilty in that regard, and this goes for other esteemed figures as well.

“Thereupon everybody will find what they used to do, and they will be returned to Allah, their true Mawla, and whatever they fabricated and used for slander will vanish from them altogether.”

Time Stamp: 5:20

Hodja recites a part of the 28th verse.

What did Janâb-i Haqq say?

“And it should not be forgotten that on that they We will gather them all together, We will gather them on the Day of Judgment/Qiyamah.”

Hodja recites a part of the 28th verse.

“Then, we will say to those polytheists/mushrikun:”

Hodja recites a part of the 28th verse.

“To your place! You and what you associated, stay in your places!

Hodja recites a part of the 28th verse.

“Then, We will have caused a split between them,” says Janâb-i Haqq.

Hodja recites a part of the 28th verse.

“And the idols that they associated as partners/shirk will say,”

Hodja recites a part of the 28th verse.

“You were not worshipping us,” those idols will say.

Hodja recites a part of the 28th verse.

“Allah is sufficient as a witness between us and you.”

Hodja recites a part of the 28th verse.

“Truth is, We were surely oblivious of your worship,” they will say.

Hodja recites a part of the 9th verse of Surah al-Buruj [85].

They will say, “Almighty Allah who truly sees everything is witness to all things.


Hodja recites a part of the 30th verse.

Therein everyone will find what they used to do, and everyone will examine what they used to do.

Hodja recites a part of the 30th verse.

And the polytheists/mushrik who did assume they were not going to encounter Allah, those who escape from Allah; those slanderers will be rejected in the presence of their real owner/malik who is their real Mawla.

Hodja recites a part of the 21st verse of Surah Hud.

Their many gods they slandered saying they are their intercessors in the presence of Allah, and all hallucinations and dreams they fabricated in the name of religion/din have forsaken them.

You see, that is the result of serving or worshipping idols instead of Allah. All their endeavours are lost. They will be coming to the presence of Allah with the biggest slander against Allah.

Hodja recites the 31st and 32nd verses of Surah Yunus [10].

“Say, ‘Who gives you provision/rizq out of the sky and the earth? Who controls ears and eyes? Who brings forth the living from the dead and brings forth the dead from the living? Who conducts every affair?’ They will say, ‘Allah,’ right away. Then say, ‘In that case, don’t you refrain from objecting to Allah?”

Time Stamp: 10:20

Do you think you can say this, disacknowledge Allah’s commands, and worship others as well? You see, “Allah is your real Rabb. What is there besides heresy outside of truth? Then how are you turned away from truth?”

Hodja recites a part of the 31st verse.


Hodja recites a part of the 31st verse.

“Say, ‘Who gives you provision/rizq out of the sky and the earth?’”

Hodja recites a part of the 31st verse.

Who has control over your hearing and sight? Who gives you the senses of hearing and sight? And who controls these? Who makes you comprehend these? It would still suffice had humankind contemplated that. However, the heavens and the earth are all manifest proofs of Allah’s holy omnipotence/qudrah.

As you know, Janâb-i Haqq say the following in Surah Ali Imran [3].

Hodja recites the 18th verse of Surah Ali Imran [3].

Janâb-i Haqq says, “Allah has witnessed there is no deity besides Allah, and so did the angels and the people of knowledge/ahlul ilm.”

Surely, everything is witness to the unity of Allah, foremost witnesses are Allah, the angels, and people of knowledge. See, Almighty Rabb says the following in the 103rd verse of Surah al-An’am [6].

Hodja recites a part of the 103rd verse of Surah al-An’am [6].

Allah perceives all sights, because it is Allah who creates the sight in all eyes. Allah perceives sights, and insights/basirat because it is Allah who created them. There is no deity besides Allah, that is out of the question. Then again, in the 85th verse of Surah al-Isra [17], Janâb-i haqq says the following.

Hodja recites a part of the 85th verse of Surah al-Isra [17].

Say, “The Spirit is at the command of my Rabb.” What is it? Spirit is a creature/makhluq, a command among the commands of Allah.

Hodja recites the original text of a hadith-i sharif but cuts short.

By means of supererogatory worships/nafila ibadat, the servant/qul comes closer to me in such a degree that I become his sight and hearing. This is a hadith-i qudsi. This hadith has been narrated/riwayat by Bukhari and Ahmad ibn Hanbal. Those who perform obligations/fard, necessities/wajib, and customs/sunnah properly, those who are adorned and liked (mustehab), are earning the love/muhabbat of Allah. Hodja recites a part of the 31st verse of Surah Yunus [10].

“Who brings forth the living from the dead and brings forth the dead from the living?”

Time Stamp: 15:03

Can someone beside Allah do that? That is utterly impossible. Gather all creatures/makhluqat, prophets, awliya, angels, nobody can create anything. Gather all humans and the jinn, nobody can create a single fly. See, the only creator is Allah Ta’ala. Can’t Allah bring forth the living from the dead and bring forth the dead from the living? Can’t Allah create? Can’t Allah create a dead one out of the living one? Just look at the food we consume. The food we consume turns into life. Inorganic matters that we consume become organic matter, and a living being comes about from sperm, which is made of blood. These are matters with diverse and opposite characteristics. The fact that they undergo selection is an occurrence contrary to the sameness and monotony of nature. These are occurrences contrary to nature, but who turns a cause into effect, and makes the effect a cause? There is a supernatural omnipotence/qudrah, we can clearly see the effect and forethought of a supernatural omnipotence/qudrah. So, what does Janâb-i Haqq say?

Hodja recites a part of the 31st verse.

Who is it that directs the command? Allah manages all the worlds/alamin, and the creator is Allah. Who is it that directs the command? It is Allah Ta’ala. Your organs and systems run perfectly, look at yourself! How is it that you have an automated system that operates your organs and systems? Who built it? Is it possible for someone beside Allah to create and build it? O humankind! Why don’t you accept your Rabb, meet your Rabb? Almighty Allah created us so that we may accept Allah.

Hodja recites a part of the 56th verse of Surah al-Dhariyat [51].

Once you know Allah, you’ll start worshipping Allah, you’ll start serving Allah, then you’ll be promoted to sultanship from servitude, and you as a mortal/fani will be promoted and become an immortal/baqī, but through what? That is through the grace and generosity/lutf-u-karam of Allah. These happen by becoming a real servant/qul to Allah, and by attaining Allah’s grace/lutf. Otherwise, you should get your mind straight!

Be wary of people who do not reflect truths, who divinized their worldly self/nafs and intellect/aql! Intellect/aql is among Allah’s fist creations. What is the duty of intellect/aql? It is to understand divine revelation/wahy-i ilahi, and that it works at Allah’s command. What is revelation/wahy? What is divine revelation/wahy-i ilahi? The primary objective of all intellects/aql is to understand Al-Quran Al-Karim. That is the textual/kitābi verses/ayat in Al-Quran Al-Karim. Intellect or aql is also a device for understanding the cosmological signs/ayat in the universe, and it is a light/nūr that shines in the heart, a light/nūr of knowledge.

Hodja recites a part of the 31st verse of Surah Yunus [10].

Surely, they will immediately say the following about the answer of all these along with all questions. “The answer to all questions is Allah, who created this universe/alam, who created everything.

Hodja recites a part of the 31st verse of Surah Yunus [10].

Do you think you can say it is Allah who created the universe/alam, and do not accept Allah’s command? Allah says, “Then, ask them, ‘Aren’t you afraid?’”

Time Stamp: 20:00

Hodja recites the 32nd verse of Surah Yunus [10].

So, you will say, “Allah,” and do not acknowledge the commands of the Creator of the universe/alam, is that right? But aren’t you afraid? Allah tells him to ask them.

Hodja recites a part of the 32nd verse.

You have heard! It is Allah!

Hodja recites a part of the 32nd verse.

Allah is your real Rabb. Your only true/haqq Rabb is Allah Ta’ala. So, stop divinizing this or that. If you take others as a rabb/lord… If you take someone as a rabb/lord instead of Allah and acknowledge someone else’s command as a Quran instead of Allah’s commands, then you will answer to Allah for that. Do you think Allah gave you or me this existence and this bounties/nimat so that we may take others as a rabb/lord? Do you think reason and logic have been given to you so that you may obey someone else’s command and disacknowledge Allah’s commands? Is that why Allah gave you these bounties/nimat, gave you this property/mulk, and settled you into this property/mulk? Allah gave you a lifetime and is making you eat and drink. All bounties/nimat belong to Allah.

Hodja recites a part of the 32nd verse.

“What is there after the truth/haqq except heresy/dalalah?” That is said by Almighty Allah. Allah is One. So, get your mind straight! No matter which way you follow other than the Allah the Real, it is a heresy/dalalah. The path that leads to Allah is Allah’s own path, which is the straight path/sirat al-mustaqim which has been brought forth by Islam and the Quran. All beliefs other than monotheistic creed/tawhid aqidah are heresy/dalalah. Beware! All beliefs other than the monotheistic belief/tawhid are heresy/dalalah. Monotheistic belief/tawhid is the Islamic faith/iman that is based on the basis of Allah’s unity, which is the faith/iman of all Prophets. It is the universal and true/haqq faith/iman. This is the eternally valid, acceptable or makbul, and true/haqq belief/iman.

Hodja recites a part of the 32nd verse.

How can you turn away and while the reality is this? That is, where are you being led away? Who sends you away? Who makes you turn away from the truth/haqq? Those who make you abandon Allah’s unity, the reality/haqiqa of Islam, the true religion/haqq din that is Islam, and made you deviate to wrong paths, what is the reason that you are turned away from the true path? What is the reason that you are reserved? Why are you going back from the truth.

Hodja recites the 33rd verse of Surah Yunus [10].

“This is how your Rabb’s word has come true about the sinners/fāsiqūn who deviated from the true religion/haqq din – that they will not believe.”

May Allah preserve us! There are people who will not believe/iman no longer, but why? That is because disbelief/kufr entered them and settled in them. They accepted the whole of disbelief/kufr by their own will. They do not want to renounce their disbelief/kufr. They use all their power for disbelief/kufr. May Allah preserve us!

Our Prophet said the following.

Hodja recites a part of the original text of the hadith-i sharif.

He was seeking refuge in Allah by reciting that.

Hodja recites the rest of the hadith-i sharif but cuts short.

There is a continuation of this hadith.

Time Stamp: 25:15

In one of these he said the following. Hodja recites the original text of the hadith-i sharif.

That is why, o my brother who has reason/aql and faith/iman! If you are wise, then become a Muslim right away. Islam itself is the manifestation/tajalli of the mercy/rahmat of truth/haqq and reality/haqiqa that encompass all creation, and it is universal. It is immortal life itself. It is truth/haqq and reality/haqiqa itself. O my brother who have faith/iman! You too should strengthen your faith/iman. Know that the Quran is a garden richer than the garden of paradise/janna. Let your heart and soul eat from the Quran. Let them eat from the garden of the Quran, and drink the wines of the Quran. Come to the enjoyment, hydration, and opinion/r’ay of the Quran. Become addicted for this is what you should become addicted. This is the place where you cannot stop eating and drinking. Come, eat and drink from the abundance/fayiz of the Quran. Let your faith be an iman. Let your intellect become a sound intellect/aql-e-saleem. Let your intellect/aql become perfect. Let it become an obedient intellect/aql-e-maad. Do not submit your intellect/aql to the command of the servile, other souls/nafs, disbelief/kufr, polytheism/shirk, tyrants, or injustice/zulm and captivate your will and reason! There is no freedom besides servitude to Allah. The only guarantor of freedom is Allah, who created life. Allah is the guarantor of freedom. There is nobody who can guarantee freedom beside Allah. That is why he who becomes a servant/qul of Allah Ta’ala gains his freedom thereby, and he has earned freedom from everything beside Allah. Total independence is therein. Whosoever does not submit to Allah Ta’ala and not subject to Allah’s command has subjected to creatures’ command, and he is a slave thereafter. He assumes he is free, but he is not. Rather, he is an absolute slave. He is either a slave of his self/nafs or someone. Pay close attention to this! Let’s say you become a slave of your self/nafs, it did not create you. It is Allah who created you and yourself along with your whole existence. You cannot become a slave to your lust either. Moreover, you cannot become a slave to bounty/nimat as well. You are to be at the command of the One who created bounty/nimat because sultanship and freedom is therein. Islam is a complete path of freedom. It is the freedom path that leads to Allah. Everything about Islam is peace and soundness/salamat. So, let us see what Janâb-i Haqq said. There are people who will never be able to believe/iman anymore, who lost the ability to believe/iman. The disbelief/kufr which they earned themselves is stamped onto their inner worlds as a seal for it is their earning. That said, they do not want to renounce that disbelief/kufr, and Janâb-i Haqq does not constrain their freedom. If Janâb-i Haqq constrained their freedom it would not have been a trial, and there would have been a compulsory belief/iman and Allah does not accept compulsory belief/iman. It is not acceptable to force someone to believe/iman. That is prohibited.

Time Stamp: 30:00

Hodja recites the 34th verse of Surah Yunus [10].


Hodja recites a part of the 33rd verse.

So, what does Janâb-i Haqq say about those whose debauchery/fisq has been ascertained?

“The word of your Rabb, Haqq Ta’ala,” meaning, “This utterance/kalam, and this decree/hukm has come true.”

Hodja recites a part of the 33rd verse.

Says, “They will not believe/iman.”

Now, our esteemed friends, there are so many proofs in the universe regarding the existence of Allah, who is necessary existent/wajib al-wūjūd, and those who do not perceive these right due to philosophical assumptions, and these so-called philosophers and deniers try to corrupt these completely. However, there is proof and confession in the universe and the glorious Quran that can topple down said philosophical speculations. There is not an atom’s weight of need for denial or disbelief/kufr. No matter what deniers say, they are actually denying themselves. Allah’s beginningless/azali and eternal/abadi being is unaffected when someone denies Allah. Yet eternal loss belongs to whosoever denies Allah. That is why Al-Quran Al-Karim came to save them as well. Islam is saviour and came to save everyone. O! So, called philosophers who deny! Renounce your denial! That said, we have no word against honest and upright philosophers, we are only addressing the denialist philosophy. They are not philosophers or anything, they are only sketching of a philosopher, and the philosophical speculations of those deniers have been completely destroyed by Islam and Al-Quran Al-Karim. So, how can you deny Allah who created the sun? Allah’s existence is even brighter than the sun, and former. How can you deny the One who created all the worlds/alamin? That is why it is Lightsome Quran and Glorious Islam that which rooted out all second thoughts regarding arbitrariness and scepticism in the matters such as existence, knowledge, causation, matters of comprehending reality, unitary existence/wūjūd al- barīʾ, divine monotheism/tawhid al-ilahi, body and soul, matter and form, mind and outer world, object/afaq and subject/anfus. It is Lightsome Quran and Glorious Islam and the Quran that which completely rejected and cancelled all varieties of polytheism/shirk. The guide of it is Hz. Muhammad, who is the Prophet of Mercy/Rahmat (asw).

With that said, esteemed friends.

Hodja recites the 34th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

Time Stamp: 35:00

“Say, ‘Is there anyone among your partners whom you hold equal to Allah that originate the creation, and then resurrect it?’ Say, ‘Allah originates the creation first, and then re-create it. Then how are you being turned and deviated from the path?’”

Nobody can deviate you when you adhere to the Real/al-Haqq. There is no power that can lead you astray once Allah guides/hidayat you. Then, why don’t you enter into Allah’s protection, and seek shelter in Allah! The first prerequisite of seeking shelter in Allah is real belief/iman. You are settled in a complete environment of trust when your belief/iman is a complete one. Allah Ta’ala takes you into a complete environment of trust, into an intact cloth, and takes you under protection. One may enter into Allah’s protection through real belief/iman. One goes out of Allah’s protection through denial, by which one enters the protection of shaitans/devils; and you will go to the ranks of evil powers, false deities/taghut, pharaohs, deniers, polytheists/mushrik, idolaters, and the unjust, and you will be destroyed therein.

Hodja recites the 35th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

“Say, ‘Are there any of your associate-gods who can show the right path?’ Say, ‘Allah guides/hidayat to the right and true path.’ So, is someone who shows the way to the truth more worthy to be followed, or someone who cannot find it unless he is shown? So, what has happened to you? How do you judge?

Janâb-i Haqq says the following.

Hodja recites the 36th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

Most of them follow nothing but assumption. As for assumption, it can replace the truth in no way. Allah is surely all-knowing of what they do.

Esteemed friends, true effect and first cause only emerges with the first creation. That happens when Allah, who has the power to create out of nothing, creates with omnipotence/qudrah. In the flow of natural events new creations occur by interactive relation of qiyam/orthostasis, sudur/emanation, tevlid/reproduction, kasb/acquisition etc. As for creation, it means to create out of nothing. For one thing, Janâb-i Haqq creates nature out of nothing, establishes an order, and manages that order, and creates the laws of reproduction that works within this order as it runs. Therefore, what do we see here? We see affect and causation, look at this. In the flow of natural events there is qiyam/orthostasis, sudur/emanation, tevlid/reproduction, kasb/acquisition etc., all of these are the first cause, which are things that occur as a result of the order which has been established by the One who created it out of nothing.

Time Stamp: 40:10

These do not happen without the first creation and an order being established. That is why realities are being narrated in the 1st and 2nd verses of Surah al-An’am [6]. Everyone knows they have been created later, and they were non-existent some time ago. Everyone should look at themselves. You were not existent a time ago, ask yourself! O humankind! You were not existent once upon a time, and now you have been created. You had no father, but he was created. The roots of humankind have been created out of nothing. Was there a father of Adam and Hawwa? No, there wasn’t. They were created out of nothing. Adam had no parents, and Isa only lacked a father. Some people worship Isa/Jesus simply because he had no father. So, in that case Adam had no father or mother. Now, if you leave the creator and worship what has been created, then there are countless creatures, but the creator is one. It all progressed one after another, take a look. Take a look at the universe/alam based on a first cause that has been created. Look at the beginning and the result, origin and return/mabda-wa-maad, and use your intellect/aql. See that the first model and the first matter is a sign among the signs of the creator. Would there be a universe/alam if the first matter wasn’t created? Janâb-i Haqq created the first substance/jawhar. First substance/jawhar is the light/nūr of Muhammad. Janâb-i Haqq created Hz. Muhammad from the essence of that substance/jawhar. Janâb-i Haqq created him and after filtering him and selecting him and created him from the essence of that first substance/jawhar, which is the light/nūr of Muhammad. Janâb-i Haqq created the whole creation/makhluqat from that substance/jawhar after that. The One who knows how to create has created. The Creator knows all ways of creation. Our Exalted Rabb.

Allah, jalla jalaluhu.

Allahu Akbar, jalla jalaluhu.

Subhānallāh, jalla jalaluhu.

Hodja recites a remembrance/dhikr of Allah.

Your whole body finds life from your Creator when you utter the name of Allah. Al-Quran Al-Karim is remembrance/dhikr, and the meanings in it should encompass your soul/self, and your heart should drink that meaning even more than alcohol addicts. You should become addicted to the meanings in the Quran, and drink heavily. Recitation of the Quran means that you are drinking the meaning of Al-Quran Al-Karim as you read it. It is to feel its pleasure, and establish the meaning in your heart, which is called drinking/shirb by the awliya. They call the taste they got from it pleasure, and they call the happiness they get from it r’ay. And they also call progress r’ay. Because as the meaning of Al-Quran Al-Karim encompasses you it raises you. Because when the Quran was sent down to the world, to Hz. Muhammad, humanity was living the Jahiliyyah/Ignorance Period. The world was living the era of idolatry.

Time Stamp: 45:10

What happened to so many male and female slaves? They became governors. They become commanders. They became elevated figures. They became mujtahids. They became jurists. They became authors. They became hadith scholars/muhaddith. They became discoverers. They founded a universal state. They taught civilization to humanity. The movements such as the renaissance had begun in the world after them, and they lead humankind to renaissance and reform. The ignorance in brains have been toppled down. A revolution was made. Knowledge/ilm and learning/irfan were established. Discoveries were set in motion. Look at the Islamic history like that. Some people are trying to cover truths with their fascistic mentality. You cannot cover the sun with a finger. True scientists already know the truth. What do intellectuals and men of science say in the West, such as Bismarck and Roy? They say the world can never reach the civilization of Muhammad. No matter how much the world advances its civilization cannot reach Muhammad’s civilization. That is because the Islamic civilization that Muhammad (asw) brought forth is the civilization of paradise/janna.

It is a sovereignty of love. A sovereignty of justice. A sovereignty of mercy/rahmat. A sovereignty of pure social state. That means the peace and tranquillity of all creatures/makhluqat on earth. That is for peace to become predominant in the world and in the hearts and souls. Do you think you can cover the sun with one finger? Is that possible? What does Bismarck say? “O Muhammad! I couldn’t come to the world in your period. I couldn’t kneel before you, but I am grateful to you. The world is your family/ahlul iyâl. Whatever the world has learned, it has learned from you.” And other people of science say so many other things as well. Come, let us not do evil on earth. Let us do good for the whole of humankind. Let us not be sparing in Allah’s book from people. Allah sent the Quran to all humanity. Muhammad Mustafa is the universal Prophet of all humanity. Islam is the religion/din of all humanity, one that embraces all people. All Prophets are Muslims. They are revered figures assigned by Allah the One. May Allah’s bestow upon them peace. May Allah’s peace be upon all Prophets along with everyone who is on that path, who walked in the path of Hz. Muhammad because these ages are Ages of Muhammad. The previous ages belonged to their respective Prophets, but the lastly Almighty Allah sent Muhammad upon the worlds until the last day/qiyamah, and all ages until the last day/qiyamah are Muhammad’s ages. All nations are Muhammad’s ummah/peoples. That is why let us not forget that Hz. Muhammad is the Prophet of mercy/rahmat of all humanity. Janâb-i Haqq reflects the light/nūr unto us in these verses, as well as in other verses, and teaches us the truth/haqiqa. The genesis had begun, and it continues non-stop.

Time Stamp: 50:05

Janâb-i Haqq renews life non-stop. Now, let us have a look, life is being renewed non-stop, and the philosophers who are people of wisdom have said, tasalsul-u-muhal which is impossible sequence. That is why philosophers who are people of wisdom have comprehended that an attribution to the necessary existent/wajib al-wūjūd is requisite. That is, they said that nobody except Allah Ta’ala can be the creator of this universe/alam, who is necessary existent/wajib al-wūjūd. So, what is necessary existent/wajib al-wūjūd? The existence of Almighty Allah is a necessity of Allah’s own being/dhat. The creator is uncreated. That is why Allah Ta’ala is self‐existent, meaning Allah’s existence is a necessity of Allah’s own being/dhat. Therefore, Allah is necessary existent/wajib al-wūjūd.

Now, pay close attention. Is it not a futile endeavour to look for the man who made the engine in the engine? Now, let’s say you are looking for the one who made this engine, wondering who made it, but you are looking for him in the engine. The one who made the engine will not be in the engine. It is also heresy and wrong to look for the creator in the creation and natural assets. Creation is evidence of the existence of the creator. You cannot look for the creator among the creatures. That creator is an exalted/subhan and pure/munazzah being, and does not resemble creatures at all, thus you cannot look for the creator among creatures.

Moreover, you cannot accept creatures as a part of the creator either because in the end it is polytheism/shirk. So, get your mind straight! People are doing these mistakes in the world. Some are looking for the creator among the creatures, and others consider creatures a part of the creator. These are slander against Allah. These are polytheism/shirk and disbelief/kufr, which will ruin a person. Allah has no equals or comparables. Allah Ta’ala does not resemble creatures/makhluqat. Once something resembles creatures/makhluqat it cannot be a creator/khaliq no more. That is why do not ever confuse creator and creature! In meaning, of course; besides, Allah is already pure/munazzah and exalted. Nobody has the chance of harming or benefiting Allah. All the worlds/alamin and all creatures/makhluqat need Allah. Allah is not in need of anyone. You should recite ikhlas shareef correctly.

Hodja recites the 1st verse of Surah al-Ikhlas [112].

What is said here?

Allah is one as a being/dhat, one in attributes/sifāt, one in doings/af’al, and one in regard to everything.

Hodja recites the 2nd verse of Surah al-Ikhlas [112].

Allah us samad, meaning everyone needs Allah. Allah does not need anyone. The only being one may apply for his needs to be met is Almighty Allah. That is why Almighty Allah is necessary existent/wajib al-wūjūd and is real or haqq by oneself. Get this well! Almighty Allah is necessary existent/wajib al-wūjūd and is real or haqq by oneself. After that, know this as well!

Hodja recites the 3rd verse of Surah al-Ikhlas [112].

Allah neither begot anyone, nor was Allah begotten.

Because the creator is not begotten, and does not beget anyone, has no equals, partners, or overseers.

Time Stamp: 55:15

That is why he who claims Allah is born, or associates children or fatherhood with Allah is doing the greatest slander against Allah. He falls into disbelief/kufr, and paradise/janna is eternally haram for those who have this view. Let us see what Janâb-i Haqq says in Al-Quran Al-Karim by the tongue of Isa (a.s.)?

Paradise/janna has been made haram to polytheists/mushrikun. They cannot enter paradise/janna. You may open Al-Quran Al-Karim and look. What are we doing with the lessons of the life-giving light/nūr so that people may find life and that we may be beneficial? We continue with the lessons of the life-giving light/nūr and the exploratory notes. We are giving exploratory notes. If we try to explain the whole of Al-Quran Al-Karim, and dive into the meanings and details of every single word, then endless and boundless things will bring about. That is what Hz. Ali said. “If I had written an exegesis/tafsir for the Quran, I would have written at least 70 camel-load of paper.” You see the scholarly genius and wisdom of Hz. Ali here.

That is why esteemed friends, some cannot pass a streamlet, some cannot pass a small stream, they see danger in it. Al-Quran Al-Karim is a sea of beginningless/azali and eternal/abadi and endless and boundless realities/haqiqa. It is a sea that encompasses all the worlds, and you need to swim in this sea in order to find life. Immortal life is therein, and the ship thereby is faith/iman. The ship here is Islam. It is Islam, the Quran, and Hz. Muhammad what prepares you to the immortal life without sinking this ship in the eternal world of existence, which are a complete manifestation/tajalli of mercy/rahmat of Almighty Allah and are Allah’s beginningless/azali and eternal/abadi blessings/lutf.

Cemādāt means inanimate matter, and we see that Janâb-i Haqq creates a living thing while there is no living cell. Janâb-i Haqq creates life from water and creates supernatural principles. Allah brings supernatural firsts into being out of nothing.

Allah Ta’ala (c.c.) is the only bizatihi/lizatihi Being who exists, whose inexistence is out of the question. Pay attention to this! Let us know our Rabb well. What is being said? Allah Ta’ala is the only bizatihi/lizatihi Being, whose inexistence is out of the question.

Hodja recites a part of the 10th verse of Surah Yunus [10].

“Then, brings it back”.

Allah creates out of nothing, kills it, and resurrects it again because the One who creates out of nothing can do these easily. Allah is All-Able/al-Qadir.

La ilaha illallah, there is no deity except Allah. There is only Allah. Fard As-Samad/The Everlasting Being.

That is why Al-Imam Al-Azam said the following.

Hodja recites the original text of Al-Imam Al-Azam’s prayer/dua.

Now nice a glorification/tasbih Janâb-i Haqq inspires to the great imam.


Hodja recites the 3rd and 4th verses of Surah al-Ikhlas [112].

That is why when we recite this glorification/tasbih, we see how Al-Imam Al-Azam knows the Exalted Rabb! See how he knew and explored Al-Quran Al-Karim! See how that grand philosopher became a faqih/jurist! See how great a jurist and discoverer he is! This goes for Malik, Shafi’i, Hanbali as well. We have a grand ulama who are such excellent figures who studied in those ecoles. May Allah bestow mercy/rahmat upon them all.

Time Stamp: 1:01:45

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