
Turkish English Fikhi Ekber Lesson 35

Al-Fiqh Al-Akbar – Lesson 35


Elhamdülillahi Rabb’il âlemin. Vessalâtü vesselâmü âlâ rasûlinâ Muhammedin ve âlâ âli Muhammed. Estağfirullah bi adedi zünübina hatta tufer, Allahu Ekber hatta tufer. Rabbi euzûbike min’hemezatişşeyâtîyn ve euzûbike Rabbi enyehdûrun. Bismillâhirrahmânirrahîm.


Most valuable and venerable friends, we continue to give you discovery notes from Al-Fiqh Al-Akbar.


If someone says, “Damn you, and your Muslimism!” he would immediately become a kāfir. That person may have done something wrong. However, “Damn your Muslimism!” this remark leads the person to blasphemy. For that reason, such dangerous situations must be contemplated thoroughly, and one must never utter dangerous words or do dangerous actions that necessitates blasphemy. The person who says that destroys himself. For can you insult a person by saying, “Damn you, and your Muslimism!” for he has done something wrong? If you damn Islam and Muslimism that curse will hug your neck for Islam a holy foundation. Eternally, no one has the right to curse to Islam, eternally. Islam is a fact. Some people may be mistaken but they should never infect Islam with your abysmal ignorance.


Now, if someone said, “I wish I was kāfir who converted to Islam so that something was given to me as well,” this person would become a kāfir as well for it is blasphemy to have desire for blasphemy. This is because he is consenting to blasphemy. So, a kāfir became a Muslim, and some things were given to him. The other, the Muslim one, says the above remark, such utter ignorance. I am sorry but I am having a hard time even uttering that remark. SO, they said that if he says something like this, and wishes for blasphemy, he would become a kāfir, they said. This opinion is under record in our valuable books such as Al-Hulasa, and Al-Havi.


There is also this, if someone wished becoming a kāfir in future; he would become a kāfir in his current state as well. For the person who decided that he will prefer blasphemy in future becomes a kāfir already. This is because blasphemy is eternally unacceptable, and you can’t consent to blasphemy, eternally. You can never renounce imān (faith) as well. You can’t renounce imān (faith) in any way. You can never accept blasphemy either.


Furthermore, it is written in our valuable books that if the person wishes that thought from the heart he would become a kāfir. They have placed that note as well. The following is also written in our valuable sources. If someones father has died as a blasphemer, and if the person who wants to inherit the belongings of his father says, “I wish I haven’t been a Muslim until now,” in order to inherit the belongings of his father who is a kāfir, he would immediately become a blasphemer.



(Dakika: 05:05)


For the moment he said, “I wish I haven’t been a Muslim,” his acknowledgement and testification has gone, and blasphemy has arrived. May Allah shield us from such things. You should never utter these words even if they make you the king of the world. You should never prefer blasphemy for a single moment, nor wish it. Don’t you become a kāfir even if they torn you to pieces for a thousand times, and never wish for blasphemy. However, look towards dying with imān (faith) in your heart. Look towards living with imān (faith). Friends, now, if someone says, “You would be able to inherit if you weren’t a Muslim,” to a Muslim he would become a kāfir as well. So, why is that? This is because he desires the blasphemy of that person. He wants him to become a kāfir. Having consent to blasphemy is blasphemy. So, another Muslim is saying to him that, “Look, if you weren’t a Muslim, you would be able to inherit from the non-muslim.” This is a person who destroys himself in the name of another person.


Moreover, we see in our valuable books that if a Muslim sees a Christian girl, and wished he was a Christian so that he could marry her, that Muslim would abandon the religion. Yet he could have got someone more beautiful without harming his religion and imān (faith) if he had wanted this as a firm Muslim, without wishing to become a Christian. However, he would immediately fall into blasphemy even if he wishes that he was a Christian. For Christianity is not Islam. But Isa (Jesus) is a Muslim. The Bible that was sent down by Allah to Isa is a true book. The Torah that was sent down by Allah to Musa is a true book, and Mus is a Muslim as well. They are rightheous prophets. The person immediately falls into blasphemy if he wishes for the religions of people whom deviated from the way of true Bible, true Torah, and the way of Musa and Isa. He could have married to the daughter of a person who is from ahlul kitab (people of the book) if he becomes a firm and steadfast Muslim; not by making concessions to his religion and imān (faith). The one who makes concessions to his religion and imān (faith) can’t have imān (faith). You should understand this well. I am repeating for this is important. If a Muslim sees a beautiful Christian girl and wishes that he was a Christian so that he could marry with her, there won’t be a Muslim anymore and the religion, imān (faith) goes from him, and he falls into blasphemy. For Islam is a fact, and it is an honour. There is no one, or no true religion other than Islam. Who or what are you wishing for? The religion of all of the prophets is Islam. The religion of the humanity was Islam, starting from the moment that Allah created humankind in earth. All prophets are Muslims, and they are entrusted with the religion of Islam, this goes for all of the prophets of the past. Then, at last Prophet Muhammad’s sharīʿah came and it renewed the entire past. Uṣūl al-Sharīʿah (the principles of the sharīʿah) have never changed, but Furūʿ (branches) have changed through time, and in the end with Prophet Muhammad’s sharīʿah Allah has renewed the past. The religion is always one. Isa didn’t bring Christianism. Musa didn’t bring Judaism.



(Dakika: 10:01)


Their religion was Islam. The people deviated from their way. So, what are they wishing for? Moreover friends, I say that that thought is due to his foolishness. Because, it is permissible for a Muslim to get married with an ahlul kitab (people of the book) woman. That fool, and lowlife is a person who destroys his religion, and his imān (faith) for no reason at all. In the aforementioned case the person wished being a Christian in order to marry to a Christian girl. Can there be more foolish person? Can there be a more stupid person who destroys himself than this? May Allah protect us. The beautiful women are more numerous amid the Muslims. In other words, you shouldn’t search for a beautiful woman in the east or the west and in the false religions. You should search for her in Islam. The scope of Islam is swarmed with heroic women who are the heroes of Islam whose honour, chastity, virtue, and dignity is perfect today. Are there not any beautiful woman amid the Muslims, in the Islamic world? You shouldn’t search for her in another place.


Friends, there is also this. Let’s say someone conformed the following remarks, “I would become a Christian if I reside with a Christian,” or “I would become a Jew.” So, what is the person who said that remark? They said that this person falls into blasphemy for he acknowledged those remarks, and uttered them as well. This is because that person is a zindīq. You are not going to convert to the religion of the person whom you are staying with. For many people with different religions may stay together. So, the person who says that he will immediately convert to his religion falls into such dangerous situations.


If someone says, “What harm did your religion bring you that you became a Muslim?” to a person who converted to Islam also falls into blasphemy. For there are no other religion than Islam.


The person would fall into blasphemy if he said, “Time is the time of blasphemy, not the time of becoming a Muslim,” falls into blashpemy if he referred that one shouldn’t become a Muslim in these times. For all times are the times of Islam. All times and places are the creation of Allah. And the times and the places weren’t created for fatihlessness. They were created for imān (faith). For that reason, neither the times nor the places can stay being devoid of imān (faith), and Islam. İmân ve İslam’la yaşanır.


Also, if someone asks, “Are you not a Muslim?” and he answers “No,” he would fall into blasphemy. However, he would only be faulty if he said “No” by mistake. For you can’t call someone a kāfir if he didn’t say that intentionally. Also, if he was asked, “Are you not afraid of Allah?” and he said, “No,” then he would become a kāfir. For the person who doesn’t fear Allah is not a believer.” That is if he says it intentionally. There is also another situation in which his wife would be divorced from him due to Talaq-ul-Bain (Irrevocable Divorce). So, who are we talking about. We are saying that if someone was asked, “Don’t you fear Allah,” and if that person wratfully said, “No” he would become a kāfir and his wife would be divorced from him due to Talaq-ul-Bain (Irrevocable Divorce).


(Dakika: 15:05)


This is because when imān (faith) goes away the marraiage dissolves as well. If a woman says, “There is no sense of honour in you, for there is no religion in you because you are consenting for me to be with strangers,” and if his husband replies, “Yes, there is none of that in me,” it is clear that the husband is a kāfir. Allah forbid! May Allah not let anyone fall into such situations. He becomes a kāfir for he has confessed his blasphemy.


Moreover, if they said, “Aren’t you a Muslim?” to someone, and if he said, “No,” he would fall into blasphemy and abandon the religion. He would also fall into blasphemy if he replies by saying, “I am what you call me.”


Let’s say that they shouted out to a Muslim by saying, “O kāfir, o Zoroastrian, o Christian.” And let’s say that  Muslim answered by saying „Yes?“. That person who answered, “Yes?” becomes a kāfir for he has acknowledged blasphemy through that answer. The Muslim can neither acknowledge blashpemy nor Zoroastrianism, nor Judaism, nor Christianism. The Muslim can’t acknowledge any of these things. For there is not another truth other than Islam. There is no other religion. The true religion, is Islam which is the religion of all prophets. You should never forget that. Furthermore, the following is said about when a person shouts out to a believer by saying, “O, Kāfir!” Friends, the one who was told that keeps silent rather than saying, “I am not a kāfir, I am a believer,” when they shout out to him saying, “O, Kāfir!” He would fall into blasphemy if he keeps silent. He should not keep silent but his imān (faith) should rear up.


There is also this, if a person says, “I could create a human like you using clay at any moment,” to the one he spoke to, look, if a person says, “I could create a human like you using clay at any moment,” to the one he spoke to he would immediately fall into blasphemy for creating is pertain to Allah. That remark would destroy you no matter how you say it.


Also, if they said, “O, red person!” to someone, and that person replies by saying, “Allah created me from apple flour. Yet he created you from mud; mud is unlike flour,” he would fall into blasphemy. For there is a clear opposition to a verse of the Qur’an in that remark. For Almighty Lord created humankind from earth, from mud. Al-Qur’an Al-Karim does not say that Allah created human from flour. “Topraktan yarattık” diyor ve ona balçıktan ve o balçığın da hulâsasından yarattık, buyuruyor. “And [He] breathed into him of His Spirit,” says the Qur’an in the 9th verse of Surah Sajdah. The above remark about creating from flour is about the religion and creation. Therefore it is contrary to Al-Qur’an Al-Karim. There is also this; if a person has an intention that himself is a kāfir, in that case he becomes a kāfir by consensus. For a real Muslim would not consen to blasphemy. He would never accept to become a kāfir as well. For that person is a believer (mu’min) as long as he acknowledges and testifies Islam, and the fundamentals of faith. He is a Muslim, not a kāfir. However, the person would become a kāfir if he says, “I was a kāfir but now I am a Muslim.”


(Dakika: 20:02)


The Muslims can’t consent to unbelief (kufr). Some people seem like Muslims, but they are saying, “I am a kāfir,” at the same time. Never! Never in ever! Friends, we are reporting dangerous situations to you. Al-Imam Al-Azam explains the varieties of unbelief (kufr) in his Al-Fiqh Al-Akbar so that people may abstain from all varieties of unbelief (kufr). And we are giving those remarks as discovery notes, and as clues so that people may stay away from unbelief (kufr) via these discovery notes, and so that they can understand the truths, and live as a believer. We continue to convey you these discovery notes through our channel.


So, if someone says, “I was a kāfir, but now I became a Muslim,” he would fall into unbelief (kufr), they said. However, according to another remark, they said that if the person uttered that remark by mistake by denying unbelief (kufr), and protecting his acknowledgement and testification. Yet such remarks are always terribly dangerous.


Let’s say someone said, “Allah curses the Iblis,” and someone says “I won’t curse Iblis,” as reply, he would fall into unbelief (kufr). For by that remark he is objecting to the commandment of Almighty Allah. The the apparent meaning of that remark consists solely of objecting to Allah. Also, a Muslim becomes a kāfir if he makes idols [to worship]. For a Muslim knows that the idols are tools of polytheism. The Muslim can neither do any actions nor utter the remarks nor do the deeds that would lead him or anyone to polytheism.

Valuable and venerable friends, it is also recorded in our valuable source books that the person becomes a kāfir if he says, “Leave me so that I may be a kāfir.” For a Muslim can’t accept any kind of unbelief (kufr). There is also this: if someone suggest a word of unbelief (kufr) to a person, and says, “Just utter that word,” that person who suggests it becomes a kāfir. Also, if the other person accepts that word he becomes a kāfir as well. The provision is the same even if that remark was uttered for fun. For the Muslim has to stay away from words and behaviours that will lead to unbelief (kufr). So, let’s say that someone ordered someone to abandon the religion. Or, a mufti gave a fatwa (legal opinion) that a woman has abandoned the religion, this is important. The person who ordered that becomes a kāfir along with that mufti. For no one has the chance to order someone to abandon the religion. The one who does that becomes a kāfir. Besides, the mufti that gives fatwa (legal opinion) that a person has abandoned religion without there being a single sign that shows that he or she abandoned the religion becomes a kāfir. For that reason friends, know that unbelief (kufr) is the greatest of all dangers. The people shouldn’t be throwing themselves into this danger. Whoever you may be, have imān (faith). The situations of some bad ālims who are the caretakers of states-people are quite ugly. They even teach the states-people tricks in some matters.


(Dakika: 25:01)


These things also lead them to unbelief (kufr). Çünkü bazı insanlar güzel bir evli kadın gördükleri zaman ve o kocası o kadını boşamazsa boşanıp kendileriyle evlenebilmesi için dinden dönmesini emrediyorlar ve kendilerine esir ve köle yapıyorlar. They are collecting more women over the four women they have already married. You see, these are profane people. May Allah protect us from such people and actions. You shouldn’t deem someone suitable of what you don’t deem yourself suitable. Because, those who give fatwa (legal opinion) about a person who didn’t abandon the religion by saying, “He has abandoned the religion,” are the ones who set their eye on the chastity of others. They are vile people who has set their eyes on their chastity, and who wants to play with people’s honour through fraud. Valuable friends, let’s say that someone commands another person to become a kāfir. The person who orders that becomes a kāfir himself, and it doesn’t matter whether whom he ordered was a kāfir or not. Because one can’t order unbelief (kufr). When a person orders unbelief (kufr) he would be having consent to unbelief (kufr) which makes him a kāfir. The one who ordered unbelief (kufr) becomes a kāfir. He would also become a kāfir if he intended to order someone to become a kāfir due to that intention of his. Çünkü kalp orada bir şeye kesin karar vermiş? Neye? His heart decided to order someone to become a kāfir, and his heart consented to unbelief (kufr). That heart affirmed unbelief (kufr). So, that person becomes a kāfir.


The person falls into unbelief (kufr) if he says, “I am a denier.” You see, this is one of the ugliest ways of unbelief (kufr). Besides, unbelief (kufr) is heinous, and it is the worst.


Moreover, let’s say someone says, “You can be a Muslim, or a non-muslim, or a Christian, they are all the same for me,” to another person. In that case he falls into unbelief (kufr). For there is no truth except for Islam. There are no other true religions, nor is there another true imān (faith). The religion of all prophets is Islam.

So, let’s say someone said, “Say, ‘lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh,’” to a Muslim. If he don’t say it, or refuse to say it that person would fall into unbelief (kufr). We can also encounter in valuable source books that the one who says, “I had no gain from uttering that word until now, why should I say it?” immediately becomes a kāfir. Also, if he says, “I said lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh muḥammadun rasūlu llāh before, and I didn’t gain anything by saying,” becomes a kāfir.


If a woman says, “Me being a kāfir is much better than staying together with you,” that woman becomes a kāfir as well. For no kind of unbelief (kufr) is good. The worst of all things is unbelief (kufr). And the person who acknowledges unbelief (kufr) is a kāfir, if she’s a woman then she is a kāfirah.


For unbelief (kufr) is not acceptable. The person also falls into unbelief (kufr) if he says, “I would start worshipping idols rather than accepting that deal.” This remark is under record in the work named Al-Muhit.


If a person says, “I would follow his order if this ālim ordered me to be a kāfir,” he would fall into unbelief (kufr).


(Dakika: 30:05)


For Allah has forbid unbelief (kufr). Besides, no one has the chance to make unbelief (kufr) legitimate. Also, an ālim would never offer unbelief (kufr) to the people. He wouldn’t do that for once for he doesn’t want them to become kāfirs. So, let’s say someone who wants this has appeared. And let’s say you said, “I would follow him if this ālim offered me unbelief (kufr).” In that even you would immediately become a kāfir because you have consent to unbelief (kufr). That goes for everyone. Allah Ta’ala had eternally forbidden unbelief (kufr). It can’t be legitimized by anyone, for it is not legit. Even if all ālims gathered to do that, not one ālim would follow it. But let’s say that some bad people who look like ālims but not actually ālims had offered unbelief (kufr) to people. In that event you should consent to being torn to pieces for thousands of times but you shouldn’t consent to unbelief (kufr). You should get your mind together.


Friends, we contunie to convey you the discovery notes. So, let’s say someone said, “I would fulfil the orders of this ālim even if he orders me to become a kāfir.” This person falls into unbelief (kufr). He would also be having intentions to become a kāfir in the future, which is another unbelief (kufr).


Moreover, if someone says, “I am free and away from Islam,” he would become a kāfir by consensus. Saying that you are away from Islam means that you lack Islam. Also in another book, in one of our valuable source books, it is said the the person would become a kāfir if he says, “You are lying” to            the adhan (call to prayer) that the muezzin recites while passing by him. For the muezzin recites the adhan (call to prayer) via the factual words. The words in the adhan (call to prayer) are facts. There are no lies in them. There is only the truth. For example there is this in the adhan (call to prayer), “Allahu Akbar – Allah is [the] greatest.” There is nothing greater than him. This is a factual remark. So, what did he do when he said, “You are lying,” to the muezzin who recites these? Well, that person becomes a kāfir because he didn’t accept the truth.



Let’s say that someone wore a Zoroastrians’ hat. He then made himself look like them, and he adopted that look. Look, we’re saying that he embraced the structures of the Zoroastrians. So, let’s say he also fastened a yellow rag, which is the mark of the Zoroastrians. Now, it doesn’t matter how he acknowledges the ways and beliefs of the Zoroastrians. He would become a Zoroastrian if he acknowledges the demeanors of the Zoroastrians. Or, let’s say that he compares that yellow rag to a zunār. Or, let’s say he fastened some kind of tie, and compared that tie to the ones that they fasten. In those events he would fall into unbelief (kufr) for he adopted their structure, they said. The above remark is under record in the source book named Al-Fatawa Al-Sughra.


Moreover, if someone makes himself look like the Jews or the Christians in terms of appearance and morals, that Muslim would be throwing himself into the greatest of dangers even if that is just a joke. Çünkü Cenab-ı Hakk, Kur’an-ı Kerim’de “Kim ki onlara” diyor “kendini benzetirse o da onlardandır” diyor. The Muslim is a person with dignity, honour, a firm belief, good deeds, morals. He is with all of the divine values in which he believes. He can’t mimic another tribe. He can’t make himself look like others. He can’t acknowledge the belief systems of the others.


(Dakika: 35:00)


For Islam, is the religion of all nations. The religion of all prophets is Islam. The other religious systems were developed later when people deviated from Islam. Yine Râfızîlerin tacını başına koyarsa bu yine tahrimen mekruh olur, demişlerdir. Moreover, our Prophet (ʿalayhi ṣ-ṣalātu wa-s-salām) says, “Who bears resemblance to a community belongs to that community,” – “men teşebbehe bi-kavmin fehüve minhum,” – “Who bears resemblance to a tribe belongs to that tribe,” there is a Qur’anic verse like this, but there is also a Hadith-i Sharif. The Muslim can never act like those people of blasphemy, and evil innovators nor can he mimic their actions or wear their clothes, for the one who acts like them is actually one of them. It is blasphemy and an evil innovation to look like them. Let’s say that a Muslim wears a zunār (clothing of non-muslims), or if he fastens a yellow rag over his shoulder, he would fall into blasphemy if he did it on his own accord and he wasn’t forced to do it. So, when we search for sources of these, we see that these are written in the book named Al-Muhid.


There is also this, if a person says, “This is a zunār,” and fastens it on a person, and if that person embraces it, his wife would immediately be divorced from him, they said. Bu da Zâhirîye fetvasına göre bu şekilde “Karısı kendinden boş olur” fetvası verilmiştir. For you can’t accept any of the false belief systems.






So, let’s say someone wears a hat that belongs to the Zoroastrians, and someone came to him saying, “Don’t acknowledge that.” So, if he replies by saying, “My heart is on the true path,” he, again, falls into blasphemy. Look, would it be acceptable if a person said, “My heart is on the true path,” while worshipping to idols? So, similar to that, he adopts the customs of the Zoroastorias, and says,” You should look into my heart.” You see, they said that these people also fall into blapshemy. That person would in the least is denying the apparent provision of the sharīʿah. Kufr is the greatest sin, and there is no pardon for it unless the person repents and comes to imān (faith). The person has to repent and come to imān (faith), and become a Muslim. The cure for that is this. Also, the person would also fall into unbelief (kufr) if he says, “He is better than Muslims,” for someone amid the non-muslims. He may say, “This is because they are paying my salary as a teacher, whereas the Muslims aren’t paying me, for tha reason the non-muslims are better,” but he would fall into unbelief (kufr) when he says that for he didn’t accept the holyness of Islam, and acknowledged the supersition.


Moreover, friends, if a person gifts an egg to a Zoroastrian in the Nowruz Day, he would be throwing himself into danger. For the Nowruz is also amid the customs and belief systems of the Zoroastrian.


(Dakika: 40:04)


He would also be assisting the Zoroastrian in their unbelief (kufr) and mistakes. We’re only talking about the Nowruz holiday of the Zoroastrians. Otherwise, there are many communities have adopted celebrating summer holidays, winter holidays, or spring holidays in their customs. We’re not talking about those holidays. We’re talking about the Nowruz but the one that is celebrated by the Zoroastrians.


Moreover, if a Zoroastrian gifts an egg to a Muslim, and for example, if that Zoroastrian does that in order to celebrate the Zoroastrian Holiday, and if the Muslim accepts that gift, it is clear that these are dangerous situations one by one. For accepting such a gift also counts as adopting their customs. The Muslim can’t acknowledge unbelief (kufr), polytheism, nor can he mimic the non-muslims. However, they said that this would not be unbelief (kufr) if he does that accidentally rather than arbitrarily.


Furthermore, let’s say that the Zoroastrians gathered in the day of Nowruz, and Muslim said, “A beautiful custom they adopted,” he would fall into unbelief (kufr) for Zoroastrianism is ignicolism (worshipping fire). They said that this is unbelief (kufr) because qualifying that custom by saying, “beautiful,” inflicts harm to the imān (faith) of the Muslim. This is written in the book named Majmu` al-Nawazil. That person would be acknowledging unbelief (kufr) via that remark.


Friends, let’s say a Muslim purchases a souvenir out of his repect towards the Nowruz (again, we’re talking about the Zoroastrian Nowruz). They are saying that this is unbelief (kufr) because he was showing respect to it. However, nothing happens when he purchases that thing for he needs it. He wouldn’t fall into unbelief (kufr) in that case. Let’s say someone gifted something to a person in the day of Nowruz, and he meant to paying respect to the Nowruz via that gift. If that person accepts that gift, and acknowledges the belief of the Zoroastrians, he would became a kāfir. They also said that if someone asked someone for a gift in the day of Nowruz, he would fall into danger, doesn’t matter whether he receives that gift or not. This is because he shouldn’t attempt o anything that would inflict harm to his Islamic faith. He would be cursing to Allah and destroying the fifty years worth of imān in him if he gifts something to the            polytheists in order to show respect to their beliefs. This is under record in the book named Tetimme. We’re talking about the polytheists. The who ascribes partner to Allah is a polytheist. Whosoever that may be. Their idols may be different. Look, the one who gifts something to the people who are polytheists in order to approve their polytheism, he would fall into unbelief (kufr). May Allah protect us.


Also, let’s say that they have said, “Don’t eat haram,” to a person, and that person replied by saying, “Bring me someone who doesn’t eat haram,” or “Bring me someone who eats halal so that I may believe,” or, “…so that I may prostrate before him,” he would become a kāfir they said. This remark is under record in the book named Al-Jawahir.


Valuable friends, the one who should be believed is Allah Ta’ala. You can’t prostrate before a servant just like he can’t worship to a servant. It is haram to prostrate before anyone except Allah.


(Dakika: 45:02)


He falls into blasphemy if he says, “I won’t go after what is halal as long as I can find haram things.” Look, the person falls into blasphemy if he says, “I won’t go after what is halal as long as I can find haram things.” He falls into blasphemy if he says, “Haram is sweeter,” as well. For every haram are the sins that are hated. If you heart does not have hatred towards the harams, if your imān (faith) does not hate it, and if you’re not enjoying the halal things, then your imān is not actually imān.


Friends, let’s say someone said, “Islam should be more explicit.” So, let’s say someone revolts against Allah, and says, “Islam should be more explicit.” There is no doubt that this is a terrible danger, and they said that he falls into blasphemy. This remark is mentioned in the book named Al-Hulasa. The person would fall into danger if he says, “I love drinking wine so much, I can’t resist it,” for he accepted what is haram as halal.This also is mentioned in the book named Al-Hulasa. The person would fall into danger if he says, “I love drinking wine so much, I can’t resist it,” for he accepted what is haram as halal. You can’t love what is haram. They said that this person falls into blasphemy, and the person must hate all of the harams. May Almighty Allah render us away from all kinds of things that require blasphemy.


(Dakika: 46:46)

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