Turkish English Tafsir Lesson 25-27

Turkish English Tafsir Lesson 25-27

Al-Quran Al-Kareem – Tafsir (Exegesis) Lesson 25


I seek shelter in Allah from the rejected Satan. In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most Merciful. [2:104] “yā-ʾayyuhā lladhīna ʾāmanū lā taqūlū rāʿinā wa-qūlū nẓurnā wa-smaʿū  wa-li-l-kāfirīna ʿadhābun ʾalīm” [2:105] “mā yawaddu lladhīna kafarū min ʾahli l-kitābi wa-lā l-mushrikīna ʾan yunazzala ʿalaykum min khayrin min rabbikum wa-llāhu yakhtaṣṣu bi-raḥmatihī man yashāʾu wa-llāhu dhū l-faḍli l-ʿaẓīm” [2:104] “O, the faithful! Do not say Raʿinā, but say Unzurnā, and listen well! And there is a painful punishment for the disbelievers (kāfirs).” [2:105] “Neither the people of the book, nor the polytheists (musrik) wish for any good coming down to you from your Rabb (Lord). But Allah chooses whomever Allah wills for Allah’s mercy. And Allah is owner of great fazeelat (bounty).” You see, in these verses we see that the number of the polytheists (mushriks), deniers (munkirs), and hypocrites (munafiqs) that could not accept that the prophethood was given to Prophet Muhammad was incalculable. Astaizu Billah. [2:106] “mā nansakh min ʾāyatin ʾaw nunsihā naʾti bi-khayrin minhā ʾaw mithlihā ʾa-lam taʿlam ʾanna llāha ʿalā kulli shayʾin qadīr” [2:107] “ʾa-lam taʿlam ʾanna llāha lahū mulku s-samāwāti wa-l-ʾarḍi wa-mā lakum min dūni llāhi min waliyyin wa-lā naṣīr” [2:108] “ʾam turīdūna ʾan tasʾalū rasūlakum ka-mā suʾila mūsā min qablu wa-man yatabaddali l-kufra bi-l-ʾīmāni fa-qad ḍalla sawāʾa s-sabīli” [2:109] “wadda kathīrun min ʾahli l-kitābi law yaruddūnakum min baʿdi ʾīmānikum kuffāran ḥasadan min ʿindi ʾanfusihim min baʿdi mā tabayyana lahumu l-ḥaqqu fa-ʿfū wa-ṣfaḥū ḥattā yaʾtiya llāhu bi-ʾamrihī ʾinna llāha ʿalā kulli shayʾin qadīr” [2:110] “wa-ʾaqīmū ṣ-ṣalāta wa-ʾātū z-zakāta wa-mā tuqaddimū li-ʾanfusikum min khayrin tajidūhu ʿinda llāhi ʾinna llāha bi-mā taʿmalūna baṣīr” [2:111] “wa-qālū lan yadkhula l-jannata ʾillā man kāna hūdan ʾaw naṣārā tilka ʾamāniyyuhum qul hātū burhānakum ʾin kuntum ṣādiqīn” [2:112] “balā man ʾaslama wajhahū li-llāhi wa-huwa muḥsinun fa-lahū ʾajruhū ʿinda rabbihī wa-lā khawfun ʿalayhim wa-lā hum yaḥzanūn” [2:113] “wa-qālati l-yahūdu laysati n-naṣārā ʿalā shayʾin wa-qālati n-naṣārā laysati l-yahūdu ʿalā shayʾin wa-hum yatlūna l-kitāba ka-dhālika qāla lladhīna lā yaʿlamūna mithla qawlihim fa-llāhu yaḥkumu baynahum yawma l-qiyāmati fī-mā kānū fīhi yakhtalifūn” [2:106] “Whatever We abrogate from a verse, or make you forget it, we will bring something equal or better. Do not you know that Allah is All-Powerful (al-Qadir).” [2:107] “Do not you know that the kingdom of earth and heavens belong to Allah. All belong to Allah. And there is no friend (wali) or helper for you except Allah.” [2:108] “Or do you want to question your Prophet just like Musa (Moses) was questioned before? But whoever trades belief (iman) for disbelief (kufr) has deviated from the middle of the straight path.” [2:109] “Many among the People of the Book (Ahlul Kitāb) wish to turn you into disbelievers (kāfirs) after you have believed. They do this because of their envy and desires even after the truth (haqq) has become clear to them. Despite this you should act with amnesty and toleration. Until Allah gives Allah’s order. Indeed, Allah is All-Powerful (al-Qadir).” [2:110] “You should keep performing your namāz (prayer) properly, and give zakat (alms-giving).


Time Stamp: 5:00


Whatever good you do for your nafs (self), you will find it in the presence of Allah. Indeed, Allah see all the things you do.” [2:111] “And they said no one except Jews and Christians may enter Janna (Paradise). This is their own delusion. Say, ‘Bring forth your evidence, if you are truthful.’” [2:112] “No, no. Whoever turns his face (self) towards Allah with goodness in his core, and submits himself, has a reward in the presence of his Rabb (Lord). There shall be no fear for them, nor they shall grieve.” [2:113] “The Jews said the Christians are on nothing. And the Christians said the Jews are on nothing. While they all were reading the Book. And those who did not have any knowledge (of the Book) said the same. This is why Allah will judge between them on the Day of Judgement (qiyāmah) regarding this kind of things they used to dispute.” O, my dearest friends! You should read and understand Al-Quran Al-Karim well. You should make distinction between the truth (haqq) and wrong (batil). Then you will be blissful. It is Al-Quran Al-Karim that rectifies all wrongs. They did not understand Torah and Bible correctly. They did not want to understand. There are also people who do not want to understand Al-Quran Al-Karim correctly. And they interpret it in wrong ways. There have always been similar people. But the original text of Al-Quran Al-Karim has not changed, and it will not be changed until the Last Day (qiyāmah). What happened to Bible and Torah will never happen to Al-Quran Al-Karim. Quran is under the protection of Allah. Bi’ithnillah-i ta’ala (praise be to Allah). [2:114] “wa-man ʾaẓlamu mimman manaʿa masājida llāhi ʾan yudhkara fīhā smuhū wa-saʿā fī kharābihā ʾulāʾika mā kāna lahum ʾan yadkhulūhā ʾillā khāʾifīna lahum fī d-dunyā khizyun wa-lahum fī l-ʾākhirati ʿadhābun ʿaẓīm” [2:115] “wa-li-llāhi l-mashriqu wa-l-maghribu fa-ʾaynamā tuwallū fa-thamma wajhu llāhi ʾinna llāha wāsiʿun ʿalīm” [2:114] “Who can be more cruel than those who forbid mentioning Allah’s name in Allah’s masjids, and those who try to destroy them? They can only enter these places faintheartedly. In this world there is misery for them, and in the afterlife, there is a great punishment.” [2:115] “That said, the east and the west belong to Allah. From then on, no matter which direction you face, it will lead to Allah. Indeed, rahmat (blessing) of Allah is wide, and Allah is all-knowing. Dearest friends! The deepest respects are for Allah. The mosques are places of miʿraj. The mosques are places of gathering in the presence of Allah. That is when ummat comes together and stands at attention before Allah. It means we are all ready for the orders of Allah as an ummat and jama’at. The ummat acts in concert with the imam who conveys Quran to the jama’at. They implement the decree of Quran together, and they serve Islam together. [2:116] “wa-qālū ttakhadha llāhu waladan subḥānahū bal lahū mā fī s-samāwāti wa-l-ʾarḍi kullun lahū qānitūn” [2:117] “badīʿu s-samāwāti wa-l-ʾarḍi wa-ʾidhā qaḍā ʾamran fa-ʾinnamā yaqūlu lahū kun fa-yakūn” [2:118] “wa-qāla lladhīna lā yaʿlamūna law-lā yukallimunā llāhu ʾaw taʾtīnā ʾāyatun ka-dhālika qāla lladhīna min qablihim mithla qawlihim tashābahat qulūbuhum qad bayyannā l-ʾāyāti li-qawmin yūqinūn”


Time Stamp: 10:02


[2:116] “Those cruel people said Allah has taken a child.” Allah is not a father, and Allah does not have children. That is a slander against Allah. Allah has servants, and Allah creates. There is nothing similar or comparable to Allah. “Never! Allah is subhān (glorified).” Indeed, whatever is in the heavens and the earth belong to Allah. All have bowed down before Allah.” [2:117] “Allah is the Originator of heavens and earth (out of nothing). And when Allah wants something to happen, Allah only says ‘be’ to it. And that thing comes to be right away.” [2:118] “Those who have no knowledge said, ‘If only Allah talked to us,’ or ‘If only we received a miracle (mujizat)’. Those before them had said the same of what they said. Their hearts became alike.” The hearts of the disbelievers (kāfirs) are alike, and this goes for believers (mu’mins) too. [2:118] “Indeed, We have shown our signs miracles (mujizat) clearly for a people who wished to attain yaqeen (certainty). Our Almighty Rabb (Lord) continues to narrate the truth to us servants. Our Rabb (Lord) conveys these life-giving lessons to us. These are the lessons manifested by Al-Quran Al-Karim, these are lessons of life. Janâb-i Haqq created the greatest lifestyle as the Islamic life-style. [2:119] “ʾinnā ʾarsalnāka bi-l-ḥaqqi bashīran wa-nadhīran wa-lā tusʾalu ʿan ʾaṣḥābi l-jaḥīm” [2:120] “wa-lan tarḍā ʿanka l-yahūdu wa-lā n-naṣārā ḥattā tattabiʿa millatahum qul ʾinna hudā llāhi huwa l-hudā wa-la-ʾini ttabaʿta ʾahwāʾahum baʿda lladhī jāʾaka mina l-ʿilmi mā laka mina llāhi min waliyyin wa-lā naṣīr” [2:121] “alladhīna ʾātaynāhumu l-kitāba yatlūnahū ḥaqqa tilāwatihī ʾulāʾika yuʾminūna bihī wa-man yakfur bihī fa-ʾulāʾika humu l-khāsirūn” [2:119] “Indeed We sent you with the truth (haqq), as a herald of our rahmat (blessing), and warner of our punishment. You are not responsible for those people of Jahannam.” [2:120] “Neither the Jews nor the Christians will never be pleased with you unless you subject yourself to their nations.” O, Muslims! You should listen well and remember this verse of Quran. [2:120] “Say, indeed the guidance of Allah is the true guidance. And certainly, if you follow their desires after all this knowledge that came to you via revelation, you will neither have any friends nor helpers from Allah.” Janâb-i Haqq is giving an ultimatum to the ummat (nation) via Prophet Muhammad. You should abide by the Islamic rules, and do not follow the desire of anyone, says Allah. [2:121] “Those adequate people to whom We have given the Book recite it as it ought to be recited. They are the ones who believe in it. And whoever denies it, those deniers are the losers.” O dearest friend! O, the blissed people who follow the life-giving lessons. These are the life-giving lessons of Al-Quran Al-Karim. The assurance of the eternally blissful life continues with Al-Quran Al-Karim. [2:122] “yā-banī ʾisrāʾīla dhkurū niʿmatiya llatī ʾanʿamtu ʿalaykum wa-ʾannī faḍḍaltukum ʿalā l-ʿālamīn” [2:123] “wa-ttaqū yawman lā tajzī nafsun ʿan nafsin shayʾan wa-lā yuqbalu minhā ʿadlun wa-lā tanfaʿuhā shafāʿatun wa-lā hum yunṣarūn” [2:124] “wa-ʾidhi btalā ʾibrāhīma rabbuhū bi-kalimātin fa-ʾatammahunna qāla ʾinnī jāʿiluka li-n-nāsi ʾimāman qāla wa-min dhurriyyatī qāla lā yanālu ʿahdī ẓ-ẓālimīn”


Time Stamp: 15:11


[2:125] “wa-ʾidh jaʿalnā l-bayta mathābatan li-n-nāsi wa-ʾamnan wa-ttakhidhū min maqāmi ʾibrāhīma muṣallan wa-ʿahidnā ʾilā ʾibrāhīma wa-ʾismāʿīla ʾan ṭahhirā baytiya li-ṭ-ṭāʾifīna wa-l-ʿākifīna wa-r-rukkaʿi s-sujūd” [2:126] “wa-ʾidh qāla ʾibrāhīmu rabbi jʿal hādhā baladan ʾāminan wa-rzuq ʾahlahū mina th-thamarāti man ʾāmana minhum bi-llāhi wa-l-yawmi l-ʾākhiri qāla wa-man kafara fa-ʾumattiʿuhū qalīlan thumma ʾaḍṭarruhū ʾilā ʿadhābi n-nāri wa-biʾsa l-maṣīr” [2:127] “wa-ʾidh yarfaʿu ʾibrāhīmu l-qawāʿida mina l-bayti wa-ʾismāʿīlu rabbanā taqabbal minnā ʾinnaka ʾanta s-samīʿu l-ʿalīm” [2:128] “rabbanā wa-jʿalnā muslimayni laka wa-min dhurriyyatinā ʾummatan muslimatan laka wa-ʾarinā manāsikanā wa-tub ʿalaynā ʾinnaka ʾanta t-tawwābu r-raḥīm” [2:129] “rabbanā wa-bʿath fīhim rasūlan minhum yatlū ʿalayhim ʾāyātika wa-yuʿallimuhumu l-kitāba wa-l-ḥikmata wa-yuzakkīhim ʾinnaka ʾanta l-ʿazīzu l-ḥakīm” O, dearest and most venerable audience! Let us see what kind of divine lessons are given to us via these verses of Janâb-i Haqq. [2:122] “O, Children of Israel! Remember my blessing upon you, and when I exalted you above all nations in the world.” [2:123] “Fear from such a Day .when no one shall pay anything on behalf of another, nor ransom shall be accepted from anyone, nor shall he benefit from shafa’ah (intercession), nor shall they be aided by no one.” [2:124] “And do not forget when Allah tested Ibrahim (Abraham) with a set of words (commands). And when Ibrahim (Abraham) fulfilled them Allah said, ‘I will make you an imām (leader) for all people.’ Ibrahim (Abraham) said, ‘Make imām (leader) among my descendants as well.’ Allah said, ‘The wrongdoers are not included in my covenant.’” [2:125] “And remember back when We made this House a place of peace and earning thawāb. And take a place of prayer from Maqam-i Ibrahim (where Abraham stood). And we covenanted with Ismail (Ishmael) and Ibrahim (Abraham). ‘Keep My House (Kaaba Sharif) pure for those who perform tawaf and those who stay for worship, and those who perform rukū (bow) and sajdah (prostrate).’” [2:126] “And at that time Ibrahim (Abraham) said, ‘O, Rabb (Lord) make this a place a safe land, and provide various fruits for its people who believe, among them, in Allah, and the Last Day.’ And Allah said, ‘I will provide for even those who disbelieve, and have him enjoy life for a while, and then I will have him visit the torment of Fire.’ ‘And then I will have him visit the torment of Fire, which is such an evil destination.” You see, dearest and most venerable friends! Our Rabb (Lord) gives sustenance (rizq) to the tyrants in the world as well. But their end is only misery. [2:127] “And when Ibrahim (Abraham) started raising the foundations of the House they prayed together with Ismail (Ishmael), ‘O, our Rabb (Lord)! Accept this from us! Indeed you are All-hearing and All-knowing.’” [2:128] “‘O, our Rabb (Lord)! Make us both Muslims who bow down only for You. And make a Muslim ummat (nation) from our progeny, who will only bow down to You. And show us the ways of worship.


Time Stamp: 20:04


And see our repentance with rahmat (blessing). Indeed, You are the tawwab (forgiving), and al-Rahim (most Merciful).’” [2:130] “wa-man yarghabu ʿan millati ʾibrāhīma ʾillā man safiha nafsahū wa-la-qadi ṣṭafaynāhu fī d-dunyā wa-ʾinnahū fī l-ʾākhirati la-mina ṣ-ṣāliḥīn” [2:131] “ʾidh qāla lahū rabbuhū ʾaslim qāla ʾaslamtu li-rabbi l-ʿālamīn” [2:132] “wa-waṣṣā bihā ʾibrāhīmu banīhi wa-yaʿqūbu yā-baniyya ʾinna llāha ṣṭafā lakumu d-dīna fa-lā tamūtunna ʾillā wa-ʾantum muslimūn” [2:133] “ʾam kuntum shuhadāʾa ʾidh ḥaḍara yaʿqūba l-mawtu ʾidh qāla li-banīhi mā taʿbudūna min baʿdī qālū naʿbudu ʾilāhaka wa-ʾilāha ʾābāʾika ʾibrāhīma wa-ʾismāʿīla wa-ʾisḥāqa ʾilāhan wāḥidan wa-naḥnu lahū muslimūn” [2:129] “O, our Rabb (Lord), send to them such a Prophet from among them who shall recite your verses to them, and teach your Book and Wisdom to them, and cleanse their lives and make them pure. Indeed you are All-mighty, and All-Wise. This prayer here is for Prophet Muhammad. This prayer is for the prophethood of Muhammad to occur in the world. This prayer originated with Ibrahim (Abraham). This is an eternal fate. Our Prophet said, “I am the prayer of Ibrahim (Abraham), and evangel of Isa (Jesus), and dream of my mother. ” [2:130] “Who would turn away from the nation of Ibrahim (Abraham), except a fool who abased himself. We have made him a pre-eminent figure in this world. And he is one of the good ones in the afterlife by all means. [2:131] “When his Rabb (Lord) said, ‘Be Islām’, he said, ‘I surrender to the Rabb (Lord) of Ālamin (all-worlds)’. They threw him into fire, and he did not grieve. And he did fight against the idols. And he defended the tawhid iman (monotheistic faith) gallantly. [2:132] “Ibrahim (Abraham) did bequeath this religion to his own sons, and so did Ya’qub (Jacop). He said, “O, my sons, indeed Allah has chosen this religion for you. Stay away from other religions. Only die as Muslims.” A message was given via this verse to the entire world. Ya’qub (Jacop), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishak (Isaac), Ibrahim (Abraham), and all prophets have always been Muslims. They are Islamic prophets. There have never been another religion on earth except Islam, and there will not be another in the future as well. [2:133] “Or, did you witness the occurrence too? When the moment of death came for Ya’qub (Jacop), he said to his sons, ‘To what will you worship after me?’ His sons said, ‘To Allah who is your God, and of your forefathers Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael), and Ishak (Isaac). We shall only worship Allah who is One. We are only Muslims who bow to Allah,’ they said.” Here you see that all prophets are Muslims. And they are all prophets of the religion of Islam. Allah has never sent another religion to earth. All other religions except Islam are fabrications, or distortions. They are completely wrong (bātil) religions. That is why, dearest friends! All prophets, and the books were sent down in the name of Islam. Each prophet had performed their duties in their own times. And in the end, the duty was handed over to Prophet Muhammad.


Time Stamp: 25:01


And he was sent as a Prophet of Blessings upon all worlds. [2:134] “tilka ʾummatun qad khalat lahā mā kasabat wa-lakum mā kasabtum wa-lā tusʾalūna ʿammā kānū yaʿmalūn” [2:134] “They were an ummat (nation) who have come and gone. What they earned is for them, and what you earn is for you. You shall not be questioned about what they did.” Everyone will be questioned for their own deeds (amel), and will receive either reward or punishment. [2:135] “wa-qālū kūnū hūdan ʾaw naṣārā tahtadū qul bal millata ʾibrāhīma ḥanīfan wa-mā kāna mina l-mushrikīn” [2:136] “qūlū ʾāmannā bi-llāhi wa-mā ʾunzila ʾilaynā wa-mā ʾunzila ʾilā ʾibrāhīma wa-ʾismāʿīla wa-ʾisḥāqa wa-yaʿqūba wa-l-ʾasbāṭi wa-mā ʾūtiya mūsā wa-ʿīsā wa-mā ʾūtiya n-nabiyyūna min rabbihim lā nufarriqu bayna ʾaḥadin minhum wa-naḥnu lahū muslimūn” [2:137] “fa-ʾin ʾāmanū bi-mithli mā ʾāmantum bihī fa-qadi htadaw wa-ʾin tawallaw fa-ʾinnamā hum fī shiqāqin fa-sa-yakfīkahumu llāhu wa-huwa s-samīʿu l-ʿalīm” [2:138] “ṣibghata llāhi wa-man ʾaḥsanu mina llāhi ṣibghatan wa-naḥnu lahū ʿābidūn” O, dearest and most venerable friends! [2:134] “And they said, ‘Become Jews or Christians so that you may find guidance.’ Say to them, ‘No! We follow the religion of Ibrahim (Abraham) who worship the truth as a hanif [righteous], who he was never among the polytheists.” Ibrahim (Abraham) Alaihissalam is the Prophet who declared war against idols. That is why Ibrahim (Abraham) is neither a Jew nor a Christian. Ibrahim (Abraham) is an Islamic prophet. He is a hanif prophet. In other words, he is an unsullied prophet who believed in Allah’s Oneness, who defended Allah, who announced Allah. [2:135] “Say, ‘We have believed in Allah, and what was sent down to us and Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishak (Isaac), Ya’qub (Jacop) and his grandsons and what was sent down to Isa (Jesus) and Musa (Moses) and what was given to all prophets from their Rabb (Lord). We do not make distinction between them, and we are Muslims who only bow to Allah.’” [2:136] “And if they believe like you did, they will have entered the right path, and found guidance. Or if they turn away, they are only in dissent. Allah is sufficient for you against them. And Allah is all-Hearing, and all-Knowing.” [2:138] “Look at Allah’s dye, what is baptism (compared to it)? Who can apply dye better than Allah? You see, we are the ones who worship Allah. Dearest friends! Janâb-i Haqq said these in the afore verses and let us see what Allah said next. [2:140] “ʾam taqūlūna ʾinna ʾibrāhīma wa-ʾismāʿīla wa-ʾisḥāqa wa-yaʿqūba wa-l-ʾasbāṭa kānū hūdan ʾaw naṣārā qul ʾa-ʾantum ʾaʿlamu ʾami llāhu wa-man ʾaẓlamu mimman katama shahādatan ʿindahū mina llāhi wa-mā llāhu bi-ghāfilin ʿammā taʿmalūn” [2:141] “tilka ʾummatun qad khalat lahā mā kasabat wa-lakum mā kasabtum wa-lā tusʾalūna ʿammā kānū yaʿmalūn” [2:139] “Say, ‘Will you enter into dispute with us about Allah? While Allah is both our and your Rabb (Lord).’ Our deeds are for us, and your deeds are for you. And we embrace Allah with sincerity (ikhlas).’” [2:140] “Or do you want to say that Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishak (Isaac), Ya’qub (Jacop) and his grandsons were Jews or Christians? Say, ‘Is it you knows better, or Allah?’


Time Stamp: 30:04


Who can be crueler than the one who knowingly denies even the truth that is witnessed by Allah? Allah is not unaware of what you do.” None of them are Jews or Christians, they are all Muslims. They are all Islamic prophets. [2:141] “They were an ummat (nation), they have come and gone. What they earned is for them, and what you earn is for you and you shall not be questioned about what they did.” You see, dearest and most venerable friends! Janâb-i Haqq gives answers and rectifies all wrongs of the past with the life-giving book which is Al-Quran Al-Karim. And Allah manifests all truth, and says; Astaizu Billah: [2:142] “sa-yaqūlu s-sufahāʾu mina n-nāsi mā wallāhum ʿan qiblatihimu llatī kānū ʿalayhā qul li-llāhi l-mashriqu wa-l-maghribu yahdī man yashāʾu ʾilā ṣirāṭin mustaqīm” [2:143] “wa-ka-dhālika jaʿalnākum ʾummatan wasaṭan li-takūnū shuhadāʾa ʿalā n-nāsi wa-yakūna r-rasūlu ʿalaykum shahīdan wa-mā jaʿalnā l-qiblata llatī kunta ʿalayhā ʾillā li-naʿlama man yattabiʿu r-rasūla mimman yanqalibu ʿalā ʿaqibayhi wa-ʾin kānat la-kabīratan ʾillā ʿalā lladhīna hadā llāhu wa-mā kāna llāhu li-yuḍīʿa ʾīmānakum ʾinna llāha bi-n-nāsi la-raʾūfun raḥīm” [2:144] “qad narā taqalluba wajhika fī s-samāʾi fa-la-nuwalliyannaka qiblatan tarḍāhā fa-walli wajhaka shaṭra l-masjidi l-ḥarāmi wa-ḥaythu mā kuntum fa-wallū wujūhakum shaṭrahū wa-ʾinna lladhīna ʾūtū l-kitāba la-yaʿlamūna ʾannahu l-ḥaqqu min rabbihim wa-mā llāhu bi-ghāfilin ʿammā yaʿmalūn” [2:145] “wa-la-ʾin ʾatayta lladhīna ʾūtū l-kitāba bi-kulli ʾāyatin mā tabiʿū qiblataka wa-mā ʾanta bi-tābiʿin qiblatahum wa-mā baʿḍuhum bi-tābiʿin qiblata baʿḍin wa-la-ʾini ttabaʿta ʾahwāʾahum min baʿdi mā jāʾaka mina l-ʿilmi ʾinnaka ʾidhan la-mina ẓ-ẓālimīn” [2:142] “A group of fools among people will say, ‘What made them turn away from the qiblah they used to face?’ (And they said this on that day.) Say, ‘The east and the west belongs to Allah. Allah will guide whomever Allah wishes (to the straight path).’” [2:143] “And thus We have made you a middle ummat (nation), so that you may be an example of justice over all people and that you may be the witness of the truth and may the Prophet be the witness over you. The reason We made the Kaaba, in which you used to stand, as qiblah so that We may distinguish the ones who will follow the Prophet and the ones who will turn back on their two heels. This work shall indeed be too difficult for those except those guided by Allah. It is not like Allah would forget about your [previous] iman [acts of worship and deeds]. Indeed Allah is most kind towards all people, and the most Merciful.” [2:144] “The truth is that We were seeing your face turning to the heavens, and looking for direction by changing expressions. Now We will direct you to a qiblah that you will be pleased. So turn your face towards Al-Masjid-ul-Harām. You too, o believers! Where ever you are, turn your face towards that direction! (In other words, turn towards Kaaba al-Sharif with namāz five times a day.) Those who were given the Book also certainly know that this command that came from their Rabb (Lord) is the truth. And Allah is not unaware of they ultimatum used to do, and what they are doing.” [2:145] “And certainly, even if you bring all evidence to those who were given the Book, they would not subject to your qiblah still.


Time Stamp: 35:02


(Janâb-i Haqq says this to the Christians and Jews.) And you would not subject to their qiblah. Besides, they are not subject to each other’s qiblah. And certainly, if you happen to follow their fancy and desire, after all this ilm (knowledge) that came to you, if you follow the wishes of the Jews and if you follow the wishes of the Christians, then without a doubt, you will become one of the wrongdoers,” said Janâb-i Haqq. This is an ultimatum given to Ummat (nation) of Muhammad via Prophet Muhammad. O, Muslim! You cannot be like anyone else. You shall abide by the eternal life-giving order and Islamic rules, and be an example to the world. For your life-style is the Islamic life-style which is a divine life-style. The life-giving divine light is Islam itself. That is why Muslims cannot imitate anyone else. Muslims only abide by the decrees of Allah They cannot act like Jews, Christians, or someone else. They follow the true measures of Islam established by Allah. Our lesson continues by mentioning some discovery notes regarding the wisdom of these verses. So, after giving short but to the point meanings from these verses we will continue to make discoveries regarding certain matters in these verses, and clarify them. The Jews deny Bible and Isa (Jesus). You will know this if you have paid attention to the verses. The Jews deny Bible and Isa (Jesus). The Christians deny Torah and Musa (Moses). And they deny these knowingly. You cannot deny Isa (Jesus), Musa (Moses), Torah, Bible, Psalm, and the Scriptures. These are Books and Scriptures sent by Allah. The Books that Al-Quran Al-Karim has taken into its protection cannot be denied. You can only deny the books that are named as Torah, that the Jews fabricated and wrote themselves. You see, they are not actually Torah. There is the fabricated Bible, it is not the real Bible either. The ones incorporated into Quran, which are affirmed by Quran and the ones that Quran calls Bible are true. This is because they distorted Bible and Torah the true Bible and Torah is no longer present on earth. There are only fabrications written by some people. They presented their own writings as Allah’s book. That is why the religion of Islam incorporated all divine books into its creed (amantu). Islam incorporated all prophets into its creed (amantu). Islam protects all past prophets. Islam protects all past divine books. Islam and Quran are witnesses of the past. They are both believer (mu’min), and ever-watchful (muhaymin), and acknowledger of truth (musadiq). That is why no one can become a believer (mu’min) without believing in the creed (amantu) of Islam. For the Islamic creed (amantu) is the only pre-eternal and everlasting creed (amantu). The fundamentals of belief are the fundamentals of imân in Islam. Without this, no one would be knowing Musa (Moses), Isa (Jesus), Bible, Torah, Quran, nor Muhammad. The person would be foreign to these without having this creed (amantu). No one can deny or disregard even a single prophet. No one can disregard a book of Allah. The Jews and Christians have fallen into such denials, which ruined themselves.


Time Stamp: 40:00


Warnings are given to the Islamic world. O, Muslims! Janâb-i Haqq warns you so that you may never fall into this situation. As for the irreligious people, they deny all religions. You see, the situation of the irreligious people are also different. As for Islam, it is a complete reality, and a complete truth. Unjust decrees that include lies, fallacies, deceit, magic, games, oppression and cruelty shall be abolished by the divine justice even if they originated from the United Nations (UN). No one can stand against the justice of Allah. No cruelty may get ahead of Islam while the reality of Islam and Quran is present in the world. So, it is clear that Islam shall abolish all of what the tyrants execute. Islam is the manifestation of divine justice. The book of this divine justice is Al-Quran Al-Karim. And the absolute rulership belongs only to Allah. Allah is the King of the Kings. Allah is the all-Mighty. Allah is the Almighty Fayyaz. Allah predominates all worlds with the qudrāt (all-Able All-Powerful). It is Allah who encompasses all worlds with rahmat (blessing). Allah is the owner of perfect sifāts (attributes). And Allah is the all-Capable ruler. This is the truth, whether people acknowledge the laws of Allah or not. Allah shall not be harmed by their disbelief. Yet the belief (iman) of the ones who do not acknowledge shall disappear. Moreover, those who do shall be eternally blissful under the protection of the Divine. They are fed from the life-giving and eternal source. The eternal and life-giving source is the divine laws of Islam, which are all in Al-Quran Al-Karim. Islam is so mighty that all religions, intellects, abilities, powers, and all things gathered, they could not manifest something equal to Al-Quran Al-Karim. And Islam is much more beautiful than all the beauties of it that we conveyed. This is because it is a divine religion. The researcher Islamic scholars are people of hikmat. And hikmat (see definition) is an absolute proof. Use good advice when speaking to the middle-class. When arguing, use the best possible type of arguing. And use a smooth tongue. Argue with the People of the Book in the best possible way. The above meaning belongs to the 46th verse of Surah al-Ankabut. Besides, Janâb-i Haqq also points to these matters in the 125th verse of Surah al-Nahl. Thus, Allah presents the decree, and gives authentic lessons. Janâb-i Haqq creates without there being a sample, creates out of nothing. We call this as ibda‘. These worlds and the humanity did not exist; therefore these are created without there being a prior example. Adam means non-existence. So, Allah created mankind without there being a previous example. So, it is Janâb-i Haqq who created mankind with ibda‘. Ibda, Mebde and Meâd are, of course, a result of Almighty Allah’s own creativeness. Allah creates with Ibda‘, which is creating without a prior example, or a sample. And raises them from their grave with meâd, and brings them to the Great Gathering (Mahshar) for judgement. The punishment in the grave, and the grand court in the Great Gathering (Mahshar) are different. That is why dearest friends! Let us see what Janâb-i Haqq said in the 21 – 93 – 144th verses. Janâb-i Haqq says that the ones who used to wallow in bounties were ruined due to their sin.


Time Stamp: 45:08


When Janâb-i Haqq bestows bounties upon them they go astray. And when Allah makes them poor, they deviate. Janâb-i Haqq has calibrated our innate nature between the two. Such a shame that people are trying to distort their own innate nature (fitrah). Now, let us give certain notes about what happened to Israelites. Buhtnassar, the polytheist Romans, and the Christian Byzantium along with the polytheists of Arabs had destroyed, ruined, and burned Al-Masjid-ul-Aqsā. It is narrated by Abd Allah ibn Abbas that Titus, Kaiser of Rome had ruined Bait al-Maqdis. And slayed its people, and enslaved the children. He had burned Torah, and slaughtered pigs inside Masjid Al Ma’bad, and filled it with carcasses. That was a narration from Abd Allah ibn Abbas, in other words, these narrations have firm sources. Jerusalem was then re-built and made prosperous by the Persian King Ardashir-i Behmen (Kirsh or Kursh ). Then Israel gathered their strength to a certain degree. They had lived in the territories of Iran, Rome, and Greece. You see, Buhtnassar had slayed Bani Isra’il in Jerusalem. He burned Jerusalem down, and the survivors become captives. So, what happened to some of them later, when they pulled themselves together to a certain degree? So, after that they lived in the territories of Iran, Greece, and Rome. So, it is fair to say that trouble has never left this nation. Why though? What they used to do are narrated in Al-Quran Al-Karim. They had killed Yahyā (John) and Zakariya (Zachariah) in that period. They martyred these prophets. They were killer of the prophets. So, 40 years after the Ascension of Isa (Jesus) the Romans had burned and ruined Jerusalem again. You see, this is another disaster. All these disasters that visited Israelites in those times. Then Titus had continued on this destruction, and annihilated the Jewish State. All of the Jews were captured and suppressed. Titus had slayed all Jews and Christians except the ones that managed to escape. This is important, please listen carefully. He burned and ruined Jerusalem and killed all Jews and Christians along with their books. So, he burned all Bibles and Torahs. Titus did that. After Buhtnassar, Titus had continued this cruelty. If you read the 61st verse of Surah al-Baqarah you will see that Israelites got what they deserved. You should study the historical works of Ali ibn al-Athir and Murat Bey. You can also find these narrations in their trusted historical works. Imperator Ilya Anderyonus had massacred Jews and Christians heathenishly. Look, after the last massacres, the new ones had continued to visit them. Muslims had never made a massacre or war on earth except with a righteous reason. And it is even fair to say that Islam has protected people against such tyrants after it became pre-dominant in the world. So, who turned the city into ruins? It is Imperator Ilya Anderyonus. He killed both Jews and Christians, he slayed them.


Time Stamp: 50:02


And he left the city in ruins. And then he rebuilt the city and made Roman and Greek people move there. Until that time, Jerusalem was called as Urusalim and Yerushalayim, but then they named it as Ilya Bayt al-Rab. The mother of Constantine who accepted Christianism in Rome, Helena had travelled to Jerusalem to find the True Cross. She is the mother of Constantine, Helene. This Ya Saribi finds the Cross. They accepted that day as the Holiday of Sarib. And Constantine ordered the building of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. And they accepted it as the grave of Isa (Jesus), so they built this church on it. They demolished Al-Masjid-ul-Aqsā. They ordered the folk to dump the trash of the city into Al-Masjid-ul-Aqsā. Just see what Constantine had done. After a while, until the time of Umar, the Christians used Al-Masjid-ul-Aqsā as dump site. There is also the betrayal of the Jews, but that is different than this action of Christian Constantine. They prohibited people from praying in Al-Masjid-ul-Aqsā. In other words, people could not even pray in Al-Masjid-ul-Aqsā. Umar had rebuilt Al-Masjid-ul-Aqsā with the Muslims. This verse of the Quran narrates this cruelty of the Christians, and that the Jews had caused this. It is ordered that all people should respect mosques and masjids. They had done a great deal of disrespect to Al-Masjid-ul-Aqsā They had betrayed Al-Masjid-ul-Aqsā. As for Muslims, they had never touched a church or synagogue or a temple of anyone. This is because Allah orders everyone to be respectful. Al-Quran Al-Karim had given a miraculous announcement, saying: ‘You shall lose mosques and masjids if you do not be respectful.’ This part is important as well. Al-Quran Al-Karim had given a miraculous announcement, saying: ‘You shall lose mosques and masjids if you do not be respectful.’ And that was what happened. A man who does not know the values of his own religion will certainly lose them. They had lost Jerusalem, and Muslims had conquered it. It has remained in the hands of Muslims for fourteen hundred years, but the current situation is apparent. Look at the situation of Jerusalem that changed in 40 or 50 years. They are shedding blood in Jerusalem. They continue on their massacre. Study the hidden meaning in the 114th verse of Surah al-Baqarah. That hidden meaning is clearly seen now. Important object lessons are given to Muslims of today. Do you know As-Suddi? The conquest of Constantinople was heralded and narrated centuries before the conquest of Istanbul. And these were written in the exegeses. As-Suddi had written the conquest of Istanbul in his exegesis (tafsir) five or six centuries before it happened. It is certain that this miraculous news was received from Prophet Muhammad. In other words, Prophet Muhammad gave the news of the conquest of Istanbul in a miraculous way.


Time Stamp: 55:01


This report of the tidings about conquest of Istanbul is an utter miracle. This hadith-i sharif was written 857 years ago. According to which Prophet Muhammad said: Turkish transcription: “Ve tüftinannel kostantiniyyetü vele nığmel esîru emîru vele nığmel emîru emîruhâ vele nığmel ceysu zelikel keyş.” Fethu’l-Kebir Li- Suyûtî Dearest friends. This is the result of betrayal. As for Muslims, they did not know the value of Islam, mosques, congregations (jama’ah), masjids, Al-Quran Al-Karim, unity of ummat, and the divine order of Islam. They did not the value of these concepts for the last century and look what is happening to them. And Allah Ta’ala exists without a place or direction. All directions and places belong to Allah. Qiblah is the unity and integrity of tawhid (monotheism). A clear sing of Islamic unity can be observed when all Muslims face one qiblah. This is a unity of hearts, and unity of ideal, unity of action. These concepts are also musts and essentials in Islam. Tawhid (monotheism) is a tarbiya (spiritual training) with its secrets. The earth was made a masjid (place of worship) for the ummat (nation). The previous ones could only perform namāz in their masjids. There is a principle in fiqh (jurisprudence). “El emru iza daga ittesea.” A work expands (becomes hard) when deadline comes. You see, a great depression and crisis is present in the Islamic world right now. Insha ’Allah Ta’ala, Muslims shall embrace Islam and Quran, and become united. The victory shall be close when that is accomplished. This is the salvation of mankind. This is not a matter of taking revenge from anyone. Our aim is to call all people to the truth (haqq) and reality. This is a presentation of the life-giving values to all people. Islam does not take life from anyone. Islam gives life to all people. The life-giving truth, the life-giving light, the eternal bliss, salvation, success are within Islam. This is because Islam is the pre-eternal and everlasting manifestation of rahmat (blessing). This is Islam. The Jews and Christians had joined the polytheists (mushriks) as well. When you read the 116th verse, you will see that Jews and Christians had seen Muhammad (asw) in Torah and Bible. They should have immediately become Muslims. But they would rather unite with the idolaters. They ruined themselves. Al-Badī‘ means the One who created the process, its secrets and beauties without there being a previous example or sample. That is a sifāt (attribute) of Almighty Allah. You see, [2:117] “badīʿu s-samāwāti wa-l-ʾarḍi”. The Originator of the heavens and the earth. The creator of all things, their process, secrets, and beauties, without there being a sample. This goes for all of the creations of Allah. The beginning of causation is creation and ījād (bringing to existence) but not giving birth. Allah is free and away from being a father. Allah does not resemble the creatures in any way.


Time Stamp: 1:00:01


The creatures does not resemble Allah in any way. And Allah is unlike the creatures. So, if you combine all possible ideas and dreams of the creation together that would still not resemble Allah. Allah, just like Allah said, is a divine entity Who has no peers. As for the creatures, they are not fragments from Allah. As for hulul (incarnation), it is polytheism (shirk). It is a wrong (batil) concept. This goes for reincarnation as well, and similar type of beliefs. Waḥdat al-wujūd is also nothing but complete nonsense. Waḥdat al-wujūd accepts all worlds and Allah as one single entity, which would divinize everything, and that is not a valid concept in Islam. Whatever is existent, all creatures, are created by Allah. To divinize the creatures is a slander against Allah, and polytheism (shirk). In the old religions they used to refer to Allah as the In the old religions they used to refer to Allah as the Grand Father. They would not say Allah has a son. This was a habit people used to have. They would call their own fathers as lesser father. The Christians first said Isa (Jesus) was the son of Allah. Then they claimed he was Allah himself. Allah forbid! Isa (Jesus) is a servant of Allah. He is son of Maryam. He is both a servant and a Messenger of Allah. This is how Al-Quran Al-Karim described Isa (Jesus), and certainty, this is the truth. Bible and Torah used to introduce him the same way. Isa (Jesus) would describe himself the same way. You see, this is how Allah introduced Isa (Jesus). Isa (Jesus) was born by Maryam. He used to eat, drink. He was breast-fed. He had soiled himself, and peed himself. So, it is clear that he was a human. To divinize him is a slander to Isa (Jesus) as well. That is also a great slander to Bible, and Allah. This is not the way of Isa (Jesus). Isa (Jesus) Alaihissalam is a gallant Prophet, and he is son of Maryam. Let me remind you that Adam Alaihissalam was created without parents. Isa (Jesus) was created without a father, that is it. Does Allah not know how to create in all sorts of various ways? Did Allah not create all worlds out of nothing? Is creating Isa (Jesus) without a father that hard for Allah? You see, this is why divinizing Isa (Jesus) for he does not have a father is not knowing Allah. Now, let us talk about the meanings behind the word ‘nation – millet’. Imla (orthography) comes from ‘imlal’ which is the infinitive form that means ‘to write, and to have someone write’. The path that is followed, which may be correct or false. This is the statement of Al-Zamakhshari. The word nation encompasses religion, sharīʿah. Let us see the definition in Kitāb al–Milal wa al-Nihal: religion, sharīʿah, collective sense, predominant principles, a path that is followed. The word nation encompasses all of the previous meanings. The ones who follow their lust and desires are distorted nations. They are referred to as nation in a metaphorical way. They follow their own desires; thus they are distorted, and they claimed they do this in the name of religion and sharīʿah . The ummat (nation) is being warned here. Those who follow their desires are degenerate nations. Abdullah ibn Salam narrates. Eight of them were priests of Damascus. And ashab-i sefine (people of vessel) who came with Ja’far al-Tayyar.


Time Stamp: 1:05:06


Thirty-two of them were from Habashistan, and with the priests they were a total of forty people. These people have read Torah and Bible correctly, and thus became Muslims. My dearest friends, in order to become a nation you should know that Islam is a nation on its own. This nation is united in belief, elation, sorrow, goals, and purpose. Meaning of nation is the community of people who are in the same belief, who fully implement the religion and sharīʿah (law). This was the narration of Shahrastani in Al-Milal wa al-Nihal. Religion, sharīʿah (law), nation, collective sense, predominant principles, the path that is followed. You see, the path that is followed here is Islam itself. The nation, is the Muslim ummat (nation) who follow this way. It is important to understand the concept of nation correctly. Otherwise we see here that the depraved societies who were distorted are too referred to as nation metaphorically. They cannot become a nation. A nation is the name of the ummat who are collectively subjected to the religion of Almighty Allah. The world consists of two nations as regards to the matter at hand. These two nations are Muslims, and non-Muslims. This is the short version. This is why the Jews brought forth racism and deviated to Zionism for they wanted to become a nation. In the end, the way they followed is not the way of Musa, Islam, or sharīʿah (law). That is why the source of racism in the world is Zionism. They want to inculcate this into all nations, but why? They do this because they want to divide Ummat-i Muhammad, and cause segregation. Hüsn-i tahallus, means to jump from matter to matter. In Turkish it is called as “Ittihab and Girizgâh”. The name of troublesome trial is Ittila and Bala. Janâb-i Haqq tests people with whatever they deserve. Allah guides whom Allah wants, and bestows upon them, and ruins whom Allah wants. Ibrahim (Abraham) means Abun Raḥīmun which means compassionate father. The meaning of Ibrahim (Abraham) is Abun Raḥīmun which means compassionate father. An imam is a leader that people abide by and follow. That is leadership and presidency in the religious and worldly matters. This is Riyaset-i Kubra. The caliphates of Ali, Uthman, Umar, Abu Bakr (r.a.), are referred to as Imamat-i Kubra. The divine position if Risalet (duty of prophethood). The greatest rank or position above all is prophethood. The leader must lead the nation to abide by religious decrees and the sharīʿah. This trait is what makes people leaders. The leader must lead the nation to abide by religious decrees and the sharīʿah. This trait is what makes people leaders. A merciless imam cannot become a leader. In other words, a merciless man cannot become the head of the state.


Time Stamp: 1:10:01


This is why in Islam a true leader must be the head of the state, which we call Imamat-i Kubra. In other words, the head of the state has to be a just leader. He has to be spiritually and physically equipped with good traits that would aid humanity. And Janâb-i Haqq has already announced what traits shall this leader possess in Al-Quran Al-Karim. In the 124th verse of al-Baqarah, Janâb-i Haqq says that an unjust imam, or rather an unjust leader cannot become the head of the state. The unjust cannot be satates people. They should not become states people. They cannot become leaders either, for imam means states person, and leader. The name of this concept is Imamat-i Kubra. Even if he is elected, he shall be discharged immediately. Let us say an unjust person became the head of the state, he must be discharged immediately. Ummat (nation) should act in concert here. The mujtahids should come together and decide unanimously. So, what does Janâb-i Haqq do with Israel here? Allah gives object lessons to mankind in the person of Israel. So, what did Israel do? What troubles had visited them throughout the history? So, when Israelites become unjust after Musa (Moses), they lost the riyaset (leadership). Allah has taken prophethood from the lineage of Israel. This was because unjust people derived among them. The prophethood was given to the lineage of Ismail (Ishmael). Prophet Muhammad is from the lineage of Ismail (Ishmael) Alaihissalam. As you know, Ibrahim (Abraham) Alaihissalam is the son of Ismail (Ishmael). Prophet Muhammad was sent as the last and the universal prophet. The true (haqq) way is the way of Islam, until the Last Day. Israelites had denied Prophet Muhammad due to their envy. This was due to their envy and racism. They did not acknowledge him because he was not from their lineage. Yet they should know that even if they eat their hearts out the light of Islam shall continue to enlighten the world and the heavens. Prophethood is not given according to the desires and wishes of a certain community. It is Allah who selects and appoints the prophets. Maqam-i Ibrahim is also mentioned in these verses of al-Baqarah. Ibrahim (Abraham) used to stand on the stone while building the Kabaa. The place of the stone on which he stood while calling people to pilgrimage (hajj) is Maqam-i Ibrahim. Those who went to pilgrimage (hajj) know this place. The Prayer of Tawaf is performed in Maqam-i Ibrahim. Namaz with rukū (belt-low bowing) is only pertain to this ummat (nation), and it was designated for this ummat (nation). When Hājar said, “Did Allah order you to leave us in this dry valley?” Ibrahim (Abraham) said, “Yes,”. So, who is Hājar? She is the mother of Ismail (Ishmael) Alaihissalam. Our mother Hājar. When he was abandoned by Ibrahim Alaihissalam at Kabaa-i Sharif, Ismail (Ishmael) was just an infant. In this occurrence we see that our mother Hājar is a woman full of iman (belief). So, what did she say? When Hājar said, “Did Allah order you to leave us in this dry valley?” Ibrahim (Abraham) said, “Yes,”. Hājar said, “Then you should leave and do not think about us, for Allah shall protect us,”. We see here that our mother Hājar was a mu’mine woman who was strictly bond with Allah. So, she is another exemplary woman that women should follow is our mother Hājar who is a hero.


Time Stamp: 1:15:02


Ibrahim Alaihissalam in the Mountain of Keda. In the 37th verse of Surah al-Ibrahim, Janâb-i Haqq says: [14:37] “rabbanā ʾinnī ʾaskantu min dhurriyyatī bi-wādin ghayri dhī zarʿin…” The verse continues. [14:37] “…ʿinda baytika l-muḥarram…” So, what did he do according to this verse of the Quran. He had begged Janâb-i Haqq in the Mountain of Keda. He said, “O Rabb (Lord)!” I have settled my offspring to such a place that it has no agriculture, no crops, no vegetables or fruits. He said, I have settled them into such a place, ‘ʿinda baytika l-muḥarram’ near Your Bayt. In other words he said he left them near Al-Masjid-ul-Harām, and trusted them with Allah. Then Janâb-i Haqq turned all hearts in the world to Kaaba. You see, the Kaaba you see today is visited from all around the world by too many people. It is filled to the brim in the pilgrimage season, and outside that season it is also filled to the brim due to ‚umra and visitations.


Time Stamp: 1:16:53


–          The End        –


Al-Quran Al-Kareem – Tafsir (Exegesis) Lesson 26


In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most Merciful. Hanif means true (haqq) religion. The religion of Islam is hanif (true religion). It means, the true religion, unsullied. Al’asbat means off-springs. Şikak means hostile opposition, and segregation. It is a principle of fiqh (jurisprudence) that decrees change as times change. Islam is a new ummat, a new sharīʿah. Janâb-i Haqq had changed the decrees within Torah and Bible as times changed. Allah manifested a new ummat, and a new sharīʿah. Islam is the new ummat and sharīʿah that become established in the world. In other words, Janâb-i Haqq renews the decrees and laws as times change. The religion of Islam is the last religion and last sharīʿah of the world until the Day of Judgement (Qiyamah). So, new decrees are required as times and conditions change and these new decrees are all present in Al-Quran Al-Karim. And the doors of ijtihad (reasoning) is open until the Day of Judgement (Qiyamah). The science that studies the benefits of the decrees with various reasons is the science of fiqh, which means Islamic jurisprudence. In other words, science of fiqh has explained the decree of Islam one by one. Fiqh has graded them with the measures of religious obligation (fard), obligation (wajib), and customs of Prophet Muhammad (sunnah). Whatever is required in life, all the decrees that may be needed, and all others are present in the Islamic sharīʿah, and science of fiqh that studies it. More so, the answers to whatever is required by the conditions of the world are also present in Quran. Now, sustenance (rizq) is both for Muslims and non-Muslims in this world. But the situation is different in the afterlife (ākhira). So, to whom belongs to imāmah (leadership) in this world? Who deserves imāmah (leadership)? In other words, who deserves the rulership of the world? That is reserved for the believers (mu’mins). For this religion is superiority in the world. And that superiority belongs to the believers (mu’mins). In other words, the world should be managed by a staff that consist of true believers (mu’mins) who are able and skilled people. The subjection to Islam encompasses accord, and submitting your nafs (self) to Allah. The subjection to Islam encompasses accord, and submitting your nafs (self) to Allah. In other words, Muslims live under the command of Allah. Their nafs obeys Allah completely. So, you may wonder about what hikmat is. Sound science is hikmat (wisdom). Each commandment of Allah, Islam, and Quran is filled to brim with hikmat (wisdom). Sound deeds (amel), and sound science is hikmat (wisdom). And it is also hikmat (wisdom) when your words and actions are in correlation. In the 269th verse of Surah al-Baqarah, the traits of Prophet Muhammad are announced. [2:269] “To whom hikmat (wisdom) was given, was also given the most abundant good.” [2:269] “yuʾtī l-ḥikmata man yashāʾu,” the verse continues. [2:269] “But only the people who have intellect take lessons and think.” Hikmat (wisdom) is in-depth and beneficial knowledge. You see, in the same time hikmat (wisdom) is in-depth beneficial knowledge. That is why the commandments of Almighty Allah in Islam and Quran are filled to brim with hikmat (wisdom).


Time Stamp: 5:07


Another name of Allah is Hakīm (All-Wise, Ever-Wise). Nábis (prophets) and âlims have higher traits which are beneficial such as sincerity (ikhlas), justice, compassion, respect, dignity, generosity. This is why the trait of hikmat (wisdom) is stronger in nábis (prophets) and âlims. These attributes, or traits are higher traits. As for sincerity (ikhlas) it should be in all believers (mu’mins). But sincerity (ikhlas) is 100% in nábis (prophets). And âlims must have sincerity (ikhlas) as well. All âlims who act with their knowledge (ilm) has sincerity (ikhlas). They are just, compassionate, respectful, dignified, and generous people. More so, all of their works are beneficial for people. Their actions are for the better good of humanity. The following hadith is reported on the authority of Ahmad ibn Hanbal. Transliteration: Dâ’vetü Ebî İbrâhim’e ve Büşrâ Ahî Îsâ ve Ru’yâ Ümmî. So, what did our Prophet say in this hadith-i sharif which was reported on the authority of Ahmad ibn Hanbal. (Dâ’vetü Ebî İbrâhim) I am the prayer of Ibrahim (Abraham) Alaihissalam. For he begged to Allah, ‘Appoint grand figures from my offspring as imams (leaders). In other words, he prayed Allah so that grand prophets may come from his lineage in the future. Then, Janâb-i Haqq sent a Prophet, who is Muhammad, as the Prophet of Blessing upon all worlds. Allah sent Prophet Muhammad from the lineage of Ismail (Ishmael) who is son of Ibrahim (Abraham), as Prophet of Blessing upon all worlds. Ve Büşrâ Ahî Îsâ. He said I am the glad tiding of my brother Isa (Jesus). In other words, Isa (Jesus) Alaihissalam had heralded Prophet Muhammad. He told them Muhammad shall come, and they should acknowledge him from this day. He told them to accept the religion, and the sharīʿah (law) he shall bring right away. He told them to acknowledge Islamic sharīʿah (law) right away, and become Muslims. It is such a pity that the Christians and the Jews did not keep the promise they had given to Isa (Jesus) Alaihissalam and Bible. They did not keep the promise they had given to Isa (Jesus), Musa (Moses), and Torah. Both Musa (Moses), and Isa (Jesus) are prophets of Israel. (ve Ru’yâ Ümmî) Our Prophet also said: I am the dream of my mother. This is because in a dream his mother saw, they said to her, ‘You shall have a son, name him Muhammad,’. Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad. It is clear that the religion of the nation of Ibrahim (Abraham) is Islam which came with the Prophethood of Muhammad. It is clear that the religion of the nation of Ibrahim (Abraham) is Islam which came with the Prophethood of Muhammad. In other words, the religion of tawhid (monotheism) and hanif is the religion of Islam that Prophet Muhammad introduced. That is the same belief, same monotheistic (tawhid) faith. That is why we say that Islamic nation is he nation of all prophets. This is because they all had the same beliefs, values, and elations. Now, let us talk about the Islamic nation. This nation encompasses all nations of the past. And as the religion of all prophets were Islam the Islamic nation continues to be with the Islamic sharīʿah (law) that Prophet Muhammad introduced.


Time Stamp: 10:08


This is why, when we study these verses, we see that the nation of all prophets is Islam. All streams and seas (of religion) have poured into the ocean of Muhammad. And Islam incorporated them into its structure. And with a brand new sharīʿah (law), Janâb-i Haqq has manifested a brand-new order that shall last until the Last Day (Qiyamah). The word ‘safih’ means abasement, low, vile, worthless, and slavery. The word ‘halīl’ means friend. We have given the meanings of two words that were present in these verses. [6:75] “We have shown the malakut (wonderful creatures) of the heavens and the earth.” Janâb-i Haqq has shown him the grandeur of the dominion of malakut. The way to intellectual and spiritual istiqlal (independence) is shown via ilham (inspiration), and ihsan (excellence). When Ibrahim (Abraham) was at a young age, when he was a small child, he used to look to the stars, the Moon, and the Sun. He used to see the Moon, the Sun, heavens and earth. And he had said there is certainly a creator of all these. You see, he had found Allah via his own intellect. Dearest friends! Ibrahim (Abraham) Alaihissalam had said, “ʾaslamtu”. What does it mean? Islam had become the nation of Ibrahim (Abraham) starting that day. In other words, he had said, “I have submitted, I am a Muslim.” Midian and Madan were also sons of Ibrahim (Abraham) Alaihissalam. It is reported that he had somewhat 8 to 24 children. These are the sons of Ya’qub (Jacop) Alaihissalam. Rubîn, Şemûn, Lavî, Yahuza, Suhus, Zevulun, Zevana, Teftuna, Kevzâ, Uşîr, Bünyamin and Yūsuf (Joseph) Alaihissalam. The Israel who did not value the nation of Ibrahim (Abraham), listen carefully. In the fifth book of Torah at hand, and in its 11th chapter, Rabb Ta’ala said: ‘O, Musa (Moses)!’ in the language Musa Alaihissalam spoke. “I am appointing a Prophet from your ikhwan (fellows) just like you.” I shall take revenge from those who shall not listen to the kalam (speech) that he shall announce with My name. Janâb-i Haqq had said this to Musa (Moses). Janâb-i Haqq says Allah shall sent Prophet Muhammad, and revenge shall be taken from those who shall not believe him. Ibrahim (Abraham) Alaihissalam. Ismail (Ishmael) Alaihissalam. Prophet Muhammad (asw). Ishak (Isaac) Alaihissalam. Isve Ya’qub (Jacop) Alaihissalam. Istem Ayyūb (Job) Alaihissalam. Sons of Yūsuf (Joseph) and brothers of Yūsuf (Joseph) Alaihissalam. Islamic scholars (âlims) have explained the verses in Torah and Bible that are about Prophet Muhammad. Islamic scholars (âlims) have explained the verses in Torah and Bible that are about Prophet Muhammad. You shall be able to see these when you study the works of our most revered mufassirs (authors). You shall be able to see these when you study the discoveries of Fakhr al-Din al-Razi.


Time Stamp: 15:01


You can see them in the works of Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, al-Kashshaaf, Elmalılı, and al-Qurtubi, and others. Page 413. Surah al-Baqarah, 129th to 134th verses. You can look at the Arabic and Greek versions of it. Sorulacak! The following quote is starts from the Book of Genesis, chapter sixteen, sub section nine. An angel came to Hājar, and said, ‘You should return and submit to Sarai, you shall have a son, and you shall name him Ismail (Ishmael). He shall be the apple of the people’s eyes, and his hand shall be above people.’ In other words, the religion of Prophet Muhammad shall be spread to the east and the west. The coming of such a Prophet was pointed out. More so, the following is from the Book of Genesis, in the 20th sub-section. On the Mountain of Faran (Paran). By mentioning Ismail (Ishmael) and Mecca, by pointing to Prophet Muhammad. This part pointed out the Conquest of Mecca. And also pointed out to the pure ashab (companions) of Muhammad. ‘Rabb (Lord) came from there, Rabb (Lord) appeared there.’ The prophethood of Prophet Muhammad was announced to Musa (Moses) in Mount Sinai. The explanation is written in the Book of Haqq Huqq. Sorulacak! Let me explain. The doors of heavens shall open due to the value of Muhammad, and the earth shall be filled with hamd (praise). There shall be rays of light, and his county shall become glorious. The deaths shall walk ahead of him. Predators shall become soldiers of his, and encompass the earth. He shall detain all ummats (nations). Mountains shall bow down before him. The arrows of the jihad (struggle) be saturated with war. Rives shall rumble, and mountains and deserts shall tremble in fear. Floods shall give you way. The sun and moon shall rise non-stop. The declaration (bayan) of Quran shall shine. And with shining arrows, its armies shall rise, and save the world. This part is important. O, Muhammad! You occurred for that reason! The ummat (nation) shall be saved! The mankind shall be saved with you! O, Muhammad (saw)! It is also reported that in Scriptures that belong to the Christians it is said that Muhammad (saw) came for the salvation of ummat (nation), and Isa (Jesus) Messiah. You see, Al-Quran Al-Karim protects Isa (Jesus) and Musa (Moses). Keeps them under its protection, and objects to false accusations that are made against them. It is Prophet Muhammad, Al-Quran Al-Karim, and Islam that saved Isa (Jesus) from the accusations of Jews and Christians. Prophet Muhammad, Al-Quran Al-Karim, and Islam has objected to the wrong acts done to Musa (Moses). And it is Prophet Muhammad, Al-Quran Al-Karim, and Islam who saved Isa (Jesus) from the accusations of Jews and Christians. The Jews had claimed Isa (Jesus) was a walad zinā (offspring of illicit intercourse). And they did now acknowledge his prophethood. The Christians had also slandered Isa (Jesus), called him son of Allah. They slandered Maryam, and divinized Isa (Jesus). Al-Quran Al-Karim is fierce in objecting to these slanders. Al-Quran Al-Karim protects the true Isa (Jesus), and does not let anyone speak ill about him, or insult him.


Time Stamp: 20:04


The following is from the Book of Isaiah of Al-Kitab al-Muqaddas. Sorulacak! Give strength, and blossom! The time is near, karamat shall be born. Sorulacak! O, Mecca! Prophet Muhammad (salla Allahu ‚alayhi wa sallam) shall come. The world is dark, and covered in mist. The light shall shine! And Rabb Ta’ala shall send Muhammad (saw). O, Mecca! The world shall run towards you for pilgrimage (hajj). You are the mother of all cities. So adorn yourself, bounties shall come to you from the sea and land. Prophet Muhammad shall come! O, Mecca! They shall slaughter qurbans in you! Rabb Ta’ala. I shall do hamd (praise) for my glorious bayt (people). This hamd (praise) is the hamd (praise) that is done with the word ‘Labbayk – I shall stick to obeying You,’. “Labbayka -llāhumma labbayka lā šarīka laka labbayka ʾinna -l-ḥamda wa-n-niʿmata laka wa-l-mulka lā šarīka laka” This is from Kutub al-Sittah. These happened after the Conquest of Mecca. Polytheism (shirk) was mixed into the previous education (tarbiya). The Islamic culture had fixed that. The information about Muhammad continues in the first book of Torah as well. Dearest friends! Insha ’Allah, our lessons shall continue. We shall continue to convey information to you from the divine books of the past. We shall continue discovering the shining and life-giving verses of Al-Quran Al-Karim. Our life-giving lessons shall continue.


Time Stamp: 22:32


–          The End        –


Al-Quran Al-Kareem – Tafsir (Exegesis) Lesson 27


I seek shelter in Allah from the rejected Satan. In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most Merciful. Our life-giving lessons continue, this is the 27th lesson. Almighty and life-giving values of the Divine. Indeed, we are all in need of these life lessons. Janâb-i Haqq presents us the true and real life. That is why we have to know the truths. In Tafsīr-i Seman. In the first book of Torah, in Taqwin, in other words in its beginning. Meaning: Allah Ta’ala said to Ibrahim (Abraha): ‘I have accepted your prayer about Ismail (Ishmael). I shall make him a great ummat (nation).’ This great ummat (nation) is the ummat of Prophet Muhammad. The coming of Prophet Muhammad, who came from the lineage of Ismail (Ishmael) was foreshadowed here. You see, the life-giving Islam wells out from the heart of Prophet Muhammad. Janâb-i Haqq has introduced Prophet Muhammad to the heavens and earth, and all prophets. These are notes from Torah. We are giving certain notes about Prophet Muhammad. So, as regards to this verse, in the Greek translation of the Torah the following quote is present. Meaning: “The prophethood is not cut from us until the one that shall come arrives. And when he comes, sultanate and prophethood is cut from us.” Let us hear the bequest of Ya’qub (Jacop) to his children. O, my sons! The world is waiting for him – in other words Prophet Muhammad (asw). You see, even Ya’qub (Jacop) Alaihissalam gave the news of Prophet Muhammad to his children. The world is waiting for Muhammad, said even Ya’qub (Jacop) Alaihissalam. Again, the following is in the Greek version of the Psalm. Janâb-i Haqq said the following to Dawud (David): “O, Dawud (David)! After you, I shall send a prophet who has sharīʿah. His sun shall spread light across east and west. His first ummat (nation) is from the Arab. The world obeys him. His religious sharīʿah shall abide eternally.” You see, this was when Almighty Allah announced these to Dawud (David), which is present in the Greek version of the Psalm. Moreover, in all versions of Bible, Isa (Jesus) says: There come One after me was created before me. I am not worthy to stoop down and loose his sandal strap. This was from the Matthew. So, this verse also explains why a person named Mehmet Efendi became a Muslim in the reign of Sultan Ahmed. This was taken from his own book, explaining how he became a Muslim. And this is among the notes of Elmalılı. This is important. Let us see what Isa (Jesus) said in Bible. “He – points to Prophet Muhammad – who shall come after me, was created before me.” Prophet Muhammad was created before everyone and he was sent as the last Prophet. This is the taqdeer (divine decree) of Allah. Isa (Jesus) Alaihissalam also said the following. I am not worthy to stoop down and untie his sandals. In other words, Muhammad is such a grand Prophet. He is the Prophet of all worlds. Prophet Muhammad is not the Prophet of Israelites, Arabs, or Turks. He is the Prophet of all nations, and all universe.


Time Stamp: 5:01


He is the Prophet of the humans and the jinn. İmâmü’l haremeyn vessagaleyn. This is what is written in the Matthew Bible. More so, these verses in Bible conducted a man named Mehmet Efendi to become a Muslim. The following is from the Arabic translation of the Greek version of Bible. Isa (Jesus) said this to his disciples: “I shall go, and Paraclete – that Ruhul Haq shall come for you.” He shall not speak on his own. He shall speak with wahy (divine revelation). You see, this is from Yuhanna. See the 56th verse of Surah al-An’am. Also see the 3rd and 4th verses of Surah an-Najm. Let us see what Isa (Jesus) said here. He says, “That Ruh-ul Haqq shall come, and he does not speak of his own.” Let us see what Janâb-i Haqq said in Quran. [53:1] “wa-n-najmi ʾidhā hawā” [53:2] “wa mā ḍalla ṣāḥibukum wa-mā ghawā” [53:3] “wa-mā yanṭiqu ʿani l-hawāā” [53:4] “ʾin huwa ʾillā waḥyun yūḥā” See, the original of the word Isa (Jesus) said is given in Al-Quran Al-Karim. The prophets speak the truth. The Divine Books speak the truth. Al-Quran Al-Karim was not distorted. This is why all truths are in Al-Quran Al-Karim right now. If they did not distort Bible and Torah, the entire world would have been Muslim by now. Also, in the 15th verse of Surah Jonah they said, “Bring me another Quran, or alter it.” This Quran is not an ordinary book of yours. For another Quran you need to find another Allah! And Allah is One, and sent the Quran anyway. Paraclete, Şâfı and Müşeffa (intercessor – whose intercession is accepted) is an attribute of Prophet Muhammad. It means faruq (the one who distinguishes between truth and wrong). It means Şâfı and Müşeffa (intercessor – whose intercession is accepted). Lît, means investigation. So, Paraclete is also one of the names of Prophet Muhammad. The aforementioned meanings were from Greek and Hebrew. Who is referred to is Prophet Muhammad, and advocating otherwise is an error. You see, Paraclete was also mentioned as one of the names of Prophet Muhammad. It is also a sifat (attribute) of Muhammad. It also means Şâfı and Müşeffa (intercessor – whose intercession is accepted). And it means faruq (the one who distinguishes between the truth and wrong). And Paraclete is among the names of Prophet Muhammad. The aforementioned meanings of the word are from Greek and Hebrew. These verses are the ones that Jews and Christians distorted the meanings of, but the essence is intact. This is important, in these verses they only distorted the meaning but they could not alter the original text. There are those who read the Book correctly, and become Muslims in the end. In the 121st verse of Surah al-Baqarah these people are stated. Those who read the Book correctly, or rather, those who read Bible and Torah correctly. Those who read them without distorting the meaning or the original text, what did they do? They became Muslims. Even some of the rabbinists became Muslims, Abdullah ibn Salam is foremost among them. Those who have cognizance and reason are the ones who have read the Book correctly, and they acknowledged the authenticity of Islam. The following is reported on the authority of Abd Allah ibn Abbas (r.a.).


Time Stamp: 10:05


Janâb-i Haqq had given a covenant to Sons of Israel. Allah said, I shall send a Prophet from Ismail (Ishmael), and I will make him a great nation. I shall forgive the sins of whoever submits to him and affirms his light. I shall have them enter Janna (Paradise), and I shall give them two rewards. The first reward is for following what Musa (Moses) and other prophets brought. The other is for following what Prophet Muhammad, who is from the lineage of Ismail (Ishmael), and leader of a great ummat (nation). So, this is how Al-Quran Al-Karim validates the aforementioned matters. You shall see the evidence when you study the 52nd, 53rd and 54th verses of Surah al-Qasas. These verses narrate the People of the Book who accepted Islam. They follow what is sent before, and Quran as well. They say, ‘We are Muslims,’ and their rewards are double. They drive away evil with goodness. They spend their wealth in the way of Allah. In Torah, the birthplace of the last Nabī (Prophet) is Mecca, and his abode is Taibe, in other words, Madīnah. His property is in Damascus. Ummat-i Muhammadun, Ummat-i Hammadun. The nation of Muhammad, the nation of those who are very grateful. You see, in Torah, the birthplace of the last Nabī (Prophet) is Mecca. His abode is in Taibe, which is Madīnah. His property is in Damascus. Ummat-i Hammadun – nation of those who are very grateful. All of the nations of the past have heralded Prophet Muhammad before his time. This is quite important. All past nations have heralded the coming of Prophet Muhammad, before his time had come. Janâb-i Haqq told them to believe in him, and offered belief (iman) to them. More so, what did the prophets of all of the past civilizations say? They told their own people to believe in him, and they offered belief (iman) to them. The People of the Book had a covenant with Allah. They had given a promise, a covenant (misaq). The Book of Muhammad always start with “bismillah – in the name of Allah”. And Isa (Jesus) said, he shall not come unless I go. And he had taken a promise from them. You see, as the Prophet before Muhammad is Isa (Jesus), one of the primary missions of Isa (Jesus) was to herald the coming of Muhammad. Moreover, in the 1th, 2nd, 40th, and 41st verses of Surah al-Baqarah, the Jews are called to Islam. You should especially study the 40th and 41st verses. These verses call all of the Jews to Islam. These verses also call all Christians to Islam. Now, about the 134th verse of Surah al-Baqarah, it gives information regarding ummat (nation). So, what is an ummat (nation). It shares the same root with the word ‘imam’, and means the congregation (jama’ah) that follows the imam. Ummat is a community that makes a firm union around the imam, that consist of groups of people in an orderly way. You should understand the concept of ummat (nation) quite well. The owner of Ummat-i Kubra is the congregation (jama’ah). The congregation (jama’ah) who is the owner of Ummat-i Kubra consist of people of a predominant nation.


Time Stamp: 15:05


And, an ummat (nation) is a social community that consist of these individuals. This is a community of the grand ideal that accomplish great tasks excellently. They are the passengers of the straight path (sirat al-mustaqim). Genealogy is not enough. The faithful people and their lineage who follow them in faith shall enter Janna (Paradise) together. See the 21st verse of Surah al-Tur for the aforementioned verse. In the 39th verse of Surah al-Najm, Allah says that there is only his own endeavor for a person. Muslims should understand the concept of ummat (nation) well, that is why I shall repeat. You see, ummat is establishing a firm union around the Islamic ruler, and managing groups of people in an orderly way. This is important, we are talking about groups of people here. It is a must for the ummat (nation) to be predominant over all groups of people in the world. This is due to the might of Islam. The Islamic nation has to make Islam predominant in the world. Therefore, the ummat must become a community that is predominant over all people groups. The congregation (jama’ah) has the Imamet-i Kubra (Head of the State). In other words, ummat (nation) is a social community that consist of individuals of a dominant nation, who have congregation (jama’ah). They are an Islamic community. They are people of ikhsan (excellence), who achieve great works. This is the community of the divine ideal. In other words, Islamic community is a community of ikhsan (excellence). And what is ikhsan (excellence)? The meaning of ikhsan if as follows: They do good for the entire humanity, and they know Allah sees them. And they worship Allah as if they see Allah. You see, ummat (nation) is a community of Almighty Islam, and a mighty ideal. Ummat (nation) is passengers of the straight path (sirat al-mustaqim). The straight path (sirat al-mustaqim) is Islam’s own way. Genealogy is not enough. The faithful, and their descendants who follow their faith shall enter Janna (Paradise) together. In the 101st verse of Surah al-Mu’minun, Allah said that when Trumpet (Sûr’a) is blown there shall be no kinship, and no one shall ask about one another. Everyone shall strive for their own lives. See the 101st verse of Surah al-Muminun. Our Prophet said,… “You should not come only with your genealogy while other come with their good deeds (amel).” He said this to Banū Hāshim. He said, “Do not come solely with genealogies while others come with their belief (iman) and good deeds (amel-i salih).” Transliteration: “La ye’tininnasü bi ağmalihim ve te’tuni bi ensabiküm.” This was said by our Prophet himself. The religion, nation, and citizenship comes with a requirement of belief (iman). The religion, nation, and citizenship comes with a requirement of belief (iman). As for, the straight path (sirat al-mustaqim), that is Islam. Being descendants of a once great nation shall not save anyone. You may have been a grand nation once, but you have to be a grand nation in this day as well. You also need to make great works, you have to. And you have to be a great ummat (nation) in all ages. You see, now is the time to establish such a great nation, for you have fallen down.


Time Stamp: 20:08


So, rise up! You possess all mighty values. Embrace yourself firmly, and present the life-giving light to people. This straight path (sirat al-mustaqim) is the main way that encompasses the universe, and mankind. Islam is a divine poem of values that encompass the souls of all people. Islam is the divine laws. Islam encompasses Prophet Muhammad, and his ummat (nation). This ummat (nation) also incorporates the ummat (nation) of Ibrahim (Abraham) Alaihissalam. In other words, you are not in the ummat (nation) of Ibrahim (Abraham). His ummat (nation) is incorporated into the ummat (nation) of Muhammad. Islam is the perfect religion, that has incorporated all religions. And the Islamic nation is a great ummat (nation). And this ummat (nation) is the Islamic nation. You shall see these truths when you read the 135th verse of Surah al-Baqarah. Mabudiyat (Lordship). Water with yellowish dye. They immerse children in to this yellowish water, performing baptism. And they say, now this child is a Christian. You cannot fabricate a religion by means of water and dye. You cannot fabricate a religion by means of water and dye. True dye is the monotheistic belief (tawhid iman). You cannot fabricate a religion by practicing polytheism, and saying Allah is three, and saying Isa (Jesus) is son of Allah. That is what we call polytheism (shirk). You what is the true dye? The true dye is not the yellow dye in which you immerse children to perform baptism. The true dye is the monotheistic belief (tawhid iman), which is Oneness of Allah. The true dye is knowing the laws and orders of Allah, while being in the service of Allah who is One. And this is what we call Islamic sharīʿah (canonical law). Beware of the innate dye of the universe, and those who reside in it. Allah has given a color, a dye to whomever Allah created. That is, the religion is innate. You cannot fabricate a color with fake dye. Religion is innate. Belief (iman) is divine. Beauty and pureness is inherent. Allah has given a beauty, a color, a dye to you by birth. You see, the beauty in your creation is in that dye. Belief (iman) is divine. Religion is innate. Beauty and pureness is the one that comes by birth. There cannot be a religion or belief out of water and dye. These actions have no basis or source. Belief (iman) and Islam are the dyes of Allah, which is the best and most noble dye. You should not distort, or let anyone distort the dye that Allah applied. You should develop your Islamic character via Quran. The amplest soul, and view belongs to the Islamic community. This is important. The greatest soul and view belongs to the Islamic community. Islam embraces all nations. And incorporates all souls into its soul. However, those who do not accept the truth (haqq) exclude themselves. The true freedom of religion and conscience is in Islam. Abrahamic religions have come to this day by living inside Islam. In other words, all Abrahamic religions are Islam. They are within Islam. It is a great act of cruelty to keep the testimony as a secret. And what is that testimony? Recite kelima shadada (the word of oath/testimony) to Oneness of Allah who created you.


Time Stamp: 25:01


Say, “ašhadu – I witness” then join the ummat (nation), and say, “našhadu”. Perform worship to Allah as an individual. And say, “ʾiyyāka naʿbudu – We only worship to You” with your ummat (nation). You have given a promise to Allah, so keep it. You should not brag about the virtue of your ancestors without studying what is true (haqq) and what is wrong (batil). Islam is not a religion that passes from father to son. The religion of Islam is a divine religion. It is the religion of Allah. If your ancestors used to embrace Islam well, you should too. If they had not, then you should not fall into the same error. Prophet Muhammad had brought a new sharīʿah (canonical law) for a new nation. And this sharīʿah (canonical law) has renewed the old ones. Islam became the nesih (remover), and the others became mensuh (nullified). It is a principle of fiqh (jurisprudence) that as times change the decrees also change. This protected Islam from devastating and depressing reforms. You see, this is important. As times change the decrees change, and this protected Islam from devastating reforms. On one side, Islam relies on unalterable principles. But, on the other side, it relies on flexible rules that may change according to changing conditions of time. This is the characteristic of Islam that renders it alive until the Last Day (Qiyamah). In other words, it is open to new thigs in itself. New decrees for new circumstances and conditions are present in Islam. That is why ijtihad is valid until the Last Day. Qiblah means direction and a place to which people turn, in our case Kaaba Al-Sharif. Kaaba is the qiblah of Islam. A new sirat al-mustaqim (the straight path), and a new ummat, and a sharīʿah (canonical law) was introduced. But the Jews, the hypocrites (munafiqs), polytheists (mushriks), and others objected to this change, and nesih (removal, renewal). Islam is brand new. Islam renewed the past ones. As for the dissolute, they do not know about this truth. You shall see this when you read the 13th verse of Surah al-Baqarah. The sirat al-mustaqim (the straight path) is shrouded in mystery. This shows us its grandness and that it is new. This shows us that it shall never become old, and it shall always be ahead of all ages. As for hidayat (guidance) it is only bound up with the Divine Will. Allah guides whom Allah wants to this blissful and luminous path, which are the life-giving divine values. When Allah guides a person there are many hidden reasons behind this. So, hidayat comes from Allah. So, hidayat – guidance was only given by the Divine Will. It is this Divine Will that chooses the ones in the straight path, who assist them, who bestows upon them. This guidance appears in you according to your endeavor and wish. In the wahbi (bestowal) one, the servant wishes for guidance and endeavors for it, which is followed by the Divine Will. It is the Divine Will who has chosen Muhammad as a Prophet. No one can appoint themselves, or anyone, as a Prophet. The middle ummat (nation) is a central, equal, mild, canorous, clement, and good ummat (nation), which is the ummat (nation) of Prophet Muhammad (asw). “Shuhada” means martyrs, and Shahid means (martyr). These are grand people for whom it is witnessed that they are people of Janna (Paradise).


Time Stamp: 30:00


This is a trait of this ummat (nation). They are like a paradigm to other nations. They are like an exemplary ummat (nation). That is like martyrdom is a great rank in Islam. [33:21] “la-qad kāna lakum fī rasūli llāhi ʾuswatun ḥasanatun” The greatest example of fazeelat (virtue), and the greatest leader is Prophet Muhammad. This is why all people follow you. That is, if people abide by Quran and sunnah (customs of Muhammad). Otherwise, they will become prisoners or mandates of other nations. May Janâb-i Haqq aid Ummat-i Muhammad to become a united nation again, so they may rise up and bring peace to the world. May Janâb-i Mevlâ bestow this, and make this possible for us.


Time Stamp: 31:22


–          The End        –

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