Turkish English Tafsir Lesson 264-267

Turkish English Tafsir Lesson 264-267

Al-Quran Al-Kareem – Tafsir (Exegesis) Lesson 264

On the 124th verse of Surah al-An’am [6].


I seek shelter in Allah from the rejected Satan. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Hodja recites the original text of a hadith-i sharif, and then recites the 173rd verse of Surah al-Baqarah [2].

Dearest and most valuable listeners

In all these worlds, Janâb-i Haqq has only forbidden (haram) certain exceptional creations that harm mankind, and except those, Janâb-i Haqq has presented us servants (qul) endless and boundless halals and infinite bounties (nimat), along with a non-fading comfort to our eyes. This has been presented to humanity with Islam and the Quran. We have conveyed these to you in our previous lectures, and in the 173rd verse of Surah al-Baqarah [2]. In the 3rd verse of Surah al-Maidah [5], and the 145th verse of Surah al-An’am [6]. Janâb-i Haqq has explained the haram things, and presented endless and boundless halals in the world to mankind, and set a table of mercy and blessing (rahmat). Janâb-i Haqq also prepared the janna al-ala (greatest paradise), in which those who have faith (iman) and do good deeds (amal-e-saleh) shall abide forever. Janâb-i Haqq set a table of infinity and rahmat al-rahim for them, and that is a manifestation of Allah’s eternal mercy (rahmat) with faith (iman) and Islam.

This holy surah, be it Surah al-An’am or other surahs, these surahs are filled to the brim with wisdom (hikmat). This surah comes before in regards to chronological order, and others come before in regards to arrangement.

Beware of those who accept their own sweet desires and wants as standards! Those who disacknowledge the divine commands and divine standards and accept their own sweet desires and wants as standards call haram halal and haram halal, and they go astray. These are the ones who try to lead themselves and humanity astray and bewildered. Lightful Islam and Holy Quran are warning all people against them and all shaitans (devils).

Time Stamp: 3:42



–          The End        –


Al-Quran Al-Kareem – Tafsir (Exegesis) Lesson 265


As you know, sin is an evil verb. Evil deeds and evil actions are called sin. There are sins committed by limbs for example, such as unmartial sex (zina), rightful dues, and lying. These are among the major sins committed by limbs. There are also sins committed by the heart, for example if you have denial in your heart, or jealousy, and conceit, then these are the sins of the heart. They bankrupt the heart, and foremost among the gravest sins that send one to jahannam (hell) comes denial. Also, besides that there are other major sins such as jealously and conceit, which are among this type of sin. Now, Muslims should never have polytheism (shirk), conceit, denial, hypocrisy (nifaq), or other harams and sins.

Our beloved Prophet, Hz. Muhammad says the following.

Hodja recites the original text of the hadith below.

“Halals are defined, so are harams. The halals and harams are manifest.”

Hodja recites the original text of the hadith below.

“There are doubtable ones between the two.”

That is, our Prophet says there are doubtable things between halals and harams.

Hodja recites the original text of the hadith below.

“Abandon the doubtable ones, and look for non-doubtable ones,” he says.

That is, you should abstain from doubtable things so that you may save your religion (din) and faith (iman), and that you may save yourself from loss, and that you may complete your religion (din) and piety (taqwa) in that direction.

Now, Ata says, “The foods and drinks consumed without mentioning Allah’s name are not halal.” See, Ata is a grand figure and he is among our learned men. He is among people who have a say in scholarship (ilm). That is what he said, “The foods and drinks consumed without mentioning Allah’s name are not halal.” All other faqihs (experts of fiqh), and Ata in his view on another matter, says that this is valid in slaughtering animals as well.

These are narrated in the 145th verse.

This holy surah mentions it. Matruk al-tasmiyah means abandoning the basmala. So, if one does not mention Allah’s name while slaughtering an animal this is called matruk al-tasmiyah. Now, if a person forgets to mention Allah’s name while slaughtering an animal, then Ibn-i Umar, Ibn-i Sirin, and figures like Dawud al-Zahiri said that you cannot eat what he who forgot slaughtered. I will inform you of the views of high-level figures such as our mujtahids, our scholarly people, and our faqihs. See, it is said that even if one abandons mentioning Allah’s name by forgetting, according to Ibn-i Umar, Ibn-i Sirin, and figures like Dawud al-Zahir, you cannot eat what he who forgot slaughtered. These figures have said that, but others do not say the same thing.



Time Stamp: 5:05


As for Imam al-Shafi’i, he brought the most tolerant, easiest, and bare public interest here, and by preferring the exoteric (ẓāhir) of the 145th verse, he said that the animals slaughtered by Muslims or people of the book (ahlul kitab) can be eaten without basmala even if they forgot or don’t say it willingly. He says animals slaughtered by Muslims or people of the book (ahlul kitab) without basmala willingly or unwillingly can be eaten. That is, Imam al-Shafi’i. May Allah be pleased with Imam al-Shafi’i and others, and all of our Islamic scholars. So, are there others who share the same opinion with Imam al-Shafi’i? Well, figures like Ibn Abī Laylā and Al-Awza’i said the same thing, meaning they share the same opinion.

Now the 4th verse of Surah al-Maidah [5] clearly states, “mention Allah’s name over it.” Also, the 36th verse of Surah al-Hajj [22] says, “mention the name of Allah over them.” That is, Janâb-i Haqq says these in these verses. Reciting basmala is obligatory (fard) while slaughtering animals, hunting, and while cutting the throats of animals. Nobody should forget that basmala is obligatory (fard). Also, when you are shooting at game animals or as you let go of trained hunting animals, you should recite the basmala, and say “Bismillah-i Allah-u Akbar,” or at the very least, “Bismillah.” This is an obligation (fard), and it is also obligatory (fard) to recite basmala during animal slaughter or while shooting at game animals, that is clear. Abandoning the tasmiyah (i.e., basmala) is haram, that is not mentioning Allah’s name… Pay attention! It is haram to abandon mentioning Allah’s name. Neglecting the meaning of these verses is unacceptable, you should know that. Now, an ijtihad that contradicts the meaning of these verses is also unacceptable because if there is a clear provision (hukm), which is stated by a verse or a hadith, then that ijtihad will not be valid. If the meaning of the verse is ambiguous, in that case mujtahids have a say. As for haqiqa, see what Al-Imam Al-Azam says. Al-Imam Al-Azam Abu Hanife took great care and paid attention to the esoteric and exoteric of the verses. Let us see what Al-Imam Al-Azam Abu Hanife said, rahmatullahi alayhim ajmain. He said that if a Muslim willingly abandons tasmiyah (i.e., basmala), meaning mentioning Allah’s name, then it cannot be eaten. That is, intentionally. But if he forgets to mention then it can be eaten. This is more suitable to the truth. This ijtihad, and all other ijtihads are good, but this is more suitable considering the esoteric and exoteric of the verse. Imam al-Malik also said the same thing, meaning the Hanafites and Malikites share the same opinion, and they derived this opinion from the esoteric and exoteric of Al-Quran Al-Karim. As for Ibn ‚Atiyya, he said this view of Imam al-Azam and Imam al-Malik is public opinion. That is, public opinion gained predominance here, according to Ibn ‚Atiyya.

Those who forget are not called flagrant sinners (fāsiq) because it is not intentional. That is, the man forgot to mention Allah’s name while slaughtering the animal, or while hunting it, but it is not intentional, nor is he ill-intentioned. By consensus, he is not called a flagrant sinner (fāsiq). Besides, fisq is done intentionally. One intentionally does it. So, a person can’t be called flagrant sinner (fāsiq) or man of fisq as long as he has no ill-intention.


Time Stamp: 10:45


That is why those who act according to their own desires without there being canon evidence, and those who transgress beyond the divine limits are being threated, but by who? Janâb-i Haqq threatens them in the 119th verse. That is, without there being canon evidence… Let us get this right, Allah threatens those who transgress beyond divine limits and act according to their desires, warns them. We are obligated to abide by the command of Allah. We are servants (qul) of Allah, don’t you forget! Nobody can give meaning to these according to their own sweet will, but mujtahids have reached the summit of performing ijtihad, therefore Janâb-i Haqq has given that authority to the mujtahids. Even if a mujtahid is wrong, he still uses all his means, all his scholarly means, and all his physical and spiritual abilities in the way of his ijtihad. He uses all his effort, and performs ijtihad in order to find the truth and the pleasure (riza) of Allah. So, mujtahids have authority in this matter, and Janâb-i Haqq forgives them even if they are mistaken, and gives a reward. However, no mujtahid wants to give a wrong legal opinion (fatwa) by mistake. Yet they are still servants (qul), humans. They are human beings (qul). Therefore, they may not see certain aspects while thoroughly discovering hadith-i sharifs and understanding the verses inside and outside. That is why this may happen because even mujtahids are still servants (qul), and human beings. As for the Prophets, they are infallible, but mujtahids are not infallible, nor are the awliya. However, Allah still helps them and us, that is different.

Fakhr al-Din al-Razi says it is haram to state opinion about religion (din) by imitation. See, Fakhr al-Din al-Razi says that it is haram to state an opinion about the religion (din) by imitating someone. Therefore, if you are to speak about the religion (din), then you need to know the documents of the religion (din) and then talk about it. That said, knowing the documents of the religion (din) does not mean reading a translation somebody wrote. You need to know its original text and its meaning in a scholarly manner. You should also know whether what is written below them are right or wrong, and save yourself from imitation in this regard. Because let’s say someone made a comment on it, you should know whether they are the same. You should know whether the commentary is correct or not. Otherwise, you cannot blindly imitate someone’s writing without knowing whether he gave the full meaning or not. In order to arrive at the origin (asl) of knowledge (ilm), you need to know the Ilm’ul Usul (the science of logic), and the text and meaning of the divine sources, and know its scholarly system and methods, and be saved from imitation. In this regard, not everybody has the chance to get that degree, that is why those who lack the knowledge (ilm) in this level imitate the mujtahids. Besides, nobody can imitate someone below the degree of mujtahids. That is why you should give your utmost in regards to verses, hadiths, fiqh, kalam, ijma al-ummah. But as long as you are not a mujtahid, you should at least be able to back your words with the knowledge (ilm) of a mujtahid.


Time Stamp: 15:30


The word tasmiyah (i.e., basmala) is a general term that encompasses takbīr, tahlīl, tasbih, or reciting these in another language. For example, even if someone recited any name of Allah in any other language; if a person starts the slaughter by reciting a name of Allah, then this is also considered tasmiyah. It is okay if he recites that in another language. That is, the fard here is the tasmiyah. Tasmiyah means mentioning Allah’s name, ant not mixing-up someone else’s name. That is, to mention Allah’s name only. This may be fulfilled by takbīr, tahlīl, or tasbih, or by saying these in another language. For example, let’s say a person slaughtered an animal by saying “Allah is great,” in another language. Also reciting tahlīl, which is “لَا اِلَهَ اِلَّا اللهْ – there is no deity but Allah.” Now, let’s say he does not know about “لَا اِلَهَ اِلَّا اللهْ” but he slaughtered the animal by saying, “There is no deity but Allah.” Then, what he slaughtered can be eaten. He said, “Subḥānallāh,” and slaughtered; it can be eaten. However, what is fard is the tasmiyah (i.e., basmala). It is sunnah when basmala is recited during slaughter. So, what is basmala. It is, “Bismillah.” So, what is, “Bismillah-i Allah-u Akbar”? That is fazilat (virtue), and the most fazilatful (virtuous) is that. That is, most fazilat is in saying “Bismillah-i Allah-u Akbar,” during animal slaughter. Now, let’s say someone did not know this and said something else like takbīr, tasbīh, or tahlīl, or he only said “Bismillah”. Then it is okay because fard and sunnah have been fulfilled. And if he said, “Bismillah-i Allah-u Akbar,” then all fazilat has been fulfilled.

So, what is the sunnah in eating? It is, “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.” You need to recite the basmala when you eat. The basmala that you recite while eating, which is, “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim” is a sunnah. That is why everybody benefits in thoroughly knowing every matter in its own context with its own documents. Then again, we have mentioned these matters in our previous lectures. You may go back to our lectures on the 3rd and 5th verses of Surah al-Maidah [5]. That said, everybody may benefit profusely from our life-giving lectures with discovery notes on the knowledge (ilm) of the glorious Quran. Insha ‘Allah Ta’ala.

Moreover, there are inculcations of the shaitans (devils). They always inculcate wrong, evil, polytheism, haram, hypocrisy, and denial into the inner worlds of humans. Shaitans (devils) want you to object to the sharia (law) regardless of what. They inculcate people’s inner worlds through whispering (waswas). That is Iblīs (the Devil) and his troops. Iblīs is the chief of shaitans. Iblīs (the Devil) is at the helm of evil powers, he is behind the curtain, and before the curtain there are shaitans from mankind. Iblīs (the Devil), and all those who object to Allah and Allah’s principles are on the side of Iblīs (the Devil), they are all among his troops, and Iblīs (the Devil) has granted them a rank.


Time Stamp: 20:00


Iblīs (the Devil) and his troops; who are their friends? Their friends are human shaitans. Friends of the troops of Iblīs (the Devil) and his shaitans are human shaitans, and those who subject to them. Unless a Muslim is subject to Allah and Prophet Muhammad, and the commands and rules of Islam that he brought forth, he cannot save himself from shaitans or evil powers.

Ikrama, who is among the elders of Islam has a narration. The narration is about the Magians, and their friends are the polytheists (mushrikun). They have a friendship going on, meaning he says that polytheists are friends with polytheists.

See, the Magians worship fire, and certain polytheists worship various idols. Now, no matter what you worship besides Allah, and no matter to whom you subject to, it is your idol, and it is polytheism because monotheism (tawhid) is to worship only Allah, and to acknowledge Allah’s unity, Allah’s sovereignty, and Allah’s provisions (hukm). Otherwise, nobody can save himself from polytheism (shirk) unless he is like that.

They say, “Muhammad and his entourage (ashab) says that what is killed by Allah is carrion, and it is haram, but they consider what they themselves slaughter as halal.” That is said by the polytheists (mushrikun). They would eat carrion, and accept it as what is slaughtered by Allah, but they would not eat even what they themselves slaughtered. Please, pay attention! The meat of animals that are not slaughtered by Muslims or people of the book (ahlul kitab) cannot be eaten. The meat of animals that are slaughtered without mentioning Allah’s name, or by intentionally not mentioning Allah’s name, or by mentioning someone else’s name cannot be eaten. You should know it like this because Allah has no partners over bounties (nimat) as well. You have not created the animals you eat, and that is why you cannot mention anyone’s name except Allah. What you worship have not created it, rather it is Allah who created what you worship and follow.

That is why you cannot ascribe partners with Allah, nor can you ascribe equals, nor can you ascribe viziers nor rivals, nor does Allah have comparables. You should know Allah correctly, and don’t you ever mention anyone’s name except Allah because that animal cannot be eaten no matter what animal it is. It will not be halal either, no matter what you eat, because Allah is the possessor of all bounties (nimat). “Kullu nimatin minallahi,” meaning all bounties (nimat) are Allah’s, and they are from Allah.

“They think they follow the command of Allah.” Magians would write this to the polytheists (mushrikun), they would send news to them. See, an idolater and a magian can get along well, but people of truth (ahlul haqiqa) can get along as well, be it in the East or the West. People of faith (iman), people of Islam (ahlul Islam), people of knowledge (ilm), people of truth (haqiqa), people of learning (ahlul irfan), discoverers and people of science can get along well easily because Islam is the complete and eternal proof of the truth (haqiqa), it is the embodiment of the truth (haqiqa).


Time Stamp: 25:05


It is fisq (impious) to eat from it if Allah’s name is not mentioned. It is either polytheism, or a cause that leads to it. Besides, we have mentioned what happens when someone slaughters an animal by mentioning someone else’s name. It is also fisq (impious) to eat something without mentioning Allah’s name. It is said that it is either polytheism, or a cause that leads to it because the possessor of all bounty (nimat) is Allah. No matter what you eat or drink, mention Allah’s name first, and acknowledge the possessor of the bounty (nimat), and do not be ungrateful!

Do not worship the bounty before you by forgetting the One who created it, see the One who gave the bounty! Or, let’s say someone brought you something, do not worship the one who brought it to you, nor worship the cause that brought it to you. Rather, acknowledge the One who created the bounty and send it to you. No matter who brings it to you, the bounty belongs to Allah, and it is from Allah. The cause may be someone else, but it is Allah who creates the causes.

That is why beloved friends, expecting something from someone else and sacrificing an animal in his name is also like that. For example, if someone is sacrificing an animal directly to an elder, a lodge, or a turbah, and is excepting something in return directly from that elder, lodge, or turbah instead of Allah. Then they say they want it from Allah through them. Prayers (duas) are made directly to Allah. Requests are directly requested from Allah. Prayers (duas) are completely made to Allah, and you don’t say things like, “by this person’s right or esteem,” when you want something. Nobody has a right over Allah. They want things by someone’s right, that cannot be said either. However, you may say, “by the esteem of our Prophet Muhammad.” Because he has value, love, esteem, and fazilat in the eyes of Almighty Allah, so you may say, “in his name by his esteem,” but what is important here is not to deviate to other creatures (makhluqat), and to pray (dua) to Allah using Allah’s own names. That is the most acceptable approach. Pray (dua) by saying, “Allah.” Pray by saying, “ar-Rahman.” Besides, aren’t there verses in Al-Quran Al-Karim? Just take a look at our Prophet’s prayers (duas). See how our Prophet used to pray (dua) to Allah. See the prayer (dua) examples in Al-Quran Al-Karim. See, they always supplicate to Allah, and want things only from Allah.

Beloved friends, that person whose name you use may be a beloved servant (qul) of Allah, and he may be Allah’s friend. Yet nobody, including Allah’s friends are like Allah. Nobody can be like Allah, and this goes for Prophets as well. Now, even if you open your hands and pray (dua) directly to the Prophet, when that Prophet is to intercede (shafa’ah) for you, he will intercede (shafa’ah) for you by Allah’s leave. Unless the command and leave is from Allah, nobody has no chance of doing anything. So, why don’t you pray (dua) directly to Allah but expect things from someone else? You are actually disrupting the figure from whom you expect things. Allah’s awliya do not want you to do that. Allah’s walis (friends) and Prophets don’t want you to do wrong. No awliya wants to be divinized. Ignorant people and polytheists (mushrikun) do that. You should only request things from Allah. They became walis (friends) because they only worship Allah.  As for you, you should benefit from the knowledge (ilm) of others, but do not go to them and request things from mere servants (qul) as if they are Allah! Do you have the chance to put someone else in Allah’s place? Can there be anybody like Allah? Is that even possible?


Time Stamp: 30:08


Do not slander others the way they slandered Isa (Jesus)! Do not ascribe the slander and polytheism they did to others! What does a Muslim do? He acknowledges the awliya as awliya, but know that they are servants (qul) of Allah. You may benefit from the knowledge (ilm) of the awliya, and benefit from their teachings (irshad). However, you request things only from Allah because the Creator is Allah. Allah Ta’ala is the only Giver. If you are to request something, then request it by the esteem of Allah’s names. If you want to request something by someone’s esteem, then still request it by supplicating Allah. At least request it by supplicating to Allah. Do not supplicate to mere servants (qul), and do not request anything from them because you will fall into polytheism (shirk) and you will have placed someone else in Allah’s place, and you will have deviated to misguidance (dalalah). Do not throw yourself into such dangers. Do not destroy yourself. Do not ruin yourself.

There is no amnesty to polytheism (shirk), don’t forget. That is why expecting something from someone else, or sacrificing an animal in someone else’s name is also like that. You are to sacrifice animals only for Allah, that is one. And secondly, no matter why you are sacrificing that animal, you need to sacrifice it for Allah, and expect and request what you are expecting only from Allah. You should only request things from Allah. However, you may sacrifice an animal, and then gift it to the soul of a faithful Muslim, but still, you need to sacrifice the animal in the name of Allah, and then gift the reward (sawāb) that comes with it to the soul of a Muslim.

But you should not sacrifice an animal in the name of this or that person, nor an elder, nor a lodge, nor a turbah. However, you can sacrifice it only in the name of Allah and then gift its reward (sawāb) to a believer, a Muslim that you want. You may gift its reward (sawāb) to your father or mother, but you need to sacrifice it only for Allah, and not by expecting anything from a servant (qul). Get your head straight! It is not about being obsessed with elders, lodges, or turbahs. It is not about worshipping them. You should follow the way they used to worship Allah Ta’ala correctly by the Quran, sunnah, Islam, ijma, qiyas, in a way that suits monotheism (tawhid). Do not go astray and worship someone else!

Awliya did not become awliya so that people may worship day. No awliya says people should worship them, and no âlim says that, and no Prophet says that. Only polytheists and ignorant people do that. Can a Muslim be like a polytheist? Muslims cannot be like anyone but Muslims. The maxim of a Muslim is the maxim of Islam, its glory. The person who increases in value with the holy values brought forth by Islam is a Muslim. Muslims can’t be like polytheists, they should not be, and they should not be like anyone else.

Muslims should be like Muslims. Muslims should be like what Islam commands, and what Allah Ta’ala commands. His spiritual and bodily structure, outside and inside, and his personality should be Islamic. He should not imitate anyone because there is no imitation in Islam. That is only true knowledge (haqq ilm) and scientific and scholarly research, this gate of taraqqiyah (advancement) is open until the Hour because Islam itself is knowledge (ilm). You should, of course, show utmost respect to the knowledge (ilm) of an Islamic scholar (âlim) and benefit from him. One cannot worship the Islamic scholar (âlim), but may benefit from his knowledge. What makes an âlim valuable is his knowledge (ilm), but that is not for worship, rather it is for benefiting from his knowledge.


Time Stamp: 35:02


That is why Muslims never need to be like polytheists (mushrikun) or non-Muslims. Besides, you should warn them, because if they imitate them, they may draw away from Islam. They may deviate from right to wrong, and abandon the truth. Islam is right and reality, haqq and haqiqa. Besides, who are you imitating anyway? Have you found someone greater than Al-Quran Al-Karim? Have you found someone greater than Muhammad? Have you found someone greater than Allah that you are imitating people? The matter of knowledge (ilm) and learning (irfan) are among the most valuable factors that humanity is promoted to go after. Besides, knowledge (ilm) and learning (irfan) are among the primary elements that Islam commands mankind. The first command of Al-Quran Al-Karim was, “اقْرَأْ – read.” Just pay attention to the importance of reading. It is not reading or teaching if you don’t do it properly. You need to convey the meaning to your soul (nafs), and teach your soul (nafs), spirit (ruh), and body.

You need to convey the meanings of the truths to your heart and soul, and encompass your soul (nafs) with knowledge (ilm) and learning (irfan). That is what is meant by studying and teaching others. You need to know Allah, be at Allah’s command, and embrace what Allah calls knowledge (ilm). You need to embrace what Allah calls learning (irfan), truth and justice, mercy and love. There is knowledge (ilm) through made-up nonsense, rather you should endeavour to discover the Quran and the universe. Scientific and righteous studies are among the indispensable commands of Islam. What does Janâb-i Haqq say about the heavens and the earth? Allah draws attention to the heavens and the earth, says you should explore it, study it, and progress in science (ilm). Those who know Allah and continue their path with knowledge (ilm) are enlightened people, and they shed light upon all humanity.

Now, after conveying these discovery notes to you, we will continue to present to you the life-giving light (nūr) and its lessons, and the holy commands of Almighty Rabb (Lord), via the source of that light (nūr) and life. To find life, and to present the life-giving light (nūr) to all humanity and to work for the happiness of humanity is our indispensable duty.


Time Stamp: 38:40



–          The End        –


Al-Quran Al-Kareem – Tafsir (Exegesis) Lesson 266

On the 125th to 130th verses of Surah al-An’am [6].


I seek shelter in Allah from the rejected Satan. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Hodja recites the 125th, 126th, and 127th verses of Surah al-An’am [6].

“Whoever Allah (c.c.) wants to guide (hidayat); Allah opens his heart to Islam.”

Now, pay attention because Allah says, “يَشْرَحْ صَدْرَهُ لِلإِسْلاَمِ” which means “Whoever Allah (c.c.) wants to guide (hidayat), but what is guidance (hidayat)? See it is to attain true faith (iman), righteous deeds, true modesty, true light, true belief, and true Islam; and it is to be a recipient of Allah’s bounties (nimat) and graces (lutf). These are encompassed in being a Muslim. Therefore, it is said that whoever Allah wants to guide (hidayat), Allah opens his heart to Islam. Therefore, the guidance or hidayat encompasses mercy and blessing (rahmat), eternal happiness; and everything is encompassed by Islam. See, the verse says, “Opens his heart to Islam,” pay attention! Why did Janâb-i Haqq not say about opening the heart to something else? Do you think there is another religion (din) in the universe other than Islam? There is no religion (din) besides Islam, and we have mentioned in our previous lectures that the religion (din) of all Prophets have been Islam. Allah shows the truth itself and the luminescence of the light (nūr), gives life and sheds light, enlightens.

“And whomever Allah wants to lead astray,” now please pay attention. “Whomever Allah wants to lead astray; Allah makes his heart narrow and strained as if he were climbing into the sky.” Tightens it, and strains it as if he was climbing into the sky. See, that is what Allah does to disbelievers, leaves them in filth. Polytheism (shirk) is nothing but filth, so is disbelief (kufr), and hypocrisy (nifaq), and transgression (zulm) is also filth. So, if you want light (nūr), life, happiness, and truth or haqiqa, then they are in Islam.

Dearest friends, that is what Janâb-i Haqq says. See what Janâb-i Haqq says in the verse about them: “Whomever Allah wants to lead astray; Allah makes his heart narrow and strained as if he were climbing into the sky. Allah places disbelievers in the filth.” See, Allah places them on الرِّجْسَ – rij’s. Now, what does الرِّجْسَ – rij’s mean? That is, يَجْعَلُ اللّهُ الرِّجْسَ – Allah places them on the filth. Why? That is because they disbelieved. That is the punishment for disbelief. There is a punishment for it in the world. Souls are tightened, as if they are about to explode. Every disbelief (kufr), polytheism (shirk), and rebellion against Allah is like a bomb thrown into the heart and it shall explode therein one day. They are like harmful microbes; they shall erode you inside. They are like boiling fire which shall emblaze your heart. They are like buildings built upon bombs that shall explode one day.


Time Stamp: 5:05


Renounce your disbelief (kufr), your polytheism (shirk), your hypocrisy (nifaq), and your transgression (zulm). Stop exploiting humanity, bleeding them dry, bringing tyranny (zulm) upon people, and turn your face to faith (iman) and justice. Islam is the mercy and blessing (rahmat) of Allah, turn your face to it.

“And this is the straight path of your Rabb (Lord).”

See, Janâb-i Haqq is personally showing the way of Janâb-i Haqq, and we are trying to translate Allah’s holy verses.

“This is the straight path of your Rabb (Lord),” and the original text is, “وَهَذَا صِرَاطُ رَبِّكَ مُسْتَقِيمًا”.

“Certainly, we have explained the verses in a detailed manner for a people who remember and take admonition.”

Almighty Allah has explained Al-Quran Al-Karim in such a good way. Al-Quran Al-Karim has been explained in a truly unique and beautiful manner. That is why it is a sermon (waaz) and admonition of Janâb-i Mawla to us servants (qul). Allah is warning, and calling us from fire to paradise. Calling us from polytheism (shirk) to monotheism (tawhid) and faith (iman). Calling us from tyranny (zulm) to truth and justice. Calling us from Allah’s rage and wrath to Allah’s mercy and blessing (rahmat). See, all beauties are in the Quran and Islam. Allah is calling us to this life-giving light (nūr) so that everybody may be happy for eternity!

Allah is the possessor of infinite mercy. And as Allah is the possessor of infinite mercy, Allah manifested to the world with Islam. If mankind is running away from this mercy or rahmat, then they are to blame, and they have no chance to make excuses thereafter.”

There shall be an abode of peace for them, near their Rabb (Lord), and because of the good deeds they did, Allah is their friend.”

See, clearly there is peace in consequence of faith and good deeds. The abode of peace in the world is Dar al-Islam, and in the next world it is Dar es-Salaam, which is the abode of paradise, and the beauty (jamal) of Allah. It is the ultimate meeting with the pleasure (riza) of Allah. Can there be a greater sultanate, a greater bounty (nimat), or a state than that? People object to their Rabb (Lord) through simple worldly things and win the world, but destroy their afterlives (ākhira). They abandon the mercy and blessing (rahmat) of Allah and be struck by Allah’s justice, rage, and wrath. Is this a wise thing to do?

Now, let us see what Janâb-i Haqq says in the next verse.

Astaizu billah.

Hodja recites the 128th verse of Surah al-An’am [6].

The Unique, Holiest of the holy, our Almighty Rabb (Lord) says: “The day Allah will gather them all together, Allah will say to the jinn, ‘O the assembly of the jinn! You have misled many of the mankind.’.” See, that is what Janâb-i Haqq will say to the jinn and shaitans, or shaitans from the jinn. “And their friends from among humans will say, ‘Our Rabb (Lord)! We benefited from each other, and we completed our term which You had appointed us.’ Allah will say, ‘Your abode is jahannam (hell), to remain in it forever, except what Allah may wish. Indeed, your Rabb (Lord) is All-Wise, All-Knowing. Amantu wa saddaqtu.


Time Stamp: 10:25


That is, “إِنَّ رَبَّكَ حَكِيمٌ عَليمٌ” – “Our Rabb (Lord) is All-Wise and All-Knowing. The sovereignty that belongs to Allah is filled to the brim with wisdom, and the sovereignty belongs to Allah.

About the next verses…

Hodja recites the 129th and 130th verses of Surah al-An’am [6].

“Thus, due to the sins they have earned, We make some wrongdoers (zalimun) friends with other wrongdoers (zalimun).”

See, the wrongdoers (zalimun) are friends with one another. Shaitans are friends of shaitans. Polytheists are friends of polytheists. Disbelief (kufr) befriends disbelief (kufr). As for the faithful, they are friends of each other, and the friend of the faithful believers is Allah. As for others, they have objected to Allah, and became hostile towards Allah. That is, knowingly or unknowingly, they have been struck by Allah’s wrath.

Janâb-i Haqq, Allah (c.c.) says, “O the assembly of the men and the jinn! Did there not come to you Prophets from among you, recounting My verses to you, and warning you of the meeting of this day?’ They will say, ‘We bear witness against ourselves.’ The life of this world had deceived them, and they will bear witness against themselves that they were kāfirs.” See, in the great gathering (mahshar), every kāfir will testify against himself that he is a kāfir. Every wrongdoer (zalim) will testify his wrongdoing (zulm). Every hypocrite (munafiq) and polytheist (mushrik) will testify against himself. Besides, Allah bears witness, the angels bear witness, and all those whom are made witnesses by Allah bear witness. That is why mankind should live in the world with faith (iman) and Islam, and die with faith (iman) and Islam. That is the prayer (dua) of all Prophets.

Please listen to the prayer (dua)…

Hodja recites the original text of our Prophet.

Do you hear this prayer (dua)! Recite this prayer (dua) day and night.

Hodja recites the original text of another prayer (dua).


Time Stamp: 14:03



–          The End        –

Al-Quran Al-Kareem – Tafsir (Exegesis) Lesson 267

On the 131st to 140th verses of Surah al-An’am [6].


I seek shelter in Allah from the rejected Satan. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Just see this prayer (dua).

Hodja recites the original text of the said prayer (dua).

Just hear it! Do not stop! O servants (qul) of Allah, do not stop! Seek the ways of serving Allah. Explore the glorious Quran and Prophet Muhammad well, and be servants (qul) of Allah. Allah has stated how to be servants (qul) with Islam. Allah has offered us the sharia (law) of Islam, and tasked us with it, and told us to embrace being servants (qul). We are to embrace being servants (qul), and be happy forever. See, we will attain the life-giving light (nūr), and its happiness for eternity. One can be a servant (qul) the way Allah said. You cannot be a servant (qul) the way someone else says. Do you know what polytheists used to say about idols? They would say they worship idols as intermediaries, but they worship Allah. However, Allah stated that the most violent punishment will befall on them, and none of their doings have been accepted, nor will they be accepted. You need to have faith (iman) by having monotheism (tawhid) and Islam. And perform the worship that Allah brought forth with Islam. One can be a servant (qul) only the way Allah wanted. Janâb-i Haqq has made Muhammad an example. So, Janâb-i Haqq is saying, “I accept servitude the way My beloved Muhammad used to worship Me in regards to creed, doings, and morals, the way he lived Islam, and the way he showed it to you.” Says, “Subject to Muhammad, and come to me that way.

Hodja recites the 31st verse of Surah Ali Imran [3].

“Say, ‘If you love Allah, follow me; Allah shall love you and forgive you your sins, and Allah is All-Forgiving, All-Merciful.”

You need to subject to Prophet Muhammad. We shall serve Allah the way he served. We must follow the path he taught us about Islam. Muhammad is the teacher and the Prophet of the worlds. That is what Bismarck said. He said, “The whole world is Muhammad’s family and disciples.” He says about Prophet Muhammad (asw) that whatever the world has learned, it has learned them from him. See, there are people who has seen the truth among the westerners as well. That is why the world is far behind in science and social justice in the real sense, and they still could not obtain the whole of it. The world could not ensure faith (iman), social justice, peace and tranquillity yet. They made some scientific discoveries. Yet the world is still too far behind Islam. See, this is said by a French scholar. He said, “No matter how much progress the world achieves, it still cannot reach the civilization of Muhammad.” See, this is also said by a westerner. Roy is one of them. There are so many other people, but those who see the truth are the same. As for those who cannot, their hearts are sealed and their eyes are veiled.

Now, let us see what Janâb-i Haqq has said.

Hodja recites the 131st verse of Surah al-An’am [6].

“This is because, your Rabb (Lord) does not destroy the towns unjustly while their people are unaware.” See, Allah does not destroy the servants (qul) without warning them. Allah sends down Messengers, and sends down a Book; and many distinguished Islamic scholars emerge therein and Allah brings forth learned people who shall rule with justice. However, if a country, community, or a state resists in accepting the truth (haqiqa), then they are all destroyed.


Time Stamp: 5:08


People of Nūh refused to acknowledge Nūh’s sharia (law) and they were destroyed. People of Hud were also destroyed. People of Saleh were destroyed. Nimrod’s state, which was the world’s most powerful state at that period in time was destroyed in the face of Ibrahim (Abraham). Pharaoh was destroyed in the face of Musa (Moses). Tyrants like Shaddād and all the Pharaohs in the world who outburst, and they were all destroyed. That happened to those in that era, and those who belong to this era, and this will continue to be like this in the upcoming eras as well. One cannot fight Allah. Nobody can win a fight with Allah. See, one cannot fight Allah. That is pharaohship, that is foolishness… Nobody can fight Allah. Pharaoh was a powerful statesman, and he disacknowledged the decrees (hukm) that Allah has sent, and he fought Allah’s Messenger. What happened? He got destroyed, and went away. Where? He went to the depths of jahannam (hell), but he was also a servant (qul) of Allah. Allah wanted to save him, called him to the truth (haqq), and sent him a great Prophet. However, he disacknowledged that Prophet. Allah sent down a Book, but he disacknowledged it. He preferred his own rulership, and the Pharaoh he was outbroke, and he regarded himself a deity. He placed his own laws in the place of Allah’s laws. In the end, what happened? He neglected Allah and the Messenger. Then, Allah destroyed him in the world, and threw him in jahannam (hell). Right now, day and night, he is experiencing the punishment in the grave, and is being lowered in the Fire again and again. See, the Pharaoh is being introduced to the Fire, day and night, since the day he died. Read the Quran. Look it up, this news is given by Allah. This news is given by Allah, who encompasses all eternity (azal wa abad). This news is given by Muhammad, and Al-Quran Al-Karim. Reporters, media, broadcasts, written and visual media and others may make mistakes and they may write a false report. They may release right news or wrong news. That said, what Allah says, what the Prophet says, and what Al-Quran Al-Karim says is the embodiment of complete truth and reality. Get your mind straight!

Hodja recites the 132nd verse of Surah al-An’am [6].

“There are ranks for everyone in accordance with what they did, and your Rabb (Lord) is not unaware of what they do.”

See, Allah is not oblivious to what people do. Allah is sovereign upon all the worlds through knowledge (ilm) and omnipotence (qudrah), and encompasses everything in knowledge (ilm). You are being observed by Allah, and you still deny Allah even though Allah is seeing you. You do that as Allah sees you. Allah knows what you do. You are at Allah’s presence. Allah sees what you do, and you still rebel against Allah and commit haram. You get stuck in polytheism (shirk), and you rebel against Allah. The price of that will be too heavy. So, renounce it. Renounce your disbelief (kufr), polytheism (shirk), hypocrisy (nifaq), and wrongdoing (zulm). Stop being hostile to the Quran. Stop objecting to Allah, and denying Muhammad. Muhammad is not a self-declared Prophet. Allah send him as a Prophet. Allah sent down Al-Quran Al-Karim. It is Allah’s book.

Hodja recites the 133rd verse of Surah al-An’am [6].

Janâb-i Haqq says, “Your Rabb (Lord) is not in need of anything.” Allah is, “وَرَبُّكَ الْغَنِيُّ” Allah is uniquely rich, and is the One who makes rich. That is, “الْغَنِيُّ – rich.” Allah is “ذُو الرَّحْمَةِ – the possessor of rahmat.” See, Allah is the possessor of mercy.


Time Stamp: 10:30


“If Allah wills, Allah can destroy you, and make whomever Allah wishes succeed you, just as Allah raised you from the descendants of other people.”

See, Allah has destroyed many in the history, and brought others as successors.

That said, Janâb-i Haqq says the following.

Hodja recites the 134th verse of Surah al-An’am [6].

“Indeed, what you are promised is sure to come.”

That is, whatever Allah promised in Al-Quran Al-Karim shall surely happen. Whatever news Muhammad brought from Allah in the name of Islam has happened, is happening, and will happen.

“And you cannot thwart it.”

See, nobody can thwart Allah. Nobody can thwart the Quran. Nobody can thwart Muhammad because Muhammad is a Prophet at the command of Allah, and the Quran is Allah’s book. Islam is the order that Allah has established, you cannot thwart these. You ruin yourself the moment you deny that, that is it, you don’t do anything else but ruin yourself.

Hodja recites the 135th verse of Surah al-An’am [6].

Let us see what Almighty Rabb (Lord) says, “Say, ‘O my people! Work to the extend to your ability, I too am working. Soon you will know who will succeed in the end of the abode of world. Indeed, the wrongdoers (zalimun) never succeed.” See, there is no salvation for wrongdoers (zalimun)! Do you think you can exploit the rights of the innocent and the oppressed, and get away with it, is that right? And you will neglect Allah? You will neglect the justice of Allah, is that right? You will neglect the retribution of Allah, is that right? O wrongdoers (zalimun)! If you pity yourself even slightly, then renounce your wrongdoing (zulm), disbelief (kufr), polytheism (shirk), and exploitation. Do not shed people’s blood, and stop murdering! O the killers of this era, stop that! What is the source of this hatred where we can have faith (iman), justice, friendship, brotherhood, love, and peace? It is your disbelief (kufr), your wrongdoing (zulm), and your polytheism (shirk). It is your Iblīs. It is your evil cadres. It is your lodges. It is the lodge that the Shaitan has established in your heart. Ignorance produces things in there. The ignorance therein produces injustice (zulm), polytheism (shirk), disbelief (kufr), and it rains down bombs upon mankind, and in the end, it terrorizes humanity.  Renounce these if you pity yourself. Azrail (a.s.) has a list in his hands with your name written, and he is breathing down on your neck with his armies. He will take you away, but he is watching the hour, seeing whether your term has come to an end or not, and the moment your term comes to an end, know that Azrail (a.s.) is breathing down on your neck, and he will take you to Allah. The decision is yours! We spread (tabligh) the glorious Quran, so do not say you haven’t been informed.


Time Stamp: 15:00


No wrongdoer shall ever be saved.

Hodja recites the 136th verse of Surah al-An’am [6].

Let’s see what Almighty Rabb (Lord) says, “They assign a share to Allah out of what Allah has produced of the corps and the cattle, and they say, ‘This is for Allah; and this is for our partners.’.”

Do you see the division of these polytheists who ascribe partners with Allah?

“But what is for their partners does not reach Allah.”

Only piety (taqwa) reaches Allah. Nothing other than what is done for Allah in a sincere manner, what is done with monotheism (tawhid) reaches Allah. Others are not accepted.

“And what is for Allah reaches their partners.”

That is, they assign Allah’s right to their idols.

“Evil is the judgment they make.”

Janâb-i Haqq says, “سَاء مَا يَحْكُمُونَ”.

“Evil is the judgment they make.”

That is indeed evil, says the verse.

Allah has no partners, whatever there is and whatever we have in this universe belong to Allah. Allah has no partners. The dominion (mulk) belongs completely to Allah. All praise belongs to Allah. All that is good is in Allah’s hand, belongs to Allah. All bounty (nimat) belongs to Allah. What partner are you talking about? What idol are you talking about? Who have you divinized, to whom are you worshipping? Renounce this misconception, this wrong! Save yourself from polytheism (shirk)! Be a servant (qul) of Allah, and only serve Allah. One cannot worship Allah’s bounty (nimat) either. Allah has created valuable people, and when you make an idol of those valuable people and divinize them, you are actually doing the gravest evil against those valuable figures. You are slandering them, you are associating them as partners or equals with Allah. Do not do that!

Hodja recites the 137th verse of Surah al-An’am [6].

Almighty Rabb (Lord) commands, “And likewise, their partners made killing decorous to most of the polytheists that they may ruin them, and confound their religion for them. Had Allah wished, they could not have done that. So, leave them alone with what they fabricate.”

Do you see what is said here, just listen! The polytheists used to bury their children alive, they were killing them. The polytheists of this era are still killing people violently. In the Jahiliya Period, before Prophet Muhammad enlightened the world with the light (nūr) of Islam, in pre-Islamic times, they would bury their own children alive, especially girls, and they would even bury grown-up girls alive in deserts. They used to bury them in sand or throw them at wells and kill them.


Time Stamp: 20:06


Islam came to the rescue of mankind. No matter where they are, Islam came to the rescue of all wretched people. Islam embraced when with its mercy, gave women their rights, gave their rights to people, slaves, jariha (slave girls). Islam has given all humanity their rights and freedoms, and true justice. Muhammad (asw) has given these things. Al-Quran Al-Karim has given these things. That is, Allah Ta’ala has given these things to mankind. These have been given by Islam, the order Allah has established. If someone is leaving women ignorant, and using women for evil purposes, or enslaving humanity, or exploiting humanity, then they are the idolaters and polytheists of the current era. The evil things done to women, violation of human rights, and lack of social justice are the biggest disgraces of this era!

Nobody has the right to leave a part of mankind hungry and destitute. Nobody has the right to leave people as orphans, widows, crippled. Nobody has the right to crumble people and throw them to the side! Unite the powers in the world for peace! Unite them for social justice. Those who have the slightest conscience and faith (iman) shall do that. This shall happen adequately. The entire world belongs to Allah. Do you think Allah will not say stop to this injustice happening in the dominion (mulk) of Allah? Do you think Allah will not take revenge? Do you think Allah will let the unjust get away? Allah’s justice is unfailing. Allah shall take revenge and implement justice in the world, in the grave, in the great gathering (mahshar), and in the Last Day (Ruz-i Ceza).

That is why dearest friends, after commanding these in the aforementioned verse, Janâb-i Haqq says the following in the next.

Hodja recites the 138th verse of Surah al-An’am [6].

Our Almighty Rabb (Lord) says, “They said, ‘These are cattle and crops that are forbidden, no one can eat them except whom we please,’ – so they claimed – “and there are cattle whose backs are forbidden (for riding and loading).’ And they slaughter some animals without mentioning Allah’s name over them. They do all these by slandering Allah. Allah will punish them on account of their slanders.”

See, these are the non-sensical fabrications of the polytheists that they dedicate to their idols. Islam is against all nonsense, there is truth and reality (haqq wa haqiqa). So, what is true knowledge (haqq ilm) that Allah brought forth? These are the documents of Islam, which are the divine revelation (wahy-i ilahi), the divine book, and the values that the Prophet brought forth with them, along with scientific studies. The studies that bid what is beneficial and defy what is harmful. No matter how much wrong fallacies there are, Islam denies every single one of them. Islam is but a complete reality (haqiqa).

After announcing these, Janâb-i Haqq says the following in the next verse.


Time Stamp: 25:00


Hodja recites the 139th verse of Surah al-An’am [6].

“They say, ‘What is in the wombs of these cattle is only for our males, and haram on our spouses.” See the mentality of idolaters and polytheists. “But if it is born dead, then they all are partners in it. Allah will punish them for their attribution. Indeed, Allah is All-Wise, All-Knowing.”

This idolater and polytheist mindset that disacknowledges the Real (al-Haqq) does not accept the reality (haqiqa). They insist on their polytheism (shirk) here, and they attack the Real (al-Haqq). So, what does Janâb-i Haqq do? Says, Allah will punish them for it. That is, “I have given their punishment, and I will continue to do so,” because Allah is All-Wise, and All-Knowing.

Amenna wa saddaqna.

Janâb-i Haqq commands the following next.

Hodja recites the 140th verse of Surah al-An’am [6].

“Those who slay their children foolishly without knowing, and forbid wat has been provided to them by Allah by inventing lies against Allah certainly have lost. They have gone astray, and they will not find guidance.”

This is because they don’t accept the truth guidance. Islam and Al-Quran Al-Karim are hidayat. They are guides, light (nūr), mercy and blessing (rahmat). It is spirit (ruh), and gives life. Another name of Al-Quran Al-Karim is ruh, and it gives life. It is also light (nūr), enlightens. Islam encompasses all eternal bliss.


Time Stamp: 27:53



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