Turkish English Tafsir Lesson 21-22

Turkish English Tafsir Lesson 21-22

Al-Quran Al-Kareem – Tafsir (Exegesis) Lesson 21


I seek shelter in Allah from the rejected Satan. In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most Merciful. [2:50] “wa-ʾidh faraqnā bikumu l-baḥra fa-ʾanjaynākum wa-ʾaghraqnā ʾāla firʿawna wa-ʾantum tanẓurūn” [2:51] “And (recall) when We parted the sea for you. Then We saved you. And We drowned the people of Pharaoh while you were looking on! That is one of the favors Allah had done for Israel. Do you see what Israelites did? And do you see what favors Allah bestowed upon them? [2:51] “wa-ʾidh wāʿadnā mūsā ʾarbaʿīna laylatan thumma ttakhadhtumu l-ʿijla min baʿdihī wa-ʾantum ẓālimūn” [2:52] “thumma ʿafawnā ʿankum min baʿdi dhālika laʿallakum tashkurūn” [2:51] “And recall when We summoned Moses for a term of forty nights. Then you set up the calf as your idol (god) in his absence. And at that time you were wrongdoers.” [2:52] “Then We excused you [anyway]. After that you should have been thankful.” In such a short period of time they were influenced by the Egyptians who used to worship cattle. You see, they started worshipping the calf the moment they were saved from the tyranny of Pharaoh while they had prophets such as Musa (Moses), and Harun (Aaron). [2:53] “wa-ʾidh ʾātaynā mūsā l-kitāba wa-l-furqāna laʿallakum tahtadūn” [2:53] “Then We gave Mūsā the Book and the Furqan (criterion of right and wrong) so that you may find the right path.” [2:54] “wa-ʾidh qāla mūsā li-qawmihī yā-qawmi ʾinnakum ẓalamtum ʾanfusakum bi-ttikhādhikumu l-ʿijla fa-tūbū ʾilā bāriʾikum fa-qtulū ʾanfusakum dhālikum khayrun lakum ʿinda bāriʾikum fa-tāba ʿalaykum ʾinnahū huwa t-tawwābu r-raḥīm” [2:54] “And [recall] when Moses said to his tribe: ‘O my tribe! You have indeed wronged yourselves by taking up the calf as an idol [for worship]. At least now turn penitently to your Rabb (Lord) and and slay your nafs‘ (selves). Doing that will be better for you in the presence of your Baari Ta’ala (most Exalted Creator).’ Then Allah accepted your repentance. Indeed Allah is the All-clement (tawwab), the All-merciful (rahim). Dearest friends! We see that some of them worshipped a calf. Some look for cattle to worship, the others look for a calf. Some of them look for other idols, and the others look for someone else. Each and every one of those who refuse to become servants of Allah were worshiping idols. That is such a pity. We are all servants of Allah. We are obliged to do servitude to Allah. We shall do whatever Allah commands. ‘Baari’ means the One who creates without imperfections and defects. It is more specific word than ‘al-Hâliq (Creator)’ and there is a recallment to the fist creation. Auzubillah – I take refuge in Allah from evil. [2:55] “wa-ʾidh qultum yā-mūsā lan nuʾmina laka ḥattā narā llāha jahratan fa-ʾakhadhatkumu ṣ-ṣāʿiqatu wa-ʾantum tanẓurūn” [2:56] “thumma baʿathnākum min baʿdi mawtikum laʿallakum tashkurūn” [2:55] “And when you said, O Moses! ‘We will not believe in Allah with your word until we see Allah visibly.’ Thereupon a thunderbolt seized you as you looked on.” [2:56] “Then We resurrected you after your death so that you might give thanks.” We see that the servant continues on his rebellion. And Allah continues to forgive. [2:57] “wa-ẓallalnā ʿalaykumu l-ghamāma wa-ʾanzalnā ʿalaykumu l-manna wa-s-salwā kulū min ṭayyibāti mā razaqnākum wa-mā ẓalamūnā wa-lākin kānū ʾanfusahum yaẓlimūn”


Time Stamp: 5:08


[2:57] “And We shaded you with that cloud. And We sent down to you manna and quails (saying): ‘Eat of the good things We have provided for you.’ And they did not wrong Us but they were doing wrong [only] to their own nafs (selves).” [2:58] “wa-ʾidh qulnā dkhulū hādhihi l-qaryata fa-kulū minhā ḥaythu shiʾtum raghadan wa-dkhulū l-bāba sujjadan wa-qūlū ḥiṭṭatun naghfir lakum khaṭāyākum wa-sa-nazīdu l-muḥsinīn” [2:59] “fa-baddala lladhīna ẓalamū qawlan ghayra lladhī qīla lahum fa-ʾanzalnā ʿalā lladhīna ẓalamū rijzan mina s-samāʾi bi-mā kānū yafsuqūn” [2:58] “And when We said: ‘Enter this town, and thereof eat from its blessings freely whencesoever you wish. And enter at the gate with humility (while performing sajdah). And say, ‘Hittah [we seek forgiveness]’. So that We may forgive your iniquities. And We said, ‘We shall enhance our blessings for those who do good.’” [2:59] “But those who were unjust substituted another word for the one that was prescribed for them. So, We sent down a scourge from heaven upon those who were unjust, because they had acted sinfully. Dearest friends! Allah Ta’ala forgives many of them. However, in the end Allah brings all of them into line. [2:60] “wa-ʾidhi stasqā mūsā li-qawmihī fa-qulnā ḍrib bi-ʿaṣāka l-ḥajara fa-nfajarat minhu thnatā ʿashrata ʿaynan qad ʿalima kullu ʾunāsin mashrabahum kulū wa-shrabū min rizqi llāhi wa-lā taʿthaw fī l-ʾarḍi mufsidīn” [2:60] “And [recall] when Moses prayed for water for his people. We said, ‘Strike the rock with your staff.’ Thereat twelve fountains gushed forth from it. Every tribe came to know its drinking-place. ‘Eat and drink of Allah’s provision (rizq) and do not act wickedly on the earth by doing aggression, and causing corruption.’” Janâb-i Haqq said all that. [2:61] “wa-ʾidh qultum yā-mūsā lan naṣbira ʿalā ṭaʿāmin wāḥidin fa-dʿu lanā rabbaka yukhrij lanā mimmā tunbitu l-ʾarḍu min baqlihā wa-qiththāʾihā wa-fūmihā  wa-ʿadasihā wa-baṣalihā qāla ʾa-tastabdilūna lladhī huwa ʾadnā bi-lladhī huwa khayrun-i hbiṭū miṣran fa-ʾinna lakum mā saʾaltum wa-ḍuribat ʿalayhimu dh-dhillatu wa-l-maskanatu wa-bāʾū bi-ghaḍabin mina llāhi dhālika bi-ʾannahum kānū yakfurūna bi-ʾāyāti llāhi wa-yaqtulūna n-nabiyyīna bi-ghayri l-ḥaqqi dhālika bi-mā ʿaṣaw wa-kānū yaʿtadūn” [2:61] “And [recall] when you said, ‘O Moses!’ ‘We can never put up with one kind of food every day. We cannot put up with it. So pray to your Rabb (Lord) for us so that Allah may bring forth for us of that which the earth grows such as its vegetables and its cucumbers, its garlic, its lentils, and its onions.’ Allah said, ‘Do you seek to replace what is superior with that which is inferior? Go into [any] settlement and indeed, you will have what you have asked.’ So they were struck with abasement and poverty. In the end they were stricken by a wrath from Allah. That, because they would defy the signs (verses) of Allah and kill the prophets for nothing. That, because they would disobey and used to commit transgression. Dearest friends! At that period of time Israel was as you have read. And in this age that we live in, those who hang people who follow Allah’s way on gallows are the greatest tyrants and brutes of this age.


Time Stamp: 10:03


In these verses Janâb-i Haqq shows Israel as an example. Each and every one who do what Israel does are Israelites. Everyone who do what tyrants do is a tyrant. As for the disbelievers (kāfirs), everyone who is stuck in the denial of a disbeliever (kafir), is a disbeliever (kafir). Besides, everyone who carries the belief (iman) of a believer (mu’min) and believes in the principles that a believer believes is a believer (mu’min). [2:62] “ʾinna lladhīna ʾāmanū wa-lladhīna hādū wa-n-naṣārā wa-ṣ-ṣābiʾīna man ʾāmana bi-llāhi wa-l-yawmi l-ʾākhiri wa-ʿamila ṣāliḥan fa-lahum ʾajruhum ʿinda rabbihim wa-lā khawfun ʿalayhim wa-lā hum yaḥzanūn” [2:62] “Surely, those who believed in Allah and those who are Jews, and Christians, and Sabians whosoever truly believes in Allah and in the afterlife Last Day (Qiyamah) and does saleh (good – pious) acts/deeds shall indeed have their reward in the presence of their Rabb (Lord). And there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.” A true belief (iman), and good deeds are wanted from the Christians, Jews, Sabians, and all others. The true belief (iman) is the amantu (creed) Islam introduced. Dearest friends! Let us continue with the divine discoveries of the divine verses of our Rabb (Lord). [2:63] “wa-ʾidh ʾakhadhnā mīthāqakum wa-rafaʿnā fawqakumu ṭ-ṭūra khudhū mā ʾātaynākum bi-quwwatin wa-dhkurū mā fīhi laʿallakum tattaqūn” [2:64] “thumma tawallaytum min baʿdi dhālika fa-law-lā faḍlu llāhi ʿalaykum wa-raḥmatuhū la-kuntum mina l-khāsirīn” [2:65] “wa-la-qad ʿalimtumu lladhīna ʿtadaw minkum fī s-sabti fa-qulnā lahum kūnū qiradatan khāsiʾīn” [2:66] “fa-jaʿalnāhā nakālan li-mā bayna yadayhā wa-mā khalfahā wa-mawʿiẓatan li-l-muttaqīn” [2:63] “And when We took the pledge (misaq) from you and raised high above you the (Mount of) Tūr and We said: ‘Hold firmly to that Book that We have given you and don’t be unwary of what is in it. So that you may become God-fearing.’” [2:64] “Yet you turned away after the pledge you have given. Had it not been for Allah’s grace and mercy upon you, you would have been among the losers.” [2:65] “Certainly you have knowledge of those among you who transgressed in (the matter of) the Sabbath. That is why We said to them, ‘Become apes, despised and hated.’” [2:66] “And thus We made this exemplary object lesson a warning for the people of their own time and for the succeeding generations and an admonition to the God-fearing.” Janâb-i Haqq gives an exemplary object lesson to the world for those who understand it. [2:67] “wa-ʾidh qāla mūsā li-qawmihī ʾinna llāha yaʾmurukum ʾan tadhbaḥū baqaratan qālū ʾa-tattakhidhunā huzuwan qāla ʾaʿūdhu bi-llāhi ʾan ʾakūna mina l-jāhilīn” [2:68] “qālū dʿu lanā rabbaka yubayyin lanā mā hiya qāla ʾinnahū yaqūlu ʾinnahā baqaratun lā fāriḍun wa-lā bikrun ʿawānun bayna dhālika fa-fʿalū mā tuʾmarūn” [2:69] “qālū dʿu lanā rabbaka yubayyin lanā mā lawnuhā qāla ʾinnahū yaqūlu ʾinnahā baqaratun ṣafrāʾu fāqiʿun lawnuhā tasurru n-nāẓirīn” [2:70] “qālū dʿu lanā rabbaka yubayyin lanā mā hiya ʾinna l-baqara tashābaha ʿalaynā wa-ʾinnā ʾin shāʾa llāhu la-muhtadūn” [2:71] “qāla ʾinnahū yaqūlu ʾinnahā baqaratun lā dhalūlun tuthīru l-ʾarḍa wa-lā tasqī l-ḥartha musallamatun lā shiyata fīhā qālū l-ʾāna jiʾta bi-l-ḥaqqi fa-dhabaḥūhā wa-mā kādū yafʿalūn” [2:67 “And [recall] when Moses said to his people, ‘Allah commands you to slaughter a cow.’ They replied, ‘Are you mocking us, or are you making fun of us?’ Musa said, ‘I seek protection of Allah lest I should be one of the ignorant!’” [2:68] “They said, ‘Pray your Rabb (Lord) for us to clarify for us what type [of cow] it should be!’


Time Stamp: 15:02


Musa (Moses) answered: ‘My Rabb (Lord) says that she is a cow, neither old nor immature but of an age in between the two. Do, then, what you have been commanded.’” [2:69] “They said, ‘Pray for us to your Rabb (Lord) that your Rabb (Lord) makes it clear to us of what color it should be.’ Musa (Moses) answered: ‘My Rabb (Lord) says, she is a yellow cow with a bright color which is pleasing to those who see!’” [2:70] “They said, ‘Pray to your Rabb (Lord) for us so that your Rabb (Lord) may clarify for us what she may be.’ Cows seem much alike to us. Besides, if Allah wills, we shall find it.” [2:71] “Musa (Moses) said, ‘My Rabb (Lord) says that it should be a cow which is not tractable for tilling the soil or in watering the fields, (and it should be) sound and without blemish.’ They said, ‘Now, you have come up with the right description.’ Then they slaughtered her, although it appeared that they would not do it.” Janâb-i Haqq continuously subjects the servants to trials. Things get harder as the servant does not want to do the commands of Allah. Things get harder also when the servant starts having difficulties in fulfilling the commands. [2:72] “wa-ʾidh qataltum nafsan fa-ddāraʾtum fīhā wa-llāhu mukhrijun mā kuntum taktumūn” [2:73] “fa-qulnā ḍribūhu bi-baʿḍihā ka-dhālika yuḥyi llāhu l-mawtā wa-yurīkum ʾāyātihī laʿallakum taʿqilūn” [2:74] “thumma qasat qulūbukum min baʿdi dhālika fa-hiya ka-l-ḥijārati ʾaw ʾashaddu qaswatan wa-ʾinna mina l-ḥijārati la-mā yatafajjaru minhu l-ʾanhāru wa-ʾinna minhā la-mā yashshaqqaqu fa-yakhruju minhu l-māʾu wa-ʾinna minhā la-mā yahbiṭu min khashyati llāhi wa-mā llāhu bi-ghāfilin ʿammā taʿmalūn” [2:72] “And [recall] when you killed a man and then began to remonstrate and cast the blame (of killing) upon one another. Even though Allah was determined to bring to light what you were hiding.” [2:73] “That was why We ordered: “Smite the corpse with a part of it (that cow).” Thus does Allah bring the dead to life. And thus does Allah show you Allah’s Signs. So that you may understand.” [2:74] “Then, after that, your hearts were hardened. Now they are like stones, or harder than stones. For surely among the rocks there are some from which rivers gush forth. And there are others that crack open and water flows from them. And there are still others that fall down in fear of Allah. And Allah is not unaware of what you do. They sacrificed a cow as a qurban (sacrificial offering). When a piece from the sacrificed cow was stricken to the dead body it raised up came to life. Then he informed them about the murderer. You see, there is always a wisdom/knowledge (hikmat) of Allah behind everything. In this case, Allah revealed their murder with this qurban (sacrificial animal). Also, Allah made them sacrifice the animal. And it did cost them a lot of gold. It is narrated that they bought the cow with as much gold as its skin can carry. [2:75] “ʾa-fa-taṭmaʿūna ʾan yuʾminū lakum wa-qad kāna farīqun minhum yasmaʿūna kalāma llāhi thumma yuḥarrifūnahū min baʿdi mā ʿaqalūhu wa-hum yaʿlamūn” [2:76] “wa-ʾidhā laqū lladhīna ʾāmanū qālū ʾāmannā wa-ʾidhā khalā baʿḍuhum ʾilā baʿḍin qālū ʾa-tuḥaddithūnahum bi-mā fataḥa llāhu ʿalaykum li-yuḥājjūkum bihī ʿinda rabbikum ʾa-fa-lā taʿqilūn” [2:77] “ʾa-wa-lā yaʿlamūna ʾanna llāha yaʿlamu mā yusirrūna wa-mā yuʿlinūn” [2:78] “wa-minhum ʾummiyyūna lā yaʿlamūna l-kitāba ʾillā ʾamāniyya wa-ʾin hum ʾillā yaẓunnūn” [2:79] “fa-waylun li-lladhīna yaktubūna l-kitāba  bi-ʾaydīhim thumma yaqūlūna hādhā min ʿindi llāhi li-yashtarū bihī thamanan qalīlan fa-waylun lahum mimmā katabat ʾaydīhim wa-waylun lahum mimmā yaksibūn”


Time Stamp: 20:08


[2:80] “wa-qālū lan tamassanā n-nāru ʾillā ʾayyāman maʿdūdatan qul ʾa-ttakhadhtum ʿinda llāhi ʿahdan fa-lan yukhlifa llāhu ʿahdahū ʾam taqūlūna ʿalā llāhi mā lā taʿlamūn” [2:81] “balā man kasaba sayyiʾatan wa-ʾaḥāṭat bihī khaṭīʾatuhū fa-ʾulāʾika ʾaṣḥābu n-nāri hum fīhā khālidūn” [2:82] “wa-lladhīna ʾāmanū wa-ʿamilū ṣ-ṣāliḥāti ʾulāʾika ʾaṣḥābu l-jannati hum fīhā khālidūn” [2:75] “Do you hope that these people will declare belief (iman) although a group of them used to hear the word of Allah and then, having understood it, used to distort it knowingly?” You see, these are what they did to Torah. And Israil had its fair share of trouble. You will also have your fair share of trouble if you distort the Book of Allah. [2:76] “When they meet those who believe, they say, “We believe.” But when some of them meet others in private they say, “Do you tell them (the Muslims) what Allah has disclosed to you so that they may thereby argue against you before your Rabb (Lord)? Do you have no logic?” [2:77] “Are they not aware that Allah knows what they conceal and what they reveal?” You cannot hide something from Allah anyway. They would not have done this had they have intellect. Besides, you cannot have true intellect without belief (iman). [2:78] “Among them are also the unlettered folk who do not know about the Book but cherish baseless wishes and merely follow their conjectures.” [2:79] “So, woe to those who write the Book with their hands and then say, ‘This is from Allah’, so that they may gain thereby a trifling price. Then, woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn.” [2:80] “They say, ‘The fire shall not touch us for more than a few days.’ Say, “Have you taken a pledge from Allah? If so, Allah will not go against a given promise. Or, if not, do you say about Allah that which you do not know?” [2:81] “Yes, those who commit evil and are encompassed by his own sin by all sides is a people of the Fire. Thus, they shall abide in the Fire eternally.” [2:82] “As for those who believe, and do good deeds they are the people of Janna (Paradise). In which they shall abide forever.” Dearest friends! The nations that betrayed their own Book wrote fabricated books in the end. Then, they slandered Allah, saying their book is Allah’s book. You see, this is what became of the Judaism, and Christianity. Al-Quran Al-Karim was the last book. That is why they attacked it for fourteen centuries. Yet, the reason Al-Quran Al-Karim is the last book is that it is the greatest miracle (mujizat). Not a single letter in it shall be distorted until the Last Day (Qiyamah). They could not distort it. They shall not be able to distort it. Also, they could not make something above it; and they shall not be able to. That is an absolute promise of Allah (c.c.). [2:83] “wa-ʾidh ʾakhadhnā mīthāqa banī ʾisrāʾīla lā taʿbudūna ʾillā llāha wa-bi-l-wālidayni ʾiḥsānan wa-dhī l-qurbā wa-l-yatāmā wa-l-masākīni wa-qūlū li-n-nāsi ḥusnan wa-ʾaqīmū ṣ-ṣalāta wa-ʾātū z-zakāta thumma tawallaytum ʾillā qalīlan minkum wa-ʾantum muʿriḍūn”


Time Stamp: 25:01


[2:83] “And recall when We made a covenant (misaq) with the Children of Israel: And recall when We made a covenant with the Children of Israel: ‘You shall worship none but Allah. And do good to parents, kinsmen, orphans and the needy. You shall speak kindly to people. You shall perform the namāz (prayer) and give to zakat (alms-giving). Then, you went back on your word, all but a few among you. And you still go back on your word. You see, woe to those who go back on their word. [2:84] “wa-ʾidh ʾakhadhnā mīthāqakum lā tasfikūna dimāʾakum wa-lā tukhrijūna ʾanfusakum min diyārikum thumma ʾaqrartum wa-ʾantum tashhadūn” [2:85] “thumma ʾantum hāʾulāʾi taqtulūna ʾanfusakum wa-tukhrijūna farīqan minkum min diyārihim taẓāharūna ʿalayhim bi-l-ʾithmi wa-l-ʿudwāni wa-ʾin yaʾtūkum ʾusārā tufādūhum wa-huwa muḥarramun ʿalaykum ʾikhrājuhum ʾa-fa-tuʾminūna bi-baʿḍi l-kitābi wa-takfurūna bi-baʿḍin fa-mā jazāʾu man yafʿalu dhālika minkum ʾillā khizyun fī l-ḥayāti d-dunyā wa-yawma l-qiyāmati yuraddūna ʾilā ʾashaddi l-ʿadhābi wa-mā llāhu bi-ghāfilin ʿammā taʿmalūn” [2:84] “And recall when We made a covenant (misaq) with you. Saying that you shall not shed one another’s blood. And that you shall not drive your people out of your homeland. Then you agreed, being yourselves the witnesses.” [2:85] “Yet, you are such people that you kill each other. And you drive a group of your own people out of their homes. Then you nurture mischief and enmity against them and you unite in this matter and back one another. And if they come to you as prisoners, you would try to ransom them. Though driving them from their homes was made haram (sinful) for you. Or do you believe in a part of the Book and reject the rest? So, what can be the punishment of those among you who do that, except disgrace in present life? And, on the Day of Judgement (Qiyamah) they shall be left in the most severe punishment. And Allah is not unaware of what you do.” Janâb-i Haqq explains the life-giving reality to the entire mankind via the Book. Al-Quran Al-Karim gives life to the souls. It fixes the souls and hearts. It implements the correct spiritual treatment. [2:86] “ʾulāʾika lladhīna shtarawu l-ḥayāta d-dunyā bi-l-ʾākhirati fa-lā yukhaffafu ʿanhumu l-ʿadhābu wa-lā hum yunṣarūn” [2:86] “Those are the ones who bought the worldly life at the cost of the afterlife (ākhira).” So, punishment shall not be lightened for them, nor shall they be helped. The world is ephemeral. You should invest worldly life to the afterlife (ākhira). You may work very hard in this world, but invest in the afterlife (ākhira). Those who did not do that became miserable. [2:87] “wa-la-qad ʾātaynā mūsā l-kitāba wa-qaffaynā min baʿdihī bi-r-rusuli wa-ʾātaynā ʿīsā bna maryama l-bayyināti wa-ʾayyadnāhu bi-rūḥi l-qudusi ʾa-fa-kullamā jāʾakum rasūlun bi-mā lā tahwā ʾanfusukumu stakbartum fa-farīqan kadhdhabtum wa-farīqan taqtulūn” [2:87] “Indeed, We gave Moses the Book. And after him We sent messengers. And We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear miracles (mujizat). And We supported him with the Holy Spirit. Then, how is it that every time a prophet came to you with what does not meet your desires, you grew arrogant? So, will you call some of them liars for they hurt your conceit, and will you kill the others?” In the end, that was what they did.


Time Stamp: 30:04


Allah did curse them in the history. And Allah shall trouble them, now and in the future. And there is more too. Besides, there is the ending which is Jahannam (Hell) for those who die without belief (iman). They choose Jahannam (Hell) while Janna (Paradise) is out there. There are the naturists who divinize the world. There are the animists and the idolaters. There are the earthly concerns and possessions. There are those who disregard the rahmat (blessing) of Allah. There are also those who ignore the laws of Almighty Allah in Al-Quran Al-Karim. There are also those who deny the universal prophethood of Prophet Muhammad. He was sent upon all worlds as a rahmat (blessing). He was sent for all people and the djinn alike. So, woe to those who deny him. [2:88] “wa-qālū qulūbunā ghulfun bal laʿanahumu llāhu bi-kufrihim fa-qalīlan mā yuʾminūn” [2:89] “wa-lammā jāʾahum kitābun min ʿindi llāhi muṣaddiqun li-mā maʿahum wa-kānū min qablu yastaftiḥūna ʿalā lladhīna kafarū fa-lammā jāʾahum mā ʿarafū kafarū bihī fa-laʿnatu llāhi ʿalā l-kāfirīn” [2:90] “biʾsamā shtaraw bihī ʾanfusahum ʾan yakfurū bi-mā ʾanzala llāhu baghyan ʾan yunazzila llāhu min faḍlihī ʿalā man yashāʾu min ʿibādihī fa-bāʾū bi-ghaḍabin ʿalā ghaḍabin wa-li-l-kāfirīna ʿadhābun muhīn” [2:88] “And they said, ‘Our hearts are veiled.’” Those who turn away from Quran, Torah, and Bible are the same in all ages. [2:88] “And they said, ‘Our hearts are veiled.’ No! The fact is that Allah has cursed them because of their disbelief. So, scarcely do they come to belief (iman).” Only few Jews become Muslims. This is because their opinions about Islam are completely different and wrong. They do not follow the way of Musa (Moses), and Torah. Had it been like that, they would have become Muslims immediately. However, there are Jewish scholars who became Muslims. Abdullah ibn Salam is one of them. He is a valuable âlim (Islamic scholar). He had become a Muslim with pleasure, and he saw Prophet Muhammad clearly in Torah. [2:89] “And when there came to them a Book from Allah, which confirms what was with them, while earlier, they used to seek help against those who disbelieved, yet when there came to them that which they did recognize, they denied it. That is why Allah’s curse is upon the disbelievers (kāfirs).” They were waiting for Muhammad for they used to read Torah and see him. Then, when Prophet Muhammad (asw) came with the Quran, they denied. Then Allah brought curse upon them. That is why this Allah says, “Allah’s curse is upon the disbelievers (kāfirs).” [2:90] “How vile is that for which they sold themselves. They deny the guidance revealed by Allah, grudging that Allah chose to bestow Allah’s gracious bounty (of revelation and prophethood) on some of Allah’s servants whom Allah willed. They denied whatsoever Allah revealed. Thus they have brought on themselves wrath after wrath. And for such disbelievers (kāfirs), there is humiliating punishment.” All of the denying classes amongst the Jews have been stricken by Allah’s wrath. The Christians have also been in perversion. They also removed the verses they read in Bible about Prophet Muhammad. Isa (Jesus) Alaihissalam came for heralding Prophet Muhammad. This was one of his primary duties. They denied him as well. They denied him, but they did wrong to themselves, and the entire mankind.


Time Stamp: 35:02


[2:91] “wa-ʾidhā qīla lahum ʾāminū bi-mā ʾanzala llāhu qālū nuʾminu bi-mā ʾunzilaʿalaynā wa-yakfurūna bi-mā warāʾahū wa-huwa l-ḥaqqu muṣaddiqan li-mā maʿahum qul fa-li-ma taqtulūna ʾanbiyāʾa llāhi min qablu ʾin kuntum muʾminīn” [2:92] “wa-la-qad jāʾakum mūsā bi-l-bayyināti thumma ttakhadhtumu l-ʿijla min baʿdihī wa-ʾantum ẓālimūn” [2:93] “wa-ʾidh ʾakhadhnā mīthāqakum wa-rafaʿnā fawqakumu ṭ-ṭūra khudhū mā ʾātaynākum bi-quwwatin wa-smaʿū qālū samiʿnā wa-ʿaṣaynā wa-ʾushribū fī qulūbihimu l-ʿijla bi-kufrihim qul biʾsa-mā yaʾmurukum bihī ʾīmānukum ʾin kuntum muʾminīn” [2:91] “When they are told: ‘Believe in what Allah has revealed,’ they say: ‘We believe only in what was revealed to us (Israel).’ They deny everything else. Even though it is Allah Ta’ala who reveals Quran, Torah, and Bible.” That is why they did not believe in Quran and Prophet Muhammad. And they thought they believed in Torah. If only they did believe in Torah, and Musa (Moses). You see, in the verses of Torah belief (iman) in Muhammad was commanded. Belief (iman) in Muhammad was ordered in the news brought by Musa (Moses). [2:91] “Whereas that is the true revelation which confirms the Torah that is with them.” Al-Quran Al-Karim incorporates Torah, Bible, Psalm, all Scriptures and all divine books of the past into its structure. The amantu (creed) of the Muslims who affirm it incorporates them as well. [2:91] “Say, ‘Why then have you been slaying the prophets of Allah earlier, if you were truly believers?’” They are killer of the prophets. That is, except the groups that believed. [2:92] “And certainly Musa (Moses) came to you with clear signs. Then you worshipped the calf in his departure (to the mount of Tūr). Indeed you are such transgressors.” [2:93] “And when We took a pledge (misaq) from you and raised high the (mount of) Tūr above you: ‘Hold fast to what We have given you, and listen!’ They said, ‘We have heard, listened and disobeyed.’ The love of the calf was rooted in their hearts because of their disbelief.” In other words, love of idols had settled in their hearts. It took its place and started penetrating into their hearts. [2:93] “Say: ‘If you are truly believers  then how wretched is that which your belief prompts you to do.’” That is the belief (iman) of the worshipper of idols. That is not exclusive to them either. If a person is under the command of anyone except Allah, that is his idol. If a person does not acknowledge Allah that is idolatry. For he lives under the command of someone, knowingly or unknowingly. Janâb-i Haqq shows essential examples and object lessons to the world in Al-Quran Al-Karim. [2:94] “qul ʾin kānat lakumu d-dāru l-ʾākhiratu ʿinda llāhi khāliṣatan min dūni n-nāsi fa-tamannawu l-mawta ʾin kuntum ṣādiqīn” [2:95] “wa-lan yatamannawhu ʾabadan bi-mā qaddamat ʾaydīhim wa-llāhu ʿalīmun bi-ẓ-ẓālimīn” [2:96] “wa-la-tajidannahum ʾaḥraṣa n-nāsi ʿalā ḥayātin wa-mina lladhīna ʾashrakū yawaddu ʾaḥaduhum law yuʿammaru ʾalfa sanatin wa-mā huwa bi-muzaḥziḥihī mina l-ʿadhābi ʾan yuʿammara wa-llāhu baṣīrun bi-mā yaʿmalūn” [2:94] “Say to them: “If indeed the abode of afterlife (ākhira) with Allah is yours alone, and not the [other] people if you are truthful in you words, then wish for death right away.” They should consider dying a blessing. [2:95] “But they shall never long for it because of the (evil) deeds they have committed. Allah knows these wrongdoers well.”


Time Stamp: 40:01


[2:96] “You will certainly find them most eager to cling on to life even more than the polytheists. Every one of them would love to live for a thousand years.” The prophet killing Jews are such people. The Zion group of Israel is like that. [2:96] “But even if they were to live that long it would not save them from the punishment.” Allah hears and see whatsoever they do. Dearest friends! Al-Quran Al-Karim reads and sees all souls. Then, it manifests the truth. It also explains the life-giving code that is he manifestation of the truth. [2:97] “qul man kāna ʿaduwwan li-jibrīla fa-ʾinnahū nazzalahū ʿalā qalbika bi-ʾidhni llāhi muṣaddiqan li-mā bayna yadayhi wa-hudan wa-bushrā li-l-muʾminīn” [2:98] “man kāna ʿaduwwan li-llāhi wa-malāʾikatihī wa-rusulihī wa-jibrīla wa-mīkāla fa-ʾinna llāha ʿaduwwun li-l-kāfirīn” [2:97] “Say: “Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel should know that he revealed the Qur’an to your heart by permission of Allah.” You see, dearest friends! We should pay close attention to this verse. Almighty Allah announces in this verse that Al-Quran Al-Karim was revealed to Prophet Muhammad’s heart via Gabriel Alaihissalam. The first abode of Al-Quran Al-Karim is Muhammad’s heart. The second abode of Quran is all believing hearts. Al-Quran Al-Karim was revealed to the hearts. That is why it is protected in hearts and memories. It has been protected in the hearts of all Muslims of the world. It is protected in books and libraries as well. It is under the utmost protection of Allah Ta’ala. It shall continue to exist until the Last Day (Qiyamah) under the protection of the hearts of the believes and their memories. That is why Janâb-i Haqq clearly states here that Gabriel Alaihissalam had revealed Al-Quran Al-Karim to Prophet Muhammad’s heart. Janâb-i Haqq sent the Quran which is a source of guidance and glad tidings for the believers (mu’mins) who approved the previous revelations. You should pay listen to this part closely. Al-Quran Al-Karim is the witness of the history. It affirms the Books and Scriptures of the past. It is a source of life, guidance and glad tidings for the believers (mu’mins). You see, that is Al-Quran Al-Karim. It prepares you to the eternal life. [2:98] “Whoever becomes an enemy of Allah, Allah’s angels, Allah’s messengers, Gabriel and Michael should know that Allah is the enemy to those disbelievers (kāfirs).” He revealed Al-Quran Al-Karim to Prophet Muhammad. That is why the Zion Jews and the aberrant people are enemy to Gabriel Alaihissalam. [2:99] “wa-la-qad ʾanzalnā ʾilayka ʾāyātin bayyinātin wa-mā yakfuru bihā ʾillā l-fāsiqūn” [2:100] “ʾa-wa-kullamā ʿāhadū ʿahdan nabadhahū farīqun minhum bal ʾaktharuhum lā yuʾminūn” [2:101] “wa-lammā jāʾahum rasūlun min ʿindi llāhi muṣaddiqun li-mā maʿahum nabadha farīqun mina lladhīna ʾūtū l-kitāba kitāba llāhi warāʾa ẓuhūrihim ka-ʾannahum lā yaʿlamūn” [2:102] “wa-ttabaʿū mā tatlū sh-shayāṭīnu ʿalā mulki sulaymāna wa-mā kafara sulaymānu wa-lākinna sh-shayāṭīna kafarū yuʿallimūna n-nāsa s-siḥra wa-mā ʾunzila ʿalā l-malakayni bi-bābila hārūta wa-mārūta wa-mā yuʿallimāni min ʾaḥadin ḥattā yaqūlā ʾinnamā naḥnu fitnatun fa-lā takfur fa-yataʿallamūna minhumā mā yufarriqūna bihī bayna l-marʾi wa-zawjihī wa-mā hum bi-ḍārrīna bihī min ʾaḥadin ʾillā bi-ʾidhni llāhi wa-yataʿallamūna mā yaḍurruhum wa-lā yanfaʿuhum wa-la-qad ʿalimū la-mani shtarāhu mā lahū fī l-ʾākhirati min khalāqin wa-la-biʾsa mā sharaw bihī ʾanfusahum law kānū yaʿlamūn”


Time Stamp: 45:18


[2:103] “wa-law ʾannahum ʾāmanū wa-ttaqaw la-mathūbatun min ʿindi llāhi khayrun law kānū yaʿlamūn” [2:99] “And certainly We have revealed to you clear signs miracles (mujizat). Such that none except the fasiqs (sinners) who are far away from belief (iman).” So, what does Janâb-i Haqq say to Prophet Muhammad here. Allah says, “We certainly sent down clear miracles (mujizat) to you,” by swearing upon Allah’ own Glory. Al-Quran Al-Karim is the greatest miracle (mujizat). So, why did Allah send down miracles (mujizat). Besides, the entire life of Prophet Muhammad consist of miracles (mujizat). [2:100] “These fasiqs (sinners) shall both not acknowledge these, and whenever they make a covenant, surely each time a group of them shall come out and violate it, and casts it aside.” That is not a small group either. Most of them are disbelievers who cannot fulfil a covenant. [2:101] “And when a messenger from Allah came to them, confirming the Book which is already with them, in other words when Prophet Muhammad came, a party of those who had been given the Book flung the Book of Allah behind their backs as if they knew nothing.” [2:101] “They followed what the devils used to be fabricate and promote in the reign of Sulaimān (Solomon). Yet it was not Sulaimān who denied and became a disbeliever (kafir). Rather, those devils disbelieved. They used to teach people magic. They used to teach people what had been sent down to the two angels in Babylon, Hārūt and Mārūt. While those two used to say: ‘We are sent only to test you. So, do not ever practice magic and become disbelievers (kāfirs).’ They would not teach anything before saying that. They learned from them what might cause division between a man and his wife. Yet they could not cause harm to anyone except by the leave of Allah. They used to learn what harmed them and did no good to them. But they certainly knew well that whoever purchased the magic, in other words, practices or makes someone practice it, shall have no share in the afterlife (ākhira). They knew this so well. Vile indeed was the price for which they sold their souls, if only they knew!” [2:102] “Had they declared belief (iman), and protected themselves. the reward from Allah would have always been far better. If only they knew!” You see, dearest friends! We continue to explain the life-giving truth that sheds light. We continue to explain the glorious verses of Janâb-i Haqq. And we continue to announce them to you humbly. Now, let me try to convey you certain discovery notes regarding these glorious verses of Quran. As you know, wali and awliya (Islamic saints) people become friends to those who are steadfast in the way of Allah. Otherwise, the mankind becomes miserable. To live and die without belief (iman) is misery. Even if you gather all philosophers, they cannot help a person without belief (iman). All doctors of the world combined cannot help him either. That is as long as disbelief (kufr) reigns terror in his heart. The heart and soul of that person is abode of terror. Disbelief is the worst. Neither the psychologist, nor sociologist, nor doctors, nor anyone else may help him.


Time Stamp: 50:04


You see, the trial of the heart can be passed via an intact and sincere belief (iman). That is how that heart can be blissful and assured. The word, ‘dunyā – world’ meanings such as ‘the closest’, ‘too low’, and ‘vilest life-style’. That is the life-style of the bāzirgāns (non-Muslims) whose souls have been charred. That is if a person denied the afterlife (ākhira), and preferred the world. You see, in that case the ‘dunyā – world’ is the closest world for him. That is why the lowest and vilest life-style is in this world. However, when a man lives with belief (iman), dignity and honor, this life-style ascends. The life-style of the bāzirgāns whose souls have been charred is also the life-style of those who deny the holy values. They are bāzirgāns whose souls have been charred. Their life-style is indeed vile. Those who deny the holy values, and human rights, who see nothing except himself, who only values his own efforts, who only considers his own wealth, who cannot see anything but idols when belief comes up… The life-style of this mindset is such low and indeed vile. A grand life-style, a life with virtue, with souls that ascent forever. This life-style is the life-giving life-style of Al-Quran Al-Karim. The real life-style is the life-style that Allah manifested via Al-Quran Al-Karim. That life-style is such lofty, such divine that it always develops and upgrades. That life style is such a life style that it always advances your position. That is the life-giving life-style that is introduced by Muhammad, Quran, and Islam. So, what does Bayyina mean? It means clear evidence, and document. Al-Quran Al-Karim is a clear evidence, and an absolute proof. It is the proof of all truths. You see, the life-giving source is it. So, what does Isa (Jesus) mean? The name of Prophet Isa (Jesus) means whiteness. In Syriac it is accepted as Eesho/Yasū by Christians. As for the Frankish they say Joshua. As for the Jesuits, they are a Catholic Society, and a religious order. The meaning of the name of our mother ‘Maryam’ is ‘servant’. The Turks call her as ‘Maryam Dudu’. It means ‘servant’. Our mother Maryam is not like what Zion Jews attribute. She was a chaste woman. That is why she devoted herself to worshipping Allah Ta’ala. She was in the service of Allah. She was a servant of Allah. She had performed her servitude as best as she could. Then, the Jews slandered her. That is the Zion Jews. They said, „You made Isa by means of adultery,“ to Maryam. Dearest friends! Every truth is within Al-Quran Al-Karim. The real Isa, Musa, and Maryam is within Al-Quran Al-Karim. That is why the truths that shall rectify all wrongs are within Al-Quran Al-Karim.


Time Stamp: 55:07


Musa (Moses) is not like what they say. The real Musa is not what those who distorted the Torah say. Torah is ours as well. The Isa (Jesus) to who’s cross they worship may be theirs. But the real Isa (Jesus) Prophet, who is son of Maryam is our Isa (Jesus). Bible is ours as well. All of these books are under the protection of Al-Quran Al-Karim. And they are incorporated into it. The decrees that were removed have been removed. As for those that were not removed, they exist in Quran. The decrees that Quran did not remove are our laws as well. If Al-Quran Al-Karim and Prophet Muhammad affirmed the past sharīʿah (canonical) laws then they are our sharīʿah (canonical law). That is, of course, if Al-Quran Al-Karim affirms it and if Prophet Muhammad approves it. That is why Al-Quran Al-Karim continues to explain the truths. The word ‘dudu’ they use Maryam. The male form of that word is ‘zir’. Just like they call Maryam Dudu, they address a man with ‘zir’. Christianity is a separate religion than Judaism. We must pay attention here. Christianity is a separate religion than Judaism. Certain decrees within the Torah has been removed. In other words, Islam of Isa (Jesus) Alaihissalam has removed certain decrees within the sharīʿah (canonical law) of Musa (Moses). As for Al-Quran Al-Karim, which is the wahy-i ilahi (divine revelation) brought by Prophet Muhammad, and the Islamic sharīʿah (canonical law) has removed the entire past. For Janâb-i Haqq renewed it continuously. It is Allah Ta’ala who renewed them. So, what is soul? The soul is the life, power, action, and comprehension within the living.


Time Stamp: 57:45


–          The End        –

Al-Quran Al-Kareem – Tafsir (Exegesis) Lesson 22


I seek shelter in Allah from the rejected Satan. In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most Merciful. Dearest and most venerable audience! May Almighty Allah have us learn all values in the life-giving light of Islam. May Allah make us all earn the felicity of both worlds. May Janâb-i Haqq ordain all that via Janâb-i Haqq’s generosity and favor. Our current topic is the 102th verse of Surah al-Baqarah in Al-Quran Al-Karim. We continue with its discovery, exegesis, and interpretation. Thus, of course, our topic is magic which is mentioned in the verse. We have mentioned this matter partly. Our lesson continues with that. Let us talk about the meaning of the word ‘siḥra – magic’. It means, what is secret, and detailed. It is contrary to the truth. I contains deception, and envision. It contains, astromancy – charlatanism – trickery. It is mysterious. To show what is true (haqq) as wrong (batil), and vice versa. And illusion. These are present in the contents of magic. Now, if you read 116th verse of Surah al-A’raf and the 66th verse of Surah Ta Ha you will see more information regarding these topics. Magic is for deceiving, which means fraud. The essence of magic is disbelief and immorality. Let us talk about the ‘siḥra – magic’ in the verse. [7:116] “Musa (Moses) said, ‘You throw (their rods).’ They bewitched the eyes of the people. They made people frightened, and made a great display of magic. People saw ropes and chatwood as snakes. [7:117] We revealed to Musa (Moses), ‘Throw your staff.’ Then of a sudden, it began to swallow all that they had concocted. No magician or trickster may hide where there is the truth of Quran. In the 116th verse of Surah al-A’raf, which I gave the meaning of, Janâb-i Haqq says the following. [7:116] “qāla ʾalqū fa-lammā ʾalqaw saḥarū ʾaʿyuna n-nāsi wa-starhabūhum wa-jāʾū bi-siḥrin ʿaẓīm” In this verse, Janâb-i Haqq explains the situation. Staff of Moses. Now, you may look into the 66th verse of Ta Ha in which the situation is explained in a similar way. This is the transliteration of the following hadith: “inne mine’l-beyâni sihran”. “Indeed, there is magic within certain good words.” So, some good words affect people just like magic does. That is what Prophet Muhammad said in this hadith-i sharif. These were said for the true (haqq) and lawful (halal) ones. If ilm (knowledge) is exploited in the hands of evil people this situation occurs. The elders used to say, ‘do not dress a pig with pearls’. Dressing a pig with pearls means using ilm (knowledge) for evil. Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (r.a.), that great imam and grand mufassir had counted seven versions of magic. Now, let us talk about the magic of the Gildani’s. The magic of the Sabians who worship stars. A mixture of celestial and worldly powers. Amulets. The sabians believe that universe, and the fates are ordained by the stars. They believe that stars are divine entities and they worship them.


Time Stamp: 5:04


Just like the materialists of the time. They had made sculptures for the stars and they worshipped them. They say the Almighty Creator had commissioned them for the management of the universe. They are like an integration of animism, naturism, and naturalism. That is why Muslims should stay away from all types of magic. And Islam protects people from all things. Thus, Al-Quran Al-Karim, and Islam is an intact castle against astromancy, fortune-telling, and magic. The Sabians say that the stars manage the universe with the favor and blessing of Allah. They say that the celestial and worldly powers unite, and become miracles (mujizat). As for the animists, they divinize the soul. They are about killing, resurrecting, inventing, and enhancement. You see, they divinized the soul. These people are called as animists. The Islamic ulama (scholars) said with a consensus that those who believe in these become disbelievers (kāfirs). For there is no one except Allah who manages the universe. That is why we say that the news and tidings brought by magicians and things similar to what we counted so far make people abandon the religion, and faith (iman). Those who believe in fortune-telling and magic end up not believing the Prophethood of Muhammad, and the Quran which was revealed to him. This is because just like we said earlier, some people are like that. And some others are in doubt. The influence of the apprehension and the magic of those people are is augmented by educating and purifying the soul. They would like to influence the living creatures.  They use means like riyazat (devotedness), ruqya (exorcism), hawas (senses), muska (amulet), uzlet (seclusion). They also things like magnetism, hypnotizm, and fakirizm (torturing the body to save the soul), which is the most dangerous and deceptive one. In this day, they seek to deceive people by means of magnetism, hypnotizm and fakirizm (torturing the body to save the soul). These are nothing but utter trickery. Only the things that suit the divine commandments, belief (iman), Islam and Quran are true and real. And those things do not have a correlation whatsoever with magic. These facts reject practicing magic. There is also ervah-i ardiya which is the name for the magic that are done by seeking aid of jinn. The ‘ispirtismacılar’ of this day can be counted among those. ‘Ispirtismacılar’ are the ones who think it is possible to speak with the dead. Muʿtazila and certain philosopher had denied the existence of jinn. You see, this part is also important. One side denies the existence of jinn, and the other seeks aid from them. So, Islam rejects both. The jinn are existent but you cannot seek aid from them. There is no Islam in that either. That is why, my dearest friends narrow-minded and impatient people simple choose denial. And some think that just denying all this shall bring a profit. The scientific and rationalist mindset is not like that. That is, knowing Quran and sunnah (customs) and acting in view of the scientific and rational values.


Time Stamp: 10:11


These are the most common types of magic. Because, ignorant and weak spirited people get affected by these easily. They get ruined under the weight of this trickery. In the end they go mad and receive no benefit. They get crazy, and suicide. You cannot make a cooperation with Shaitan (devils) or sorcerers who deal with jinn They use imagery to paint a false picture via sleight of hand. These people are called as Şa’beze which means magician. It is, “’ahz bil uyn” in Arabic, and means painting a false picture and affecting people spiritually. Similar to a person thinking the coastline is moving while on a ferry. So, why is that? A man who travels on a ferry just might think the coastline is moving rather than the ferry itself. You see, the magicians try to paint a false picture by means of similar things. They deceive the ignorant and weak-minded people easily. They make use of tools to make magic. The magic of the Pharaoh is of the same type. They used to fill rods and ropes with mercury, so they start moving with the effect of heat. Similar to what they use in cinemas of today. Also, those who are unwary of the matter of fact are affected easily. These are magic done via the effect of chemical substances and chemical properties of medicines. Look, we see here that ilm (knowledge) is used for evil. In our time they mixed so many additives into what we eat such as meat, milk, vegetables, and fruits. And they are playing with people’s health. So, the magic done via the effects of the chemical properties of medicine and other chemical substances is also a violation of ilm (knowledge) for evil purposes. They advoke abasements into the heart, and affect emotions via charlatanry. They say they know of Ismul Azam, and they can call djinns and know chemistry and alchemy. Then, they deceive and pull a finch. Their magic is done by means of hidden fitnah (strife), tezvіrāt (stemming) and nammamship (backbiting). The end result is verbal and action magic done by sheer lies and seduction, via a mixture of reality and superstition. That is done via nammamship (backbiting), and secret fitnah (strife).  The ilm (knowledge) of Hārūt and Mārūt was of divine inspiration, (ilham) and not revelation (wahy). When ilm (knowledge) is used for good, you can make a medicine out of poison. When used for evil a poison may be made out of a medicine. For example, electricity may be used for magic is used for evil. Düzenlenecek! Gıldani kelimesinin bilinmesi gerekiyor. Magic distorts souls and ideas. It penetrates into heart, and ruins moral values. The cure is embracing Allah and the Book, and follow Muhammad’s way. This is the cure for all evil. The cure is to know Islam and live by its rules. The cure is being under the protection of Allah. Islam is like an armor by which Allah takes mankind under protection.


Time Stamp: 15:09


Islam is an armor for people. So, Allah protects the servants with Islam. Allah protects you in itiqad (belief), action, morals, law, physical and spiritual worlds. The actual harm of magic is reserved for who makes it and who pays for it. I advise you to listen closely now. Paying for magic, or making someone do it is as harmful as practicing magic. In Al-Quran Al-Karim tidings of protection and safety was announced to the believers 88 times. This part is important. Glad tidings of safety and assurance were given to the believers (mu’min). You should become a real believer (mu’min). A true believer (mu’min) knows Allah and Allah’s Oneness well. He knows about the laws and rules of Islam, and acknowledges it fully. A believer (mu’min) affirms (tasdiq) and acknowledges (iqrār) fully. Also, he would implement Islam into his life. In Torah, the Jews were addressed as, „miskinler“. Sorulacak! O, miskinler! Also, the Quran says that, „abasement has been stamped upon them“. Sorulacak! Why? That is because they deviated from the path of Musa (Moses) and Torah. Dearest friends, the name for political sciences is Ilm al-Rivāya. There is also the concept of universal vicegerency (wilayat al-amma). The nature of official protocol is explained here. The words, Unzurnā and Raʿinā incorporate meanings such as swear, insult, and not listening. That is why Janâb-i Haqq used these in the verses after the matter of magic. You see, in these days people who side with magic wish to distort the words always. Ruune has meanings such as fool, rude, and müraat which means abide by us. There is also the 46th verse of Surah al-Nisa. Some of them (Jews) distorted the words, and they twisted their tongues and attacked the religion by saying, “We hear and disobey.” They said, “Rā‘inā”. They said, “Do hear us, may you turn dumb?” You see, these verses narrate us the mindset that try to distort even the verses of Allah. They do not even use the words correctly. Al-Quran Al-Karim presents the truth against these falsehoods. Now, let me try to convey some notes regarding magic. Magic is like hallucination of seeing a pond in a desert. You see, people cannot see a fast-rotating fan in detail. So, many people cannot understand what is going on due to their sleight of hand. They get deceived under the name of magic. The magicians spread terror and awe in order to influence people. They make you of hidden sound, and bones of skulls. They lure people into dark rooms. They wish to achieve dominance over people. So, these lying tricksters called magicians lure people into such environments and try to achieve dominance over them by means of influencing them. [27:9] “Among the jinn said, ‘I will bring the throne to you before you rise from your place.” This section is present in the 39th and 40th verses of Surah al-Naml. [27:40] Āṣif ibn Barkhiyā or Khidr who had ilm (knowledge) of the Book said: ‘I will bring it to you in the twinkling of an eye.’ These are things that are possible via the ilm (knowledge) Allah Ta’ala has given.


Time Stamp: 20:04

These things have no correlation whatsoever with magic. These are referred to as karamat (supernatural wonders). These are ilm-i (knowledge-wise) favors of Janâb-i Haqq. However, each and every favor must be used for the good. That is a must. It is a must to not get spoiled and use this favor for evil. Every creature is subject to a law. If people seek aid from evil powers by thinking they are powerful then Allah will make those evil powers haunt them. You should never seek aid from evil forces. Seeking a magician means seeking trouble. That would destroy your belief (iman). Seeking a magician means abandoning Islam. Then, Allah shall make those evil forces haunt them. Thus, they start haunting and torturing them. In the end, they either commit suicide, or go mad. The end result is always bad. People should never possess qualities of fortune-tellers, frauds, liars, magicians, and arraafs (fortune-tellers). The Shaitan (devils)s may take other forms. However, they are subject to the laws of the forms they appear as. For example, if it takes form a donkey, you will be able to kill it with a bullet. The Shaitan (devils) knows that, so he cannot stay in that form for long. Shaitan (devils) wish to drive a wedge between husband and wife with his evil form. Shaitan (devils) wants husband and wife to think ill about one another. That is just like it was pointed out in the 102nd verse of Surah al-Baqarah. The life is nothing but a trial. The word fitnah is used as trial in many verses. In other words, it denotes the meaning of trial. The foremost trials are done with riches and offspring. These are used for achieving dominance. One may pass the trial if his riches and his offspring are in the way of Allah. So, in that case the person becomes successful in the trial. Let us see the 142nd verse of Surah Ali Imran. [3:142]“Do you think you shall enter Janna (Paradise) before Allah reveals those of you who performed Jihād (struggle), and those who remained steadfast?” In other words, Janâb-i Haqq shall test those who performed jihad (struggle) and who did not. And those who remained steadfast, and who did not. This life is nothing but a trial. And that trial is for testing the belief (iman). Each fitnah (sedition) is a test. Your shield from it is to seek refuge in Allah always. That is why you should recite al-Ikhlas, al-Falaq, and al-Nas often. May belief (iman), and Quran be your armor. Allah takes you under protection by means of belief (iman) and Quran. You shall seek refuge in Allah with your belief (iman), Quran, and good acts/deeds. You cannot seek refuge in Allah by revolting, doing wrong, and going to the magicians. Do you think you can serve the Shaitan (devils), and sit on the lap of the Shaitan (devils), and follow him, and request refuge from Allah? That is a work for lunatics. [25:43] “And the evil plot engulfs none but its own people (who make it).” These truths are narrated in the 43rd verse of Surah al-Fatir. [41:53] “We shall show them Our signs in every region of the earth and in themselves.” Janâb-i Haqq said that. So, what is the thing Allah shall show in this verse? Allah shall show people that Quran is exalted and it is the true (haqq) book, along with the fact that Islam is the correct religion. Allah shall shoe what Prophet Muhammad is indeed the true (haqq) Prophet. The Muslims in the world have understood. Yet, there are still disbelievers. That is why Janâb-i Haqq says: “We shall show them Our signs [about Islam being the true (haqq) religion]. in every region of the earth and in themselves.” So, what does that mean?


Time Stamp: 25:00


It means that Islam came to rule over the world. And it shall always rule over the world. We find ourselves in this situation in this century for the moment being. But insha ’Allah this is temporary, and shall soon pass. Now, the magicians die poor. And they die as disbelievers (kāfirs). This word is important. In the end, the magicians die as poor and disbelieving (kaffir) people. The reason is that they are under the influence of someone other than Allah. And for they did wrong. Also, for they acted contrary to Al-Quran Al-Karim. More so, let us see the 6th verse of Surah al-Jinn: “Men have sought refuge with the jinn in the past. And thus they increased them (the Jinn) in arrogance.” Magic is like hallucination. It is nothing but influencing the addressed. I shall repeat due to its importance. Magic consist of hallucination, and influencing the addressee. The magician tries many ways in order to influence a person. If he can influence him, we call this charade as magic. The abode of envy is the heart. Both sighted and blind people may envy. You should pay attention now. The abode of envy is the heart. Both sighted and blind people may envy. That is why you should be careful and stay away from envy. Then seek refuge in Allah from the evil of the jealous. Now, let us see the 39th verse of Surah al-Kahf. [18:39] “There is no power except with Allah!” That was only a part of the verse, go see the full version. So many lords live in mansions, but they cannot see the beauty. You see, so many lords and rich people live in mansions. Yet they can’t enjoy their wealth and prosperity to the utmost. They cannot live the beauties of that wealth. They may be sick so they may not eat. A maid or a warden may benefit from that wealth and mansion better. Why? That is because the rich are sick. Dearest friends, believing in the wrong (batil) beliefs such as magic, magicians and all superstitious things that out of the true (haqq) belief of Islam is the worst possible form of sickness and mental illness. You should see the 4th verse of Surah Ibrahim in which many truths are presented. You should know the tongue of your nation well. This is important. You should know the language of whatever nation you are from. Then you may become a spokesperson to your nation. You may present them the truth (haqq). A person who cannot benefit his own nation cannot benefit anyone. You should first learn the language of your nation to benefit them. Then, you should inform that nation about the truth (haqq). Janâb-i Haqq has chosen Tâlût due to his inner ilm (knowledge) and physical state. You see, Tâlût was the commander in chief of the army in which David resided. He was the head of the state. But why? He was chosen for he had ilm (knowledge). Also, in addition to his ilm (knowledge) his physical and spiritual situation was perfect. That is why Allah has chosen him. The spiritual world of a person whom Allah valued is filled with Islam. Also, his physical characteristics were chosen suitably. And that is essentially maqbul (acceptable). A man may be ignorant, disbeliever (kafir), mushrik (polytheist), magician, rich, or handsome. Yet these are good for nothing. Allah knows what you conceal.


Time Stamp: 30:02


Moreover, Janâb-i Haqq informs us about the situation in the 20th, 105th, 247th, and 284th verses of Surah al-Baqarah. Janâb-i Haqq sees our inner worlds. [2:284] “If you disclose what is in your hearts or conceal it Allah shall hold you accountable for it.” Allah knows whether there is a lion or a hyena lies within your heart. Allah knows if your heart has disbelief (kufr), or belief (iman). Allah knows about your intentions too. Allah knows what you have done, and what you will do. Also, let us see the 26th verse of Surah Ali Imran. [3:26] “quli llāhumma mālika l-mulki” [3:26] “Say, ‘O Allah! Rabb (Lord) over all authorities!’” Let us also see the 62nd verse of Surah al-Nahl. Allah replies to those who are in a difficult situation. Allah shall remove your hardships. And it is Allah who made you caliphs (successors) on earth. You should do your servitude to Allah by means of working. So, you should work better than everyone and seek refuge in Allah Ta’ala. You should take refuge by performing your duties. Then, you shall see many favors will be bestowed upon you. Dearest friends! If you abandon Allah and seek refuge with someone else then think about what shall befall upon you. Moreover, Muslims shall, in all conscience, establish their own organizations between each other. Islam is a religion of organization. The ummah (nation) shall be completely organized in itself. Also, they shall have leaders who shall implement the laws of Allah. Otherwise, a person who just says he is a leader and a caliph is not a caliph (successor). He has to have the traits that Islam seeks. So, when should the community abandon obeying a leader. That is if the leader becomes a murtad (apostate). A murtad (apostate) cannot be a leader. More so, a lunatic cannot become a leader either. However, it is a different story if he has psychological disorder and gets over it. A prisoner cannot be a leader either. But that is if he has no chance of escape. Homosexuals cannot become leaders either. Blind, deaf, and mute people cannot become leaders. Also, in Sahih Muslim, our Prophet (asw), said obeying me means obeying Allah. There are many verses in Al-Quran Al-Karim which has the same meaning. Our Prophet says that whoever objects to him has objected to Allah. [4:80] “He who obeys the Messenger [amir – leader] thereby obeys Allah.” “Whoever revolts against amir (leader) has revolted against Me,” says Allah. So, who is the amir (leader)? The Muslims have to know that well. It means who rules with the rules of Allah; who reigns with the laws of Allah. Such person is an amir (leader). Also, he has to have a spiritual word armed with ilm (knowledge). Besides, both his inner and outer worlds should obey Islam. The deaths of the people who disband the unity of Islam which consisted of the Islamic nation and who abolish obedience to Allah, will be the death of Jahiliyyah (ignorance). The death of Abu Jahl is the death of Jahiliyyah (ignorance). That period was called as Jahiliyyah Period. The period that was prior to Islam is the Jahiliyyah Period. You shall see all these when you read the 24th and 39th verses of Surah at-Tawbah. Collective struggle and collective action is an essential command of Islam. You should also read the 103rd verse of Surah Ali Imran, in which you will see that forming a congregation (jama’ah) and ummah (nation) is a must. The Muslims must form a congregation (jama’ah), and that is obligatory. The Muslims must become an ummah (nation). That is also a must.


Time Stamp: 35:00


The ummah (nation) means living Islam in a collective manner with the leadership of Prophet Muhammad. It means to serve Islam collectively, and act under the command of Allah. Being an ummah (nation) means implementing the laws of Allah. It means to live under the rulership of Allah. In Islam, the sovereignty belongs unconditionally to Allah. More so, if a nation sees sovereignty in themselves, they are doing wrong. A nation shall obtain unconditional sovereignty when they become an Islamic ummah (nation) and rule with the laws and commands of Allah. The meaning behind that nation having complete sovereignty is that Allah gave the duty of caliphate (successorship) to mankind. In Islam, there is an obligation to form such an ummah (nation) and fulfil these duties. Insha ’Allah our lesson shall continue.


Time Stamp: 36:02


–          The End        –


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